Ice Apocalypse

Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 10. March 2023

Noslēdzies Viedās pilsētas klastera projekts

  2022. gada gada 31. decembrī noslēdzās Viedās pilsētas klastera projekts Nr. Projekta aktivitātes tika īstenotas laika periodā no 2017. gada 13. februāra līdz 2022. gada 31. decembrim. Līgumā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 07. November 2022

Pasīvo ēku atvērtās durvju dienas 2022

Viedās pilsētas klasteris aicina piedalīties Pasīvo ēku atvērtajās durvju dienās 2022! No 2022. gada 11. novembra līdz 13. novembrim visā Latvijā noritēs Pasīvo ēku atvērtās durvju dienas, kuru mērķis ir[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 01. September 2022

Viedās pilsētas klastera projekts tiek pagarināts līdz 2022. gada decembrim

2022. gada augustā ir parakstīti līguma Nr. grozījumi Nr. 10 par projekta īstenošanas termiņa pagarinājumu. Projekta īstenošanas termiņš ir pagarināts līdz 2022. gada 31. decembrim. Līdz projekta īstenošanas beigām[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 07. July 2022

Viedās pilsētas klasteris piedalīsies Rīgas energoefektivitātes fonda koncepta izstrādē

Viedās pilsētas klasteris sadarbībā ar biedrību “Passive House Latvija” piedalīsies kopīgā darba grupā, kuras uzdevums ir veikt “Rīgas energoefektivitātes fonda” (REEF) koncepta un biznesa modeļa izstrādi. Darba grupa nodarbosies ar[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 28. June 2022

Viedās pilsētas klastera projekta aktivitātes

Viedās pilsētas klastera projekta ietvaros ir izstrādāts “zaļo” automobiļu reģistrācijas vizuālais pārlūks, izmantojot Ceļu satiksmes drošības direkcijas datus. Risinājums ļauj analizēt datus par “zaļajiem” automobiļiem, balstoties uz tādiem parametriem kā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 16. March 2022

Viedās pilsētas klastera projekts tiek pagarināts līdz 2022. gada jūnijam

Centrālā finanšu un līgumu aģentūra ir apstiprinājusi projekta “Viedās pilsētas klasteris” (projekta Nr. projekta īstenošanas termiņa pagarināšanu līdz 2022. gada 30. jūnijam. 2022. gada 16. martā stājās spēkā līguma[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 22. December 2021

Viedās pilsētas kalsteris veic pētījumu par - Transporta nodokļu politiku, likumdošanu un tās piemērošana Eiropas valstīs

Viena no Viedās pilsētas klastera aktivitātēm ir viedās mobilitātes veicināšana. Lai to sekmētu, tika izstrādāts apjomīgs pētījums par transporta nodokļu politiku un tās piemērošanu Eiropas valstīs. 
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 27. September 2021

Elektromobilitātes portāls Ripo Zaļi

Ceļā uz klimatneitralitāti izmešu samazinājums transportā ir viens no lielākajiem izaicinājumiem, jo tieši vieglās automašīnas ir lielākais izmešu radītājs. Lai to mainītu, nepieciešams mainīt ne tikai transporta infrastruktūru, bet arī[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bez kategorijas, 15. July 2021


COVID-19 pandēmija būtiski un neatgriezeniski ir mainījusi veidu, kā arī Latvijas uzņēmumi veicina savas produkcijas un pakalpojumu noietu ārvalstīs. Klātienes izstāžu un konferenču nozīme jaunu biznesa kontaktu dibināšanā ir būtiski[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 11. May 2021

Rīgā veidos trīs viedpilsētas tehnoloģiju pilotteritorijas

Rīgas domes Pilsētas attīstības komiteja trešdien, 5. maijā, atbalstīja lēmumprojektu par trīs viedpilsētas tehnoloģiju testēšanas jeb pilotteritoriju izveidošanu galvaspilsētā. Tādas plānots attīstīt VEF apkaimē, Latvijas Universitātes ēku kompleksa teritorijā Torņakalnā,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 11. May 2021

Latvijā saražoti pirmie elektriskie mikroautobusi pasažieru pārvadāšanai

Auto pārbūves uzņēmums SIA “Electrify Ventspils” pasažieru pārvadāšanas vajadzībām ir uzbūvējis pirmos elektriskos mikroautobusus, un to pārbūves darbi tiek pilnībā veikti Latvijā. Kopējās investīcijas projektā ir 4,4 miljoni eiro, no[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 06. May 2021

Vīzija par ventilācijas sistēmu attīstību Rīgas skolās un bērnudārzos

06.05.2021. Viedās pilsētas klastera projekta koordinators Krišjānis Kalnciems piedalījās Rīgas pilsētas pašvaldības Nekustamā īpašuma reformas darba grupas sēdē un kopā ar citiem ekspertiem prezentēja vīziju par ventilācijas sistēmu attīstību izglītības[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 23. March 2021

Klasteris atbalsta un piedalās Koka būvniecības konferencē

23.03.2021. Viedās pilsētas klasteris sadarbībā ar Dienas Bizness, Ekonomikas ministriju, “Mitek Baltic” un “Koka dienām”, organizēja un piedalījās digitālajā konferencē “Koka būvniecība Latvijā – attīstības iespējas un izaicinājumi”. Konferencē piedalījās[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bez kategorijas, 17. February 2021

Viedās pilsētas klastera projekts tiek pagarināts līdz 21.gada beigām

Viedās pilsētas klasteri, tāpat kā visu sabiedrību un uzņēmējdarbību, būtiski skāra COVID-19 pandēmija, kas turpinājās visu 2020.gadu kopš ārkārtējās situācijas izziņošanas 12.martā. Īpaši smagi klājās Latvijas auto nozarei, bet arī[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 11. February 2021

Privātmāju īpašniekiem būs pieejams atbalsts māju atjaunošanai un energoefektivitātes uzlabošanai

Apstiprinātie noteikumi nosaka atbalsta programmas īstenošanas kārtību, atbalsta piešķiršanas nosacījumus, finansējumu un atbalsta nosacījumus viena dzīvokļa dzīvojamo māju atjaunošanai un energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanai. “Pirmo reizi atbalsts energoefektivitātes pasākumu īstenošanai būs pieejams[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 09. February 2021

“Rīgas satiksme” testēs ar ūdeņradi darbināmu autobusu

No  6. februāra līdz 13. februārim “Rīgas satiksme” testēs uzņēmuma “Solaris Bus & Coach” ar ūdeņradi darbināmu autobusu. Autobuss veiks pasažieru pārvadājumus regulārajos reisos un kursēs 55.  autobusa maršrutā “Abrenes[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 03. February 2021

Ar viedajām tehnoloģijām kontrolēs satiksmes plūsmu un autovadītājus

Aprīlī Jelgavā tiks uzsākts pētījums, lai, izmantojot viedās tehnoloģijas, vēl detalizētāk pētītu satiksmes plūsmu pilsētas centrā un fiksētu gadījumus, kad pa Lielo ielu neatļauti pārvietojas kravas transportlīdzekļi vai autostāvvietās mašīnas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 29. December 2020

Trīs Latvijas uzņēmumi Dānijā būvēs elektroauto uzlādes stacijas no līmētā koka

Trīs Latvijas uzņēmumi – “IKTK”, “Rodentia” un “Igate Būve” īstenojuši inovatīvu “zaļo risinājumu”, no līmētā koka ražojot un uzbūvējot modernu elektroauto uzlādes staciju Dānijā, informē uzņēmumu pārstāvji. Stacija būvēta pēc Dānijas elektroauto[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 29. December 2020

Latvijas uzņēmums sola atkritumu šķirošanu padarīt par aizraujošu digitālu procesu

Latvijas informācijas tehnoloģiju uzņēmums “WinGo Deposit” ir saņēmis kārtējo starptautisko atzinību – atbalsta finansējumu tālākai inovatīvās atkritumu šķirošanas iekārtas attīstībai. “WinGo” ir radījis inovatīvu iekārtu, kas ar mākslīgā intelekta risinājuma[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. November 2020

Latvijā straujākais elektroauto skaita pieaugums ES

Šogad trīs ceturkšņos Latvijā reģistrēto elektroauto skaits, salīdzinot ar attiecīgo periodu pērn, palielinājies par 328%, kas ir straujākais elektroauto skaita pieaugums Eiropas Savienībā (ES), liecina Igaunijas uzņēmuma “ Marketplaces” apkopotā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 17. November 2020

Grieķijas valdība nolēmusi veselu salu pārvērst par elektroauto, zaļās enerģētikas un ekoloģiskā tūrisma oāzi. Lielākais ieguvējs būs Vācijas koncerns "Volkswagen".

ecerēts, ka Astipalejas salā Egejas jūras dienvidaustrumos nebūs iekšdedzes auto ar izplūdes gāzēm, visu elektroenerģiju saražos vēja ģeneratori un saules baterijas. Grieķija pirmo “viedās zaļās salas” (“Smart Green Island”) projektu plāno[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 14. October 2020

Viedās pilsētas klasteris piedalās Altum organizētajā“Energoforumā 2020”

14.10.2020. Klastera projekta koordinators Krišjānis Kalnciems ar prezentāciju “7 mīti ar elektroauto” 2020. gada 14. oktobrī uzstājās Altum organizētajā “Energoforumā 2020”. Savā prezentācijā Kr. Kalnciems pievērsās vairākiem būtiskiem sabiedrībā pastāvošiem[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 08. October 2020

Rosina zemizmešu automašīnām nepiemērot nodokļus

Auto asociācija, Latvijas Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības kamera (LTRK) un Latvijas Darba devēju konfederācija (LDDK) Saeimas Budžeta un finanšu (nodokļu) komisijas Nodokļu politikas apakškomisijas sēdē aicināja, veicot plānotās Transporta nodokļa likmju[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 08. October 2020

Vadošie nozares dalībnieki vienojas par elektromobilitātes veicināšanu

Ceturtdien, 1. oktobrī, “Latvenergo” un Ceļu satiksmes drošības direkcija (CSDD), kā arī koplietošanas pakalpojumu uzņēmumi “Fiqsy”, “Carguru” un “CityBee” kopīgā memorandā vienojās par elektromobilitātes veicināšanu Latvijā, attīstot datos balstītu infrastruktūru.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 14. September 2020

Ekspertu diskusijā izkristalizējas elektromobilitātes mērķu sasniegšanas balsta punkti

Lai sasniegtu Eiropas Savienības (ES) mērķus elektromobilitātes attīstībā, Latvijā ir strauji jāveicina elektrouzlādes infrastruktūras izveide, un tas nebūs iespējams bez valsts atbalsta, un liela nozīme ir arī Eiropas fondiem, secināja diskusijas “Uzlādes tīkls savieno[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 26. August 2020

Igaunijā gatavo pilotprojektu rūpnieciskai daudzdzīvokļu ēku renovācijai

Igaunijas Ekonomikas un infrastruktūras ministrija un valsts kredītu un eksporta garantiju aģentūra “KredEx” gatavo pilotprojektu, kas radītu nosacījumus rūpnieciskai daudzdzīvokļu ēku renovācijai un šā procesa izmaksu samazināšanai. Ar valsts atbalstu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 26. August 2020

Elektrum: līdz būtiskam elektroauto skaita pieaugumam vien daži gadi

Apritējis gads, kopš Rīgā, Uzvaras bulvārī 7, Pulkveža Brieža ielā 12 un Jūrmalā, Jomas ielā 4 darbu sāka Elektrum elektroauto uzlādes stacijas. Tajās tiek nodrošināta gan ierastās ātrās 50kW līdzstrāvas stacijas, gan pilsētai[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 20. August 2020

'Latvenergo' veido lielāko elektroauto uzlādes staciju tīklu valstī

Pirms gada “Latvenergo” ar tirdzniecības zīmolu “Elektrum” atklāja uzņēmumā pirmās komerciālās elektroauto uzlādes stacijas. Turpinot attīstību un līdz 2021. gada nogalei atklājot vismaz 84 pieslēgvietas, “Elektrum” būs lielākais komerciālais elektroauto[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 17. August 2020

Zemgalē kursēs bezpilota autobuss

Pirmo reizi Latvijā – augustā Jelgavā un septembrī Aizkrauklē – divas nedēļas kursēs bezpilota autobuss, kuru Zemgales Plānošanas reģions (ZPR) atvedis, īstenojot projektu “Baltijas jūras reģiona sadarbība pārejai uz videi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 17. August 2020

Ogrē uzstāda Latvijā pirmo viedo solu

Pie Ogres Mūzikas skolas uzstādīts jauns infrastruktūras objekts – viedais sols, kas pilnībā darbojas uz saules paneļiem un ir pirmais šāda veida objekts, kas uzstādīts kādā no pašvaldībām Latvijā. Viedais[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. July 2020

Fiqsy startē elektroauto koplietošanas tirgū

Jau šonedēļ Rīgas ielās sāks ripot 100 koplietošanas pakalpojuma sniedzēja “Fiqsy” elektroauto – šis ir nākamais solis kompānijas vīzijā par mobilitātes risinājumu dažādām vajadzībām. Finanšu institūcijas “Altum” Zaļo grantu programmas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. July 2020

VEF apkaimē atklās Latvijā pirmo mobilitātes punktu

Trešdien, 1. jūlijā, plkst.10 pretī VEF kultūras pilij, Ropažu ielā 10 tiks atklāts Rīgā un Latvijā pirmais mobilitātes punkta prototips – VEF mobilitātes punkts. Mobilitātes punktu izveidojusi Rīgas enerģētikas aģentūra[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 01. July 2020

Latvijas uzņēmums izveidojis lielāko koplietošanas elektroauto parku Baltijā

Latvijas uzņēmums “Fiqsy” ar “Altum” finansējumu izveidojis lielāko koplietošanas elektroauto parku Baltijā, informē “Altum”. Attēlā “Renault Zoe” elektromobilis. “Altum” 2018. gadā emitēja zaļās obligācijas, piesaistot 20 miljonus eiro. “Zaļās” programmas mērķis[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 17. June 2020

Eksperts: Latvijā nepieciešams attīstīt elektroauto uzlādes staciju tīklu

Latvijā nepieciešams attīstīt elektroauto uzlādes staciju tīklu, lai veicinātu elektroauto tirgus straujāku attīstību un ērtāku braukšanu elektroauto vadītājiem, vebinārā “Cik gatavi esam elektrotransportam?” sacīja Eiropas Komisijas (EK) pārstāvniecības Latvijā ekonomikas padomnieks Mārtiņš[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bez kategorijas, 09. June 2020

Talsos taps viedās mājas prototips

Talsu uzņēmums AE Lux radīs pirmās gudrās mājas prototipu Ziemeļeiropā. Gudro māju būs iespējams klātienē aplūkot ikvienam interesantam, kā arī izmēģināt tehnoloģiju iespējas viedajā mājā. Gudrā jeb viedā māja dod iespēju kontrolēt visas ierīces mājā,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 09. March 2020

Cik drīz elektroauto kļūs par iedzīvotāju pirmo izvēli?

Cik drīz elektroauto kļūs par iedzīvotāju pirmo izvēli? Arvien vairāk iedzīvotāju izvēlas elektroauto kā savu ikdienas pārvietošanās līdzekli, un ir skaidrs, ka šādu automašīnu skaits tikai pieaugs. Jautājām ekspertam –[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. March 2020

Luksemburga no sestdienas visā valstī ievieš bezmaksas sabiedrisko transportu

Valdībai cīnoties pret hroniskajiem ceļu satiksmes sastrēgumiem, Luksemburgā no sestdienas sabiedriskais transports būs bez maksas. Vairākas pilsētas jau ir ieviesušas bezmaksas sabiedrisko transportu, bet šī ir pirmā reize, kad tas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 21. February 2020

Pēc siltumnīcefekta mazināšanas plāna 2030.gadā Latvijā būtu jābūt 18 000 elektroauto

Viens no plānotajiem siltumnīcefekta gāzu (SEG) emisijas samazināšanas pasākumiem transporta nozarē ir videi draudzīga transporta izmantošanas veicināšana un šī pasākuma mērķis tiks sasniegts, ja 2030.gadā Latvijā būs 18 000 elektroauto,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 04. February 2020

Virši-A atver CNG uzpildes staciju Rīgā

Veicinot alternatīvās degvielas izmantošanu un attīstot saspiestās dabasgāzes (CNG) pieejamību, pašmāju degvielas tirgotājs “Virši-A” atver otro CNG spēka uzpildes staciju Latvijā – Rīgā, Lubānas ielā. Patlaban Latvijā ir pieejamas jau[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 04. February 2020


Transporta nozare ir Latvijas tautsaimniecības asinsrite, un meklēt efektīvākos un tīrākos enerģijas veidus šobrīd ir gan viens no valsts uzdevumiem, gan pašu uzņēmēju interese un iniciatīva.Kas ir jādara, lai veicinātu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 04. February 2020

'Latvenergo' paplašina elektroauto uzlādes iespējas mājsaimniecībām

Turpinot elektromobilitātes pakalpojumu ieviešanu, AS “Latvenergo” ar tirdzniecības zīmolu “Elektrum” ir uzsācis elektromobiļu uzlādes iekārtu mājsaimniecībām tirdzniecību. Tās ļauj veikt uzlādi vismaz divas reizes ātrāk, nekā izmantojot rozeti. Līdz šim[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 04. February 2020

Dagdas skvērā varēs no saules uzlādēt telefonu

Dagdas novada pašvaldība piedalīsies projektu konkursā, lai iegūtu finansējumu divu soliņu ar ierīču uzlādes iespējām uzstādīšanai skvērā. Uzlāde būtu iespējama, izmantojot saules enerģiju. Viedo solu uzstādīšana ir pirmais solis viedo[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 24. January 2020

Pie Tartu gājēju pārejām izmēģina viedās ceļa zīmes

Pagaidām viedās brīdināšanas sistēmas strādā izmēģinājuma režīmā, bet, ja izrādīsies, ka jaunievedums attaisnojas, ar to aprīkos vēl astoņas pārejas dažādās Igaunijas otrās lielākās pilsētas vietās. Viedās pārejas darbojas vienkārši –[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 17. January 2020

'Toyota' iegulda 400 miljonus dolāru lidojoša taksometra izstrādē

Autoražotājs “Toyota” veicis kārtējās investīcijas kompānijā “Joby Aviation”, kas nodarbojas ar lidojoša taksometra izstrādi. Japāņu autoražotājs piešķīris tai 394 miljonu ASV dolāru (353 miljoni eiro) finansējumu. Kad jau gatavs lidojošais[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bez kategorijas, 06. January 2020

Elektroauto tirdzniecība Norvēģijā pērn sasniegusi nebijušus augstumus

Jaunu elektrisko automobiļu tirdzniecība Norvēģijā pērn sasniegusi jaunu rekordaugstu līmeni, tiem veidojot 42,4% no visiem pagājušajā gadā reģistrētajiem jauniem automobiļiem, norāda valsts automašīnu tirgu uzraugošā grupa OFV. Pērn Norvēģijā pārdoti[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 03. January 2020

Carguru šogad pāriet nākamajā līmenī

Auto koplietošanas platformas “Carguru” šā gada lielākais sasniegums un izaicinājums bija parēja uz jaunu IT platformu. “Tas nebija viegli – faktiski vajadzēja strādājošo mehānismu pārcelt no vecā “ķermeņa” uz jauno[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 22. November 2019

Enerģijas risinājumu ideju birums

Enefit Idea Hub Baltijas grantu konkursam šogad iesniegti 226 pieteikumi, vairāk nekā trešā daļa – no ārvalstīm. Konkursa, kuru jau otro gadu pēc kārtas rīko energokompānija Enefit, mērķis ir izaicināt reģiona gaišākos[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 11. November 2019

Trīs uzņēmumi Atspērienā tiek pie 75 000 eiro viedpilsētu risinājumiem

Par Rīgas domes grantu programmas «Atspēriens» 2019. gada uzvarētājiem atzīti SIA «Evlab», SIA «ARConstruction» un SIA «Kong», kas no pašvaldības katrs saņems 25 000 eiro savu ideju realizēšanai. SIA «Evlab»[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. November 2019

Climate Change Is Already Making Us Sick

The fossil fuels driving climate change make people sick, and so do impacts like extreme heat, wildfires, and more extreme storms, according to research published on Wednesday. In short, the climate crisis is[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. November 2019

It’s not just Venice. Climate change imperils ancient treasures everywhere.

Saltwater rushed into St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice last week, submerging marble tombs, intricate mosaics, and centuries-old columns. A man was spotted swimming across St. Mark’s Square, normally bustling with tourists, as[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. November 2019

To survive climate change, we’ll need a better story

Preparing humanity for a carbon-neutral future is a daunting task. And based on our progress, we’re not doing a great job. As the effects of climate change become more impossible[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 10. November 2019

How Blockchain Changes Nowadays Business Security

Having spread to multiple industries already, blockchain is disrupting the world of business. Here’s how blockchain changes nowadays business security. The demand for blockchain technology keeps growing. The size of the blockchain[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 10. November 2019

The Internet: Looking Back and Forward 50 Years

The Internet turned 50 years old this year. So where are we heading in the next 50 years? Here’s a look at the excellent report from Pew Research and Elon[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 10. November 2019

How IoT Will Play an Important Role in Traffic Management for Smart Cities

Modern technology and urbanization have resulted in a lot of significant developments out there. The smart cities are the new name for the cities equipped with the latest technology. A[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. November 2019

German automation talent drove Elon Musk's Tesla move into Europe

‘Everyone knows German engineering is outstanding for sure’ FRANKFURT — To unclog bottlenecks last year in Tesla Model 3 production in California, Elon Musk flew in six planeloads of new robots and equipment from[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. November 2019

Gas Is Good but Not Good Enough, Says European Investment Bank

The EIB will stop backing fossil fuel energy investments in 2021 unless they negate their emissions through carbon capture or offsets. The European Investment Bank will stop backing fossil fuel[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. November 2019

Growth in US green economy dwarfs that of fossil fuel industry

While U.S. President Donald Trump may be “the world’s most powerful climate change denier,” our latest research suggests that he took over over a thriving green economy. According to new data, by 2016[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. November 2019

The 12 coolest features of Tesla's new $39,900 Cybertruck pickup

Tesla on Thursday unveiled its first pickup truck: the six-seat Cybertruck. The automaker says the truck’s body — made of “ultra-hard” stainless steel and “armor glass” — is almost impenetrable, though the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. November 2019

Is Volkswagen Pushing The EV Revolution To The Tipping Point?

Okay, let’s be frank: Tesla pushed the EV revolution up to today. Volkswagen Group execs, to their credit and honor, have basically said the same. Good on them. Also, before[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. November 2019

Electric cars may be the future, but they're still critically flawed in a key area

Electric vehicles are lauded as an environmentally friendly alternative to gas-powered cars, thanks in part to producing no emissions on the road. Yet building electric cars creates more greenhouse-gas emissions[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. November 2019

You can care about climate change and still drive an SUV. I do.

When I pull into a parking lot in my Toyota 4Runner, I hope I won’t see any of my friends who are environmental activists. I hope I’ll fit into the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. November 2019

18 Wind and Solar Markets to Watch in 2020

A mix of old favorites and brand-new territories will be worth keeping an eye on in the new year, according to industry insiders. The world’s total renewable power capacity will[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. November 2019

Europe’s Biggest Gas Grid Ramps Up Hydrogen Efforts

Italy’s Snam has created a new hydrogen business unit, pledging to direct 20 percent of its investments to low-carbon projects. The largest natural-gas infrastructure firm in Europe has launched a[...]
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Enerģētika, 10. November 2019

Bifacial Solar Is Ready for Prime Time

Better system economics, higher energy yield, and more robust modeling and field data are driving demand for bifacial solar modules. There is no doubt that bifacial modules are ready for[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. November 2019

The world’s energy report card just came out. We failed 3 subjects.

The world just got its energy report card … and at best, its grades are mixed. Every year, the International Energy Agency releases a mammoth report detailing the world’s progress[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. November 2019

Recycling isn’t working – here are 15 ways to shrink your plastic footprint

Only 9% of plastics get recycled, and significant reductions will require systemic change – but there are easy tips for individuals to cut back As plastics corporations ramp up production,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. November 2019

Machine Learning Rapidly Improves Waste Sorting To Environmental & Economic Benefit

Humans have been building machines to separate waste into different streams of different value requiring differing processes for decades. Until recently, we were mostly failing to do it well enough[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. November 2019

Can old fridges be recycled to make new ones?

As a result of Black Friday many old fridges will be replaced. But what happens to your old fridge, which by law must be disposed of by an approved contractor?[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 10. November 2019

Warehouses are making workers wear biometric harnesses that track their movements on the job

Some employers are making warehouse workers wear biometric harnesses that track their every movement while on the job, including Walmart, Toyota, and Heineken. The devices were created by Brooklyn-based startup[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 10. November 2019

Apple has an idea for futuristic headphones that could make it feel like people are in the room with you during phone calls

Apple has been granted a patent for headphones that could position audio signals in the room around you, making conference calls feel more realistic and natural. The technology would create a virtual room[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 10. November 2019

Does your kid think your smart speaker is just another family member?

Mary Beth Foster has three Google Home units throughout her Mint Hill, N.C., home, and her two-year-old often talks with them, walking up to them as if they are another[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. November 2019

Passivhaus Detailing and Design: A Complete Guide for Architects

First in Architecture’s latest guide includes all new CAD drawings and 3D SketchUp models to download. Architects: Showcase your next project through Architizer and sign up for our inspirational newsletter. The world is[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. November 2019

How Three Cities Approach the Rising Tide

An excerpt from “Design with Nature Now,” which revisits landscape architect Ian McHarg’s visionary 1969 work at a time of unprecedented global environmental change. EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is an[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. November 2019

The Future of Architecture: 7 Master Plans That Rethink the Way Cities Work

The urban way of life is en route towards completely new frontiers. Within the past two decades, slews of new cities have appeared out of what seems like thin air.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bez kategorijas, 06. November 2019

Latviešu ražotāja “i2 Factory” logs iegūst II vietu Pasaulē, kā energoefektīvākais un ekonomiskākais

SIA “i2 Factory” jaunākais logs ar novatorisku iebūves tehnoloģiju ir ieguvis II vietu pasaulē, līdzās “Advantage Architectural Woodworks” (USA), aiz sevis atstājot 20 uzņēmumu no 11 valstīm ar kopumā 31[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 01. November 2019

Viedās pilsētas klasteris organizē PASĪVO ĒKU ATVĒRTO DURVJU DIENAS 2019

Šogad 8., 9. un 10. novembrī jau astoto gadu pēc kārtas norisināsies Viedās pilsētas klastera un Passive House Latvija organizēts pasākums – PASĪVO ĒKU ATVĒRTO DURVJU DIENAS. Šī pasākuma ietvaros[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 21. October 2019

Tallinā uzbūvē gājēju ceļu, izmantojot pārstrādātus plastmasas atkritumus

Ceļa asfalta segumā izmantoti pārstrādāti plastmasas atkritumi, un šis ir pirmais šāda veida ceļš ne vien Baltijā, bet visā Ziemeļu un Austrumeiropā. Būvuzņēmuma «Verston Ehitus» izpilddirektors Veiko Veskimē (Veiko Veskimäe)[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 17. October 2019

Šveicē tapusi pasaulē lielākā koka būve

Pēc piecu gadu ilgas celtniecības, Šveices pilsētā Bīlē ir pabeigta pasaulē lielākā koka ēka – Šveices rokaspulksteņu “Swatch” ražotnes galvenā mītne, vēsta portāls “Designboom”. Neparastās ēkas autors ir japāņu arhitekts Šigeru[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. October 2019

Would banning frequent flyer programs help the planet?

We’re slowly getting used to sacrificing once-beloved traditions for the environment, like drinking from plastic straws and cooking on gas stoves. Could racking up miles through frequent flyer programs be[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. October 2019

Climate crisis affects how majority will vote in UK election – poll

Survey also finds two-thirds of people agree climate is biggest issue facing humankind A majority of people in the UK say the climate crisis will influence how they vote in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. October 2019

85% of cities are feeling climate change—but nearly half aren’t dealing with it

Flooding and extreme heat are coming to nearly every city (especially their vulnerable populations). But a new report finds that few cities are ready for what’s coming. Last year, the United[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. October 2019

New study: Antarctica’s tipping point is closer than we thought

Antarctic ice sheets have been melting rapidly for hundreds of years, much longer than scientists previously thought, according to a study out Thursday. The findings suggest that estimates for global[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 10. October 2019

Digital Twin Technology Can Make Smart Cities Even Smarter

As technologies like the Internet of Things, virtual reality and augmented reality mature, city planners can build virtual replicas of urban infrastructure to better respond to local energy and environmental[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 10. October 2019

Will the Internet of Things Ever Rule the World?

Every possible entity, whether it is a machine, a satellite, an object that performs their tasks independently using the internet as a medium, has to transfer relevant data. IoT has[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. October 2019

Investors are betting billions on carbontech. Will it pay off?

Technologies that capture, reuse, or lock away carbon dioxide have long seemed more like science fiction than viable ventures: Buildings that trap waste gases in their concrete bricks. Meatless burgers[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. October 2019

Investment banks have plowed more than $700 billion into fossil fuels since the Paris climate agreement

The world’s largest investment banks are pouring billions into fossil fuels. According to the Guardian newspaper, over $700 billion worth of “loans, equity issuances and debt underwriting” has funneled its[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. October 2019

In the Accelerator over the Sea

Aboard the Sustainable Ocean Alliance’s floating startup program In our oceans the scale of disasters is measured in millions, billions, and trillions, while solutions amount to single digits: individuals or institutions[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. October 2019

Can Green License Plates Help Plug Electric Cars?

The U.K. government wants to boost sales for ultra-low-emission vehicles by offering special number plates—and perks—for EV drivers. It could soon be much easier in Britain to recognize the cleanest[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. October 2019


Space-age sails, bionic hulls, clean fuels drawn from the oceans themselves — the shipping industry is poised for transformation … if the stars align. An evening drizzle falls on the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. October 2019

Why We Need to Dream Bigger Than Bike Lanes

In the 1930s big auto dreamed up freeways and demanded massive car infrastructure. Micromobility needs its own Futurama—one where cars are marginalized. There’s a quote that’s stuck with me for[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. October 2019

Shell Acquires Renewables-Only Power Retailer in UK

Oil major buys Hudson Energy, which supplies 200,000 households with power from renewable PPAs. Oil major Shell acquired another customer-facing electricity and gas provider in the U.K., potentially bolstering its[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. October 2019

Germany’s Largest Solar Farm Will Also Be Subsidy-Free

But utility EnBW warns that renewables projects must retain priority access to the grid to remain viable in a post-subsidy world. German utility EnBW has signed off on the investment[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. October 2019

Offshore Wind Industry To Increase 15-Fold & Become $1 Trillion Industry, Says IEA

The global offshore wind industry is expected to grow by as much as 15-fold and attract a cumulative investment of $1 trillion by 2040, according to a new report published[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. October 2019

In this “biorecycling” factory, enzymes perfectly break down plastic so it can be used again

The process lets any plastic—say a polyester shirt—be recycled into any other plastic (like a clear water bottle). It could fundamentally change the market for recycling. Inside a bioreactor in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. October 2019

6 ways you and your pets can help save the planet

My cat is the problem. But, to be fair, so am I.  Earlier this year, I challenged myself and my feline roommate/son, Kirby, to go zero-waste for seven days. Like[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. October 2019

Plastic is being recycled into fuel and this cannabis company wants in

A package with no note, no return address, and nothing in it but a plastic container that once housed a vape cartridge arrived at a cannabis company in Northern California[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 10. October 2019

The best doorbells

Nowadays, you can get smart doorbells with video cameras for added security or nifty wireless doorbells that you don’t have to hard wire. Of all the doorbells you can buy,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 10. October 2019

All-new Pixel Buds

Google released its Pixel Buds in 2017. They sounded decent, but our reviewer ran into some connectivity issues and found them uncomfortable to wear.  But 2019 has been a year of assistant-equipped[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 10. October 2019

The one smart home thing Apple could do better than anyone

Commentary: If Apple’s going to catch up in the smart home, the time is now. Apple’s HomePod debuted in 2018. It had a $349 MSRP, great sound and the risk of putting white rings on[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. October 2019

How architects use feng shui to design famous buildings

Feng shui is about creating harmony by finding ways to connect manmade things with nature through design. Architects from around the world have made major design decisions based on feng[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. October 2019

Sustainable Parking Space for an Eco-Responsible Generation

Every year, France uses 66,600 tons of plant protection pesticides for its agriculture and produces 4.5 million tons of plastics, of which only 22% are recycled. Almost 48,000 deaths are attributed to[...]
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Pilsētvide, 10. October 2019

First Smart Forest City in Mexico Designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti

Commisionned by Grupo Karim’s, and designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti, the first Smart Forest City in Mexico will focus on innovation and environmental quality. The city balances green and built spaces, and is completely[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 08. October 2019

Tartu padomju laika nami pārtop energoefektīvos mākslas darbos

Tartu pabeigta desmit padomju laika daudzdzīvokļu namu, kas pievienojās SmartEnCity projektam, renovācija. ārējās septiņas ēkas plānots pabeigt līdz šā gada beigām. Eiropas Savienības finansētajā projektā SmartEnCity laikmetīgā māksla satiekas ar viedās pilsētas projektēšanu. Tā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 03. October 2019

Konkurēs ar Carguru

Līdzīgi kā Carguru, arī CityBee kopš oktobra sākuma Rīgā piedāvā vieglo auto koplietošanas pakalpojumu. Sākumā galvaspilsētā būs pieejamas 200 CityBee koplietošanas automašīnas, un ar laiku to skaits tiks palielināts. «Braucieni ar CityBee būs aptuveni par[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 20. September 2019

Vizulo Izraēlā izgaismo ceļus teju 500 km garumā

Iecavas uzņēmums «Vizulo», kas ražo iekštelpu un ārtelpu gaismekļus, eksportē savu produkciju uz 29 pasaules valstīm, tostarp uz Izraēlu. Šobrīd ražotājs LED gaismekļus uzstādījis četros Izraēlas reģionos – trešajā lielākajā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 20. September 2019

Pirmajā vietā apgaismojums

Ieguldījums apgaismojumā ir visbiežāk īstenotās investīcijas uzņēmumu energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanai, liecina Dienas Biznesa veiktā uzņēmumu vadītāju aptauja. Investīcijas apgaismojuma nomaiņā 71,6% aptaujas dalībnieku nosauc kā reāli veiktos ieguldījumus energoefektīvos pasākumos. Nākamie[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 16. September 2019

Pārdaugavā par 800 000 eiro izbūvēts viedierīcēm aprīkots krustojums

Lai uzlabotu satiksmes plūsmu un drošību, izbūvēts Mūkusalas un Dēļu ielu krustojums, aprīkojot to ar modernām satiksmes detekcijas un vadības iekārtām, informē SIA Mūkusalas Biznesa Centrs valdes priekšsēdētāja Iveta Bahmane.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. September 2019

Merkel promises €500m to revitalise German forests

Storms, drought, beetles and fires have destroyed equivalent of 250,000 football fields Angela Merkel’s government has promised more than half a billion euros to revitalise the country’s crisis-hit forests in[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. September 2019

If Greta Thunberg inspires you, you’ll love these 4 teen climate activists too

Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish activist, has become one of the most visible faces of the climate activism movement. She’s had a particular gift for articulating the seriousness of the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. September 2019

To save our oceans, we have to change what we do on land

For decades, oceans have served as the planet’s carbon garbage dump, soaking up 90 percent of the excess atmospheric heat generated since 1970 and a third of our greenhouse gas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 10. September 2019

Amazon may soon be able to track your phone’s location even if you don’t use any of its products or services

Amazon‘s new mesh network could enable the company to track your phone’s location, even if you don’t use its WiFi or products.  Privacy watchdogs are sounding alarm bells about what[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 10. September 2019

The Blockchain Opportunity at the Heart of the Flexible Grid

A missing link in the grid’s evolution. When blockchain arrived on the energy scene three years ago, much of the discussion went straight to disruption and disintermediation. Like Uber racing[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. September 2019

Facebook reveals how Libra will be backed: 50 percent U.S. dollar, zero percent Chinese yuan

Facebook’s cryptocurrency Libra hasn’t exactly had a good start, with critics pummeling it from all sides since its revealing in June. Most recently, France and Germany said they would block Libra altogether, as they deem that[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. September 2019

Remote First: The New Way to Build Companies

There has been a massive shift in how we build tech companies. The old way of hiring top tier tech talent was to look for talent 20 miles from company HQ or[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. September 2019

More Money for Electric Trucks: Rivian Raises $350M From Cox Automotive

The startup had already raised more than $1 billion from Amazon, Ford and others. Rivian raised another $350 million to support its electric truck and SUV commercialization. This investment came[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. September 2019

Amazon orders 100,000 electric trucks to fight climate change

Amazon aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2040. Amazon has ordered 100,000 electric trucks from startup Rivian, the e-commerce giant announced Thursday. The order is part of Amazon’s larger pledge—also[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. September 2019

The 14 coolest features in the Porsche Taycan, the company's new $150,000 electric Tesla rival

Porsche has unveiled its flagship electric sports car, the Taycan, equipped with features designed to rival Tesla. Many of the car’s features have never before been used in either a Porsche[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. September 2019

A Decade of Investments Into EV Infrastructure: Where’d the Money Go?

Electric vehicle sales have grown rapidly, but investments into charging companies have been much lumpier. Electric vehicle infrastructure companies have come a long way in the last decade, but they’re[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. September 2019

The Problem With Switching to Electric Cars

Switching to EVs en masse could help bring down planet-killing carbon emissions. But Americans also need to drive less, right now. Earlier this month, in their seven-hour climate town hall, CNN had[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. September 2019

Overlooked Factors Pushing UK Offshore Wind to Record-Low Prices

Rising load factors, heightened developer competition, and the prospect of expanding electrification are all playing a role. Improving load factors, rising competition among developers, and the prospect of expanding electrification[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. September 2019

Energy Efficiency as a Service: Having Cake and Eating It Too

While not a new concept, the EEaaS model is gaining momentum as new entrants join the market. The as-a-service model, in which capital-intensive costs are spread out over the useful[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. September 2019

Can solar panels handle the heat of a warming world?

Solar cells need sunlight to generate electricity, but with rays also comes heat. As the planet gets warmer, scientists are warning that temperatures could become too high for solar panels[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. September 2019

The Shape of (Housing) Things to Come

How Half a House, WikiHouse and the IKEA effect will change how we design and build our homes. EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is an excerpt from “The Shaping of Us:[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. September 2019

How China Is Cornering the Lithium-Ion Cell Recycling Market

100,000 tons of batteries may be recycled this year—almost all of it in Asia. The commonly held view that lithium-ion batteries are not being recycled is not true. It’s just[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. September 2019

One very bad habit is fueling the global recycling meltdown

If you’re like me, you’ve looked at a paper coffee cup or an empty tube of toothpaste and thought, “Is this recyclable?” before tossing it in the recycling bin, hoping[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. September 2019


Can drinking water out of a can really save us? Recycled aluminum is coming for your water and your iPad. Making products out of used aluminum is now a way for[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 10. September 2019

DJI launches new industrial drones for agriculture and new services for industry customers

DJI announced two new drones and a new initiative to support first responders during natural disasters and recovery missions with drone technologies as it moves to consolidate its position as the[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 10. September 2019

You can now buy a makeup mirror with Alexa built in

Music meets makeup in Simplehuman’s new sensor mirror hi-fi. The vanity has a built-in speaker equipped with Amazon Alexa capabilities, because why not? The combined technology of a sensor mirror and[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 10. September 2019

Apple launched a new ultra wideband chip that could render Bluetooth obsolete

Buried at the bottom of iPhone 11 promotional material detailing new cameras and improved battery life, Apple mentions Ultra Wideband (UWB) chips, a technology which could usher in a new era of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. September 2019

The Cities Where Job Growth Is Outpacing New Homes

Coastal metros are building more multi-family units than in the past, but it’s still not enough. Meanwhile, in some Sun Belt metros, new building outpaces jobs. California is permitting new[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. September 2019

A German City of Industry Gets a Modern Makeover

The German company Siemens is launching an ambitious adaptive reuse project to revitalize its historic corporate campus, with a modern data-collecting twist. BERLIN—Right now, it’s hard to imagine what Siemensstadt[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. September 2019

Could Tall Wood Construction Be the Future of High-Rise Buildings?

Across the globe, tall wood structures have begun transforming the world of skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, ushering in an important shift to an architectural practice that has traditionally been dominated[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bez kategorijas, 03. September 2019

Tehnoloģijas Igaunijas ielās startē pašbraucošs autobuss

Jaunais autobusa maršruts savieno Kadriorgas tramvaja līniju un «Kumu» mākslas galeriju. Maršruts dodas pa Veizenbergi ielu līdz «Kumu» galerijai, tālāk pa Maekalda, Koidula un Poska ielām atpakaļ uz Veizenbergi ielu.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 09. August 2019

Our food system accounts for a whopping 37% of greenhouse-gas emissions, a UN report found. But it could also offer a solution to the climate crisis.

The way we use land — for farming, mining, logging, and raising livestock — accounts for 23% of human-produced greenhouse gas emissions, a new report from the United Nations has found. The[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 09. August 2019

IPCC report: Planting trees isn’t enough to save us from the climate crisis

The conventional wisdom is that planting trees will save us from the ever-encroaching threat of climate change. Alas, the conventional wisdom is wrong: It’s going to take a lot more[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 09. August 2019

Will Sea-Level Rise Claim Egypt’s Second-Largest City?

Al-Max village in Alexandria was ruined by floods in 2015. Yet, despite climate change’s growing threat to the city, critics say it has scarcely been addressed. ALEXANDRIA— At first glance,[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 09. August 2019

What U.S. Cities Facing Climate Disaster Risks Are Least Prepared?

New studies find cities most vulnerable to climate change disasters—heat waves, flooding, rising seas, drought—are the least prepared. This month the cities of Austin and Seattle passed ordinances to tackle[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 09. August 2019

$600M Cray supercomputer will tower above the rest — to build better nukes

Cray  has been commissioned by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to create a supercomputer head and shoulders above all the rest, with the contract valued at some $600 million. Disappointingly, El Capitan,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 09. August 2019

How IoT Will Transform Cold Chain Logistics Forever

The Internet of Things (IoT) promises increased visibility and control for the entire supply chain. Meaning, that visibility and control will cover the cold chain logistics, too. Through real-time data,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 09. August 2019

9 Blockchains Transforming the Way We Pay, Play, and Work

Look past digital currencies’ nosebleed pricing volatility, and you’ll discover a robust, decentralized, secure database. Brands and technologists are quickly figuring out how to put this powerful ledger to good use. Here are[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 09. August 2019

Berkshire Hathaway is the most expensive stock in the world. Here's what else you can buy for a single share.

Berkshire Hathaway’s Class A is the costliest stock in the world, with its price sitting at roughly $300,000 a share. This is primarily due to CEO Warren Buffett’s choice to not[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 09. August 2019

IKEA creates a business unit devoted to smart home tech

It’s committing to technology for the long haul. It’s clear by now that IKEA is serious about smart home tech between its Sonos-powered speakers and connected lights, but the home furniture giant wants[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 09. August 2019

The Tesla Buying Experience Is 10× Nicer Than The Auto Dealer Buying Experience

When I was buying a Tesla Model 3, a few article topics came to mind immediately. It wasn’t till the end of the process that I realized I really should[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 09. August 2019

UK Proposes ‘World First’ EV Charger Mandate for New Homes and Offices

Every new home with a parking space would be required to install an EV charger with a universal socket. New homes and offices in England would be required to install[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 09. August 2019

Segway-Ninebot’s new scooter drives to its docking station for a recharge

At an event in Beijing last week, Chinese scooter company Segway-Ninebot  Group unveiled a trio of new products. The most compelling of the bunch was no doubt the KickScooter T60, which harnesses[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 09. August 2019

Solar power could replace all US hydro dams using ‘just 13% of the space’

Banks of solar panels would be able to replace every electricity-producing dam in the US using just 13% of the space, according to a new study. The researchers say this[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 09. August 2019

We know how to build an all-renewable electric grid

The question is when, not how. The main solution to climate change is well known: stop burning fossil fuels. How to do this is more complicated, but as a scholar who does[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 09. August 2019

Wind power prices now lower than the cost of natural gas

In the US, it’s cheaper to build and operate wind farms than buy fossil fuels. This week, the US Department of Energy released a report that looks back on the state of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 09. August 2019

The $900 billion packaging industry is booming

A new report paints a harrowing picture of an industry that shows no signs of slowing down. Take a moment to look around you. How much packaging do you see[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 09. August 2019

Chernobyl's 'sarcophagus,' which helped contain the spread of radiation, is being dismantled because it's teetering on collapse

The New Safe Confinement structure over the old sarcophagus covering the damaged reactor No. 4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.  On April 26, 1986, the core of a reactor[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 09. August 2019

'Plastic recycling is a myth': what really happens to your rubbish?

You sort your recycling, leave it to be collected – and then what? From councils burning the lot to foreign landfill sites overflowing with British rubbish, Oliver Franklin-Wallis reports on a global[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 09. August 2019

The 11 creepiest technologies that exist today

Some tech products, like smart speakers and self-driving cars, make the world a better place. However, they may have a dark side that gives tech experts pause. Technologies like deepfakes, de-pixelation, and door-opening robots,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 09. August 2019

Smart home technology increasingly used to help elderly population

Using systems as complex as smart home technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) platforms to support eldercare would have been unthinkable even a few years ago. But as smart home technology gets[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 09. August 2019

The era of the $200 security camera is over. This $20 alternative is impressive

Commentary: By using all of Wyze’s products, you could potentially save over $1,000 for a full smart-home setup. When I started writing about the smart home in 2013, influential startup Dropcam, purchased by[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 09. August 2019

Is Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) the Concrete of the Future?

Concrete, an essential building material, has for decades offered us the possibility of shaping our cities quickly and effectively, allowing them to rapidly expand into urban peripheries and reach heights[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 09. August 2019

World's Tallest Passive House Skyscraper Designed for Vancouver

Canadian company Henson Developments has released plans to build the world’s tallest passive house in Vancouver’s West End neighborhood. The 60-story project and rezoning application is being reviewed by the City of Vancouver before[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 09. August 2019

Sidewalk Labs is building a smart city entirely of mass timber. What could go wrong?

North America is on the cusp of a mass timber revolution, and Sidewalk Labs’ Waterfront Toronto project is leading the way. But the smart material faces major obstacles. A building[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. July 2019

Greta Thunberg ditches planes, will sail to U.S. for climate talks

Earth’s skyrocketing CO2 levels are now rising at rates that are unprecedented in both the historic and geologic record.  Already, levels of the potent heat-trapping gas are the highest they’ve been in at least 800,000[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. July 2019

For California's redwoods, climate change isn't all bad

Among some of the tallest trees in the world, warmer temperatures are making for faster growth than ever before. With record-breaking summer temperatures in Alaska, melting sea ice in Greenland and animal species going[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 10. July 2019

Paris just recorded its hottest temperature in history as a blistering heat wave sweeps across Europe

Paris recorded an all-time high temperature of 42.6 degrees Celsius (108.6 degrees Fahrenheit) on Thursday, as a blistering heat wave scorched through Europe.  Météo-France, the nation’s meteorological service, said the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 10. July 2019

Daimler and Riddle&Code have partnered to produce a blockchain hardware wallet for cars

Daimler and blockchain firm Riddle&Code have partnered to produce a blockchain hardware wallet for automobiles, which was presented at Startup Autobahn in Stuttgart, Germany. The wallet is a tamper-resistant box, powered by[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 10. July 2019

Libra hasn't even launched yet, and Facebook is already in trouble over it

The words “permissionless” and “regulated” don’t exactly go together. But Facebook’s cryptocurrency project, Libra, is promising to adhere to regulations and be open to everyone, which may turn out to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 10. July 2019

Russia, Venezuela, China have explored using blockchain to evade sanctions: report

Countries like Russia, Venezuela, and China have all investigated ways to use blockchain tech to dodge U.S. sanctions, according to a new report. U.S. rivals like Iran, Russia, China, and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. July 2019

Capitalism is part of solution to climate crisis, says Mark Carney

Bank of England governor says firms that ignore crisis ‘will go bankrupt without question’ Capitalism is “very much part of the solution” to tackling the climate crisis, according to the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. July 2019

The Challenge of Scaling Up Energy Retrofits for Buildings

Most building energy retrofits are one-off affairs. “We need an Amazon” in the market, says one architect. It’s almost always easier and cheaper to build an energy-efficient building in the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 10. July 2019

Ford and VW have stepped up their alliance — Ford will develop an electric vehicle using VW tech by 2023

On Friday, Ford and the Volkswagen Group announced that they would step up their global alliance. “Ford will become the first additional automaker to use Volkswagen’s dedicated electric vehicle architecture and Modular Electric Toolkit[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. July 2019

Japanese Automakers Honda & Toyota Ready To Join EV Revolution. Maybe. Sort Of.

Toyota and Honda have signaled they are finally ready to embrace electric vehicles. For reasons that appear to involve national politics, Japanese automakers have been reluctant to embrace the EV[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. July 2019

Electric cars could form battery hubs to store renewable energy

By 2050, National Grid predicts, 35m electric cars will supply energy when needed A fleet of 35m electric vehicles could help the UK reach its net-zero carbon target by forming[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. July 2019

Smart scooter company Gogoro launches GoShare, an end-to-end vehicle-sharing platform

Founded in 2011, Gogoro now makes the best-selling electric scooters in Taiwan, where it is headquartered. The startup has always seen itself as an end-to-end platform developer, however, and today it marked[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. July 2019

What Comes Next After Batteries Replace Gas Peakers?

Peaker replacement by battery storage has begun in California. Substituting bulk gas power is another matter entirely. Battery storage is gaining a foothold in the California peaker plant market previously[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. July 2019

UK energy-saving efforts collapse after government subsidy cuts

Only 10,000 upgrades such as loft insulation happen each month compared with 65,000 in 2014, report shows Efforts to end fuel poverty and energy waste by making the UK’s draughty[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 10. July 2019

Europe ‘could get 10 times’ its electricity needs from onshore wind, study says

An increased rollout of onshore wind turbines across Europe could technically provide the continent with more than 10 times its existing electricity needs, according to a new paper. To make[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. July 2019

This zero-waste restaurant generates literally no trash

In Helsinki, Restaurant Nolla worked with suppliers to deliver food without packaging, serves a set menu so it doesn’t order too much food, and sends its customers home with house-made compost.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. July 2019

Repurposing Old Oil Tankers As Renewable Energy Hubs

There are thousands of giant oil tankers crisscrossing the world’s oceans with their cargoes of death-dealing products. Every year, a hundred or so are retired. Many of those are run[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 10. July 2019

Is it a good idea to buy used solar panels?

In December of 2016, a flatbed truck carrying 450 solar panels — enough to cover the roofs of an entire city block — pulled into the waste-transfer station in Berkeley,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 10. July 2019

The Marines’ New Drone-Killer Aces Its First Real World Test

An energy weapon that blasts not artillery or lasers but radio signals could represent the future of warfare. Last Thursday, nearly a month after Iran shot a $220 million US drone out[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 10. July 2019

DJI appears to be making its first FPV racing drone

It would allow for more dynamic flying, and help tighten DJI’s grip on the market DJI appears to be readying the release of a first-person-view (FPV) drone, according to FCC[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 10. July 2019

Contrary to limited reports, consumer interest in smart home tech is soaring

Interest in smart home tech isn’t waning. On the contrary, according to the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), 2019 is heading toward a record-breaking year in U.S. consumer technology sales. The CTA expects tech[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. July 2019

Amazon's new headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, could include a bike-friendly office with employee showers — take a look at the plans

Amazon submitted development plans for its new second headquarters, known as HQ2, in May. Plans for the Arlington, Virginia-based Metropolitan Park site call for two 22-story LEED Gold-certified sustainable office buildings, 50,000[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. July 2019

Cities must plan ahead for innovation without leaving people behind

Transparency, data privacy and collaboration are critical to urban innovation From Toronto to Tokyo, the challenges faced by cities today are often remarkably similar: climate change, rising housing costs, traffic,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. July 2019

A new wave of smart cities is here, and they look nothing like what you’d expect

You may already live in a smart city, and you don’t even know it. An abandoned mine shaft beneath the town of Mansfield, England, is an unlikely place to shape[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 01. July 2019

Siguldā tiks uzstādīti pirmie viedie atkritumu konteineri Latvijā

Jūnija beigās Siguldā daudzdzīvokļu namu kvartālā Leona Paegles ielā tiks uzsākti darbi, lai ar jaunāko pilsētvides tehnoloģiju atbalstu ierīkotu pirmo dalītās atkritumu savākšanas viedpunktu Latvijā. Papildus šķirotiem stikla un vieglā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 19. June 2019

Šogad topā zaļās enerģijas fondi!

Gatavi gaidīt atjaunojamās enerģijas vērtspapīru cenu pieaugumu. Līdzekļu pārvaldnieki arvien lielākā mērā sola ieguldīt uzņēmumos, kas sniedz kādu sociālo labumu un ir videi draudzīgi. Tas šobrīd ir modē, un ar[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 14. June 2019

Volvo Cars un Uber rada automobili, kad spēj braukt patstāvīgi

Uber un Volvo Cars 2016. gadā noslēdza inženiertehnoloģiju sadarbības līgumu un kopš tā laika izstrādājuši vairākus prototipus ar mērķi paātrināt uzņēmuma autonomo automobiļu izstrādi. Volvo XC90 SUV ir pirmais ražošanas automobilis, kas apvienojumā ar Uberautonomās braukšanas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 14. June 2019

Volkswagen Eiropā būvēs 36 000 uzlādes staciju elektriskajām automašīnām – daļu no tām arī Latvijā

Volkswagen vēlas panākt strauju e-mobilitātes attīstību, tādēļ arvien vairāk tiek ieguldīts elektromobiļu uzlādes infrastruktūras izveidē. Līdz 2025. gadam Volkswagen grupa visā Eiropā plāno būvēt kopumā 36 000 uzlādes staciju, no kurām[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 21. May 2019

10 neizbēgamas iezīmes nākotnes automobiļos

Autobūves industrija virzās ātri, taču reizēm kļūst grūti izsekot, kādā virzienā tas notiek. Šķita, ka elektroauto pārņems pasauli, un savā ziņā tas arī notiek. Tehnoloģijas automašīnās attīstās, un, virzoties pretim[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 16. May 2019

Sākam biznesu: Iznomāt uz minūtēm

Šajā rudenī DrivE cer sākt piedāvāt elektromobiļu koplietošanas pakalpojumu Rīgā – plānots sākt ar 20 līdz 50 automašīnām. «Esmu ļoti ambiciozs cilvēks un nekad negribu apstāties. Mēģināšu domāt par risinājumiem lielākajām pilsētām[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 25. April 2019

Viedpilsētas centrā - cilvēks un vide

Lai viedpilsētas koncepcijas ieviešanā veidotos veiksmīga sadarbība starp pašvaldībām, iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējiem, vajadzīga vīzija par viedu pilsētu un vēlme to īstenot. Pilsētu un uzņēmumu vadītāji, biznesa vadības eksperti, stratēģiskie vadītāji,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 25. April 2019

Apzināti bezpilota autobusa maršruti Jelgavā un Aizkrauklē

Gatavojoties bezpilota transportlīdzekļu izmēģinājumiem Zemgalē, apzināti iespējamie maršruti, kuros Jelgavā un Aizkrauklē varētu veikt izmēģinājuma braucienus, informē Zemgales Plānošanas reģiona sabiedrisko attiecību speciālists Aigars Ieviņš. Sadarbībā ar Somijas partneriem, kas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 25. April 2019

Uz Ameriku: latviešu ģimenes uzņēmums 'Vizulo' gatavs ielikt kāju lieltirgus durvīs

Uzņēmums “Vizulo” kopš 2013. gada ražo tehnoloģiski inovatīvu, videi draudzīgu LED teritoriālo un iekštelpu apgaismojumu, eksportējot produkciju uz 35 pasaules valstīm. “Vizulo” ražošanā nodarbināti 100 cilvēki, un apgrozījums 2018. gadā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 25. April 2019

Kāpēc elektromobiļiem nepieciešamas citādas riepas

Elektromobiļi pamazām maina automašīnu tirgu – emisijas prasībām kļūstot arvien stingrākām, gandrīz katram ražotājam sortimentā ir ar elektrisko enerģiju darbināms transportlīdzeklis. To lieliski apliecina statistika: pirmais elektromobiļu miljons tika pārdots[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 08. April 2019

Rīgā darbu sāk elektrisko skrejriteņu noma Atom

No šā gada aprīļa Rīgā darbu testa režīmā uzsākusi elektrisko skrejriteņu noma Atom. Uzņēmums drīzumā sola arī iespēju nopelnīt, iegādājoties skrejriteņus un piedāvājot tos citiem platformas lietotājiem. Atom ir Latvijas uzņēmums, kas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 05. April 2019

Braucam gudri! Ar CARGURU!

Nepilnu divu gadu laikā, kopš Rīgas ielās parādījies stilīgais “Toyota” hibrīdauto ar sarkani melno zīmējumu uz sāniem un zīmīgo nosaukumu CARGURU, automobiļu koplietošanas pakalpojums (car sharing) kļuvis par mūsdienīga, zaļi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 14. March 2019

Salaspilī taps viena no lielākajām saules enerģijas ražotnēm Eiropā

Salaspilī 20.martā tiks ielikts pamatakmens saules enerģijas centralizētās siltumapgādes sistēmai, kas izmaksās 7,228 miljonus eiro, informēja Salaspils novada domes pārstāve Lolita Balcerbule. Pašreiz pašvaldības uzņēmumā “Salaspils Siltums” tiek veikti sagatavošanās darbi,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 07. March 2019

Testē pirmo lielā izmēra bezpilota autobusu

FOTO: Testē pirmo lielā izmēra bezpilota autobusu Zviedrijas kompānija Volvo Buses un Singapūras Nanyang Technological University otrdien paziņoja, ka Singapūrā sāks testēt pirmo lielā izmēra bezpilota elektrisko autobusu, raksta Reuters.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 28. February 2019

Daimler un BMW apvienotajos kopbraukšanas pakalpojumos investēs miljardu eiro

Vācijas autobūves uzņēmumi «Daimler» un BMW piektdien paziņoja, ka investēs vienu miljardu eiro, lai apvienotu un paplašinātu to kopbraukšanas pakalpojumus «Car2Go» un «DriveNow», nākotnē piedāvājot plašus mobilitātes pakalpojumus, tostarp elektriskajiem[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 28. February 2019

Rīga gatavojas viedā apgaismojuma projektiem

Pašvaldības SIA “Rīgas satiksme” un aģentūra “Rīgas gaisma” konkursā “Siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisiju samazināšana ar viedajām pilsētvides tehnoloģijām” ieguvušas tiesības noslēgt līgumus gandrīz piecu miljonu eiro vērtībā viedā apgaismojuma ieviešanai galvaspilsētā.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 18. February 2019

Pašbraucošo kravas automašīnu jaunuzņēmums TuSimple piesaistījis 95 miljonus dolāru

Tādējādi kopumā uzņēmums piesaistījis jau 178 miljonus dolāru. Finansējums tiks izmantots, lai palielinātu kopējo uzņēmuma īpašumā esošo automašīnu skaitu līdz vismaz 50, un tādējādi TuSimple kļūs par lielāko pašbraucošo kravas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 15. February 2019

Mūsu vīzija – pēc trim gadiem taisīt 100 autobusus gadā, atklāj Dambis

Inženieris Andris Dambis, kas pasaules slavu ieguva ar savām sporta automašīnām eO, kuras veiksmīgi startējušas virknē sacīkšu, tostarp “Pikes Peak” Amerikā, pēc trim gadiem plāno gadā saražot 100 elektriskos mikroautobusus, par bāzi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 15. February 2019

Amazon investē pašbraucošo automobiļu tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmumā

Amazon investē pašbraucošo automobiļu tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmumā Pašbraucošo automobiļu tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums «Aurora Innovation”, kuru dibinājuši bijušie «Google», «Tesla» un «Uber» darbinieki, ceturtdien paziņoja, ka nodrošinājis 530 miljonus dolāru (467,2 miljonus eiro) jaunā finansējumā,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bez kategorijas, 13. February 2019

Aizrit otrais klastera darbības gads

Biedrība “Auto Asociācija” kā Viedās pilsētas klastera dibinātājs 2017. gada 13. februārī parakstīja līgumu ar Centrālo finanšu un līgumu aģentūru (CFLA) par Viedās pilsētas klastera projekta ieviešanu (projekta Nr.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. February 2019

Vitalik Buterin created one of the world’s largest cryptocurrencies in his early twenties — here’s how he did it and why

Vitalik Buterin is the co-founder of Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency in the world. Buterin was 21-years-old when the cryptocurrency was initially released. Buterin became interested in bitcoin in 2011[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. February 2019

Microsoft and the creator of 'Fortnite' have formed an alliance that could put a ton of pressure on Apple and Google

Microsoft has said that it will allow anybody to open an app store for its new HoloLens 2 headset. The plan has already won over a former critic: Epic Games[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. February 2019

Precious metals are crucial for the future of automotive manufacturing

The automotive industry is at a once-in-a-century turning point. New developments are reported daily in fields such as autonomous driving, electric vehicles (EVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). The International[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. February 2019

Amazon is acquiring Wi-Fi router company Eero, which helps blanket your entire home with a strong wireless-internet signal

Amazon is acquiring Eero, the pioneering Wi-Fi router company. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. Eero makes “mesh” Wi-Fi routers, which help blanket even the largest spaces with a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. February 2019

Self-driving cars could actually make congestion much worse

Self-driving cars may eventually eliminate the need for personal vehicles, but they may not lessen road congestion New research from the Journal of Transportation Policy suggests traffic could even get[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. February 2019

Porsche just confirmed that the best-selling Macan SUV will soon be all electric

The Porsche Macan is the brand’s best-selling model and accounts for nearly half of its total sales. The German automaker confirmed on Tuesday that the next generation Macan compact luxury[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. February 2019

A $6 million floating home that can withstand Category 4 hurricanes is now a reality. Take a look inside.

After years of development, the housing startup Arkup has debuted a floating home that can withstand rising sea levels and Category 4 hurricanes. The home contains a hydraulic system that[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 06. February 2019

The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells review – our terrifying future

Enough to induce a panic attack … a brutal portrait of climate change and our future lives on Earth. But we have the tools to avoid it You already know[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 06. February 2019

You can’t take on climate change without tackling sprawl

Get rid of all the country’s coal plants, run the country purely on renewables, and we’ll still be left with the top source of greenhouse gas emissions: transportation. Carbon-belching cars,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 06. February 2019


In his 2008 white paper that first proposed bitcoin, the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto concluded with: “We have proposed a system for electronic transactions without relying on trust.” He was referring to blockchain, the system[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. February 2019

12 Ways of Looking at a Rivian vs Tesla Matchup

Tesla vs Rivian: 12 point comparison Rivian has been getting a lot of press in North America and in the EV-centric media in the past months. Most recently, the company[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 06. February 2019

BP Energy Outlook Predicts Renewable Energy Will Be Dominant By 2040

Global oil major BP published its annual Energy Outlook last week and predicted that renewable energy will become the dominant global source of power generation by 2040 at the same[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 06. February 2019

Electric Vehicles Can Lower Electricity Prices

Regular readers of this column are well aware of the wonderful benefits of EV ownership. However, electric vehicles can also have a positive impact on the electric grid, serving as the perfect[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 06. February 2019

World's deepest waters becoming 'ultimate sink' for plastic waste

Scientists say it is likely no marine ecosystems are left that are not affected by pollution The world’s deepest ocean trenches are becoming “the ultimate sink” for plastic waste, according[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 06. February 2019

UK worst offender in Europe for electronic waste exports – report

Electronic waste hazardous due to toxic parts was tracked to developing countries The UK is the worst offender in Europe for illegally exporting toxic electronic waste to developing countries, according[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 06. February 2019

Blade Shadow Ghost turns your TV into a snappy cloud-gaming PC

This small, stylish box for its cloud service offers device and network connections for a PC-free Windows gaming setup. Blade’s Shadow Ghost is a cool little box that lets you[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 06. February 2019

Apple patent hints at AR headset that'll work with your iPhone

The wide-ranging patent application for augmented reality tech hints at a possible headset from the iPhone maker. Apple’s interest in augmented reality (AR) is revving up. That’s the message behind[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. February 2019

AOC’s Green New Deal is a wake-up call for the building industry

The newly unveiled plan would see every existing building in the U.S. retrofitted for energy efficiency. But it doesn’t stop there. Today, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey introduced[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 06. February 2019

Extreme CO2 levels could trigger clouds ‘tipping point’ and 8C of global warming

If atmospheric CO2 levels exceed 1,200 parts per million (ppm), it could push the Earth’s climate over a “tipping point”, finds a new study. This would see clouds that shade[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 06. February 2019

UK homes ‘shockingly unprepared’ for climate change, says CCC

The UK’s housing emissions are “off track” to meet the country’s climate targets, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) says in a new report. These should have fallen to 13% below 1990[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 06. February 2019

Analysis: Why the UK’s CO2 emissions have fallen 38% since 1990

The UK’s CO2 emissions peaked in the year 1973 and have declined by around 38% since 1990, faster than any other major developed country. Here, Carbon Brief presents detailed analysis[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 06. February 2019

Blockchain could ensure the integrity of scientific research trials

Scientific misconduct is more than just a problem for academia. The falsifying of results can lead to incorrect information spreading out into the world and can have real-world consequences as well as undermining[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 06. February 2019

Google Home and Amazon Alexa are asking smart home device makers for user info

It will surprise almost no one that Google Home and Amazon Alexa collect and compile data on how you use the devices in your home. Enough stories have emerged in[...]
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Bez kategorijas, 06. February 2019

The Volvo Polestar 2 is the first Google Android car

Google takes its smartphone market strategy to cars, starting with the Polestar 2. Volvo’s newest brand, Polestar, took the wraps off the Polestar 2 yesterday, the company’s all-electric Tesla Model 3 fighter.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 06. February 2019

The Real Powerhouses That Drive the World’s Economy

It’s not nation states or even cities, but mega-regions—combinations of multiple metro areas—that are the real forces powering the global economy. When world leaders, economists, and pundits talk about global[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 06. February 2019

Shell buys Sonnen, Tesla’s competitor in the home battery business

The acquisition follows Shell’s purchase of EV charging company Greenlots. On Friday, oil major Royal Dutch Shell and German energy storage company Sonnen announced that Shell would acquire Sonnen for an undisclosed[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 06. February 2019

SEC declares war on Elon Musk after another misleading tweet

SEC says Musk broke a promise to get tweets pre-approved by Tesla lawyers. The Securities and Exchange Commission has asked a federal judge to hold Tesla boss Elon Musk in contempt for tweeting last[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. February 2019

Which 5 Electric Vehicles Will Next Cross 100,000 Sales In A Year?

I reported 11 days ago that the Tesla Model 3 was the best selling electric car in the world in 2018 (special thanks to Jose Pontes and EV Volumes for the data). What the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. February 2019

Zero’s new electric motorcycle justifies the comparisons to Tesla

A much fuller vision of the future of motorcycles California-based Zero Motorcycles pulled the cover off of its newest electric bike, the SR/F, at an event in midtown Manhattan on[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. February 2019

2021 Polestar 2 heads to Geneva Motor Show with 408 hp, vegan interior

Polestar’s first EV will go head-to-head with Tesla’s Model 3 packing a 275-mile range estimate. Polestar, Volvo’s electrified-performance spinoff, will soon launch a beautifully styled, 600-horsepower plug-in hybrid coupe. But as far as[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 06. February 2019

The advent of cheap, renewable hydrogen is nigh

As the price of wind turbines tumbles, the hydrogen fuel cell revolution is nigh. Hydrogen gas has been the pipe dream fuel of clean-energy advocates for decades. Splitting electrons from[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 06. February 2019

These hyper-efficient solar panels could actually live on your roof soon

The clean energy boffins in their labs are always upping the theoretical limit on how much power you can get out of sunshine, but us plebes actually installing solar cells[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 06. February 2019

Trump’s trade war is hitting solar workers hard

While politicians are debating the merits of a massive job-creating effort known as the Green New Deal, jobs in solar power are getting harder to find. The solar industry lost[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 06. February 2019

Solving the plastic pollution crisis requires focus on another ‘R’ — responsibility

By emphasizing recyclability and recycling over reduction and elimination of plastic waste, major companies are still ducking their responsibility to tackle plastic pollution. The problem with plastic is not new.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 06. February 2019

Burning issue: are waste-to-energy plants a good idea?

Victoria’s first waste-to-energy project is going ahead but these projects threaten recycling and could pose health concerns It’s the controversial scheme that’s attracting attention across the nation but as more[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 06. February 2019

Electric car batteries might be worth recycling, but bus batteries aren’t yet

The more emissions-efficient way to recycle an EV battery is to remove the cathode. Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicts that there will be 559 million electric vehicles on the road by 2040.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 06. February 2019

HTC’s blockchain phone can now be purchased with fiat currency

Until now, the Exodus 1 has, fittingly, only been available for purchase with cryptocurrency. Starting today, however, interested parties will be able to pick HTC’s blockchain phone up through more[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 06. February 2019

Xiaomi announces its first 5G phone, the Mi Mix 3 5G

Xiaomi  doesn’t want to miss the 5G bandwagon — the company just unveiled its first smartphone that comes with a 5G modem at a press conference in Barcelona. The Mi Mix[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 06. February 2019

Smart home tech hits the kitchen sink, which now responds to voice commands

The sink in our little apartment makes a lot of weird noises but at least it doesn’t talk back to us yet. Apparently, the whole house will respond to your[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. February 2019

Is the Revolution of 3D-Printed Building Getting Closer?

3D printing was expected to transform architecture and construction, but uptake has been slow. Could that be changing? There’s a soft buzzing sound coming from a tent that stands next[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. February 2019

Can Inflated Concrete “Dome Homes” Help Solve Our Global Housing Crises?

These concept houses are created using cave-like domes of concrete. Architects: Showcase your work and find the perfect materials for your next project through Architizer. Manufacturers: To connect with the world’s largest[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. February 2019

Move over, IKEA, this British developer is building flat-pack homes

Manchester might be best known to its cousins across the pond for its famous football teams and its infamous music scenes but due to rapid growth, the world’s first industrialized city is[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 06. February 2019

Getvikas lidostā mašīnas stāvvietā drīzumā varētu novietot roboti

Ceļotāji, kas izlidos no Londonas Getvikas lidostas, drīzumā, iespējams, varēs nesatraukties par brīvas autostāvvietas atrašanu, jo viņu vietā to darīs robots, raksta CNN Money. Šā gada otrajā pusē lidostā tiks[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 05. February 2019

EY consultant: Europe is lagging behind in power grid digitalisation

The volume of solar panels and electric cars connected to the grid is still manageable for now. But massive new load expected from electric vehicles in the coming years will[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 05. February 2019

These 3 elements are crucial to the future of electric cars

As urbanization increases – an additional 2.5 billion people will live in cities by 2050 – cities and suburbs will undergo significant transformations to create sustainable living conditions for their residents. Energy[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 31. January 2019

Amazon is reportedly building a Netflix-like service for video games

Amazon is working on a video game streaming service, like Netflix but for video games, according to a new report in The Information. Amazon’s competition at Microsoft and Google are[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 31. January 2019

A Deep Dive Inside Industrial IoT

From the manpower efforts to the digital technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) has changed the way we interact with the world around us. This means bringing new opportunitiesfrom every challenge and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 31. January 2019

Elon Musk said Tesla cars will likely drive without human assistance by the end of 2019

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on Wednesday that he expects Tesla vehicles to be able to safely drive themselves without human assistance by the end of 2019. Musk has missed[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 31. January 2019

Everyone who's telling you that Tesla is influencing the rest of the auto industry is completely wrong

Tesla is routinely considered to be influencing the traditional auto industry. Tesla has exerted some influence, but it has been relatively modest in the grand scheme of things. Auto executives[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 31. January 2019

The best electric scooters you can buy

The Insider Picks team writes about stuff we think you’ll like. Business Insider has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase. Electric scooters provide[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 31. January 2019

How An Electric Car Works

There are many reasons why Tesla has taken the automotive world by storm. Of course, one big reason is that Elon Musk decided to make his car company an electric car company.[...]
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Mobilitāte, 31. January 2019

Porsche says its first electric car will charge faster than any of its competitors — and it shows how Tesla's greatest advantage may be fading away

The proposed maximum charging speed for Porsche‘s first fully electric vehicle could represent a breakthrough for charging technology, Edmunds manager of industry analysis Jeremy Acevedo told Business Insider. Porsche said[...]
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Enerģētika, 31. January 2019

World’s Largest Wind Turbine Prototype, GE’s 12 Megawatt Haliade-X, To Be Installed In Rotterdam

A prototype of the world’s largest announced wind turbine, GE Renewable Energy’s 12 megawatt (MW) Haliade-X, will be installed in Rotterdam during the middle of 2019 for five years of[...]
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Enerģētika, 31. January 2019

How compressed-air storage could give renewable energy a boost

Compressed-air energy storage isn’t carbon neutral, but it’s a lower-carbon option. Decarbonizing the world’s electricity grids won’t be an easy task, but it is a necessary one if we’re going[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 31. January 2019

It’ll cost $45 billion, but Germany proposes to eliminate coal in 19 years

The plan includes $45 billion in aid to coal-reliant regions. On Saturday, a German commission made up of federal and state leaders as well as industry representatives, environmentalists, and scientists[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 31. January 2019

How to know if you're living in a 'smart city'

As more people live in cities than ever before, improving them takes on added urgency. In becoming “smart,” cities often first tackle projects that affect the largest number of people,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 31. January 2019

These billion-dollar cities are straight out of science fiction, and they will soon become a reality

A few nations are embarking on expensive megaprojects with technologies that must be seen to be believed. Saudi Arabia is developing a $500 billion city with robot workers and drone[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 29. January 2019

Piecas svarīgākās digitālās tendences būvniecībā 2019.gadā

Būvniecība ir viena no tām nozarēm, kura salīdzinoši lēni pieņem digitālos risinājumus, taču pēdējos gados pasaulē aizvien vairāk tiek novērtēti ieguvumi, ko tehnoloģijas spēj radīt būvlaukumā. Tās palielina procesu caurskatāmību,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 29. January 2019

2021.gadā elektroauto varētu maksāt apmēram tikpat, cik parastās mašīnas

Galvenais iemesls, kādēļ jau šodien katrs otrais auto uz ielas nav elektromobilis, ir apstāklis, ka šīs kategorijas braucamie maksā vairāk nekā mašīnas ar iekšdedzes dzinēju. Auditorfirmas Deloitte jaunākais pētījums tikmēr[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 28. January 2019

Ceļojumu eksperti iesaka: piecas pilsētas, kas pāriet uz 100% atjaunojamu enerģiju

Liels skaits planētas iedzīvotāju vēl joprojām netic globālajai sasilšanai. Neskatoties uz to, pasaulē ir simtiem pilsētu, kas dara visu iespējamo, lai kļūtu videi draudzīgākas un pilnībā pārietu uz atjaunojamo energoresursu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 23. January 2019

How Urban Planning Can Help Us Cope With Climate Change

Cities are hotter than surrounding areas because of a climate phenomena that is known as the urban heat island (UHI). While scientists have studied this effect for decades, new information has recently[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 23. January 2019

Survey: 73% of Americans believe global warming is happening

Dive Brief: Findings from a national survey, Climate Change in the American Mind, indicate Americans’ concern about climate change is increasing, and a growing percentage believes it is mostly caused by[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 23. January 2019

What is the polar vortex – and how is it linked to climate change?

The polar vortex has broken into ‘two swirling blobs of cold air’, bringing the most frigid conditions in decades to the midwest What is the polar vortex? As its name[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 23. January 2019

Why is it so cold? Because the planet is dangerously hot

The bone-chilling temperatures currently pummeling the Midwest are the direct result of the warming Arctic losing its grip on the polar jet stream that usually keeps frigid air trapped up[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 23. January 2019

Major study uncovers ‘sea change’ in world’s understanding of Atlantic conveyor belt

An international research programme has uncovered data that could transform scientists’ understanding of the Atlantic Ocean current – a circulation pattern that plays a central role in determining weather across[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 23. January 2019

Cheap Internet of Things gadgets betray you even after you toss them in the trash

You may think that the worst you’ll risk by buying a bargain-bin smart bulb or security camera will be a bit of extra trouble setting it up or a lack[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 23. January 2019

Why the Ethereum Classic hack is a bad omen for the blockchain

The 51 percent attack is real, and it’s easier than ever On Saturday, the Coinbase security team noticed something troubling. Someone had made a deep reorganization in the distributed ledger[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 23. January 2019

In smart cities, 5G won’t just lessen congestion, it could save lives too

If you’ve been following the smart city trends, it won’t surprise you to hear that next-generation 5G wireless service will make smart cities more intelligent. “I don’t think 5G needs much[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 23. January 2019

Toyota and Panasonic Form Joint Venture to Make EV Batteries

The news reflects mounting competition among global battery manufacturers. Toyota Motor Corporation and Panasonic Corporation announced Tuesday that the two companies will establish a joint venture next year to produce[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 23. January 2019

Siemens Working with DOE Labs on Solar, Energy Storage and EVs

Power systems producer Siemens Corp. will team up with three national energy labs to test new technologies to bolster electricity supply, options and resiliency in the years ahead. Siemens Corporate[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 23. January 2019

General Electric Unveils Consolidated Renewable Energy Business

The company reported Thursday that fourth-quarter revenues were up 28 percent for the new business unit. General Electric this week announced an expansion of GE Renewable Energy, in the latest[...]
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Mobilitāte, 23. January 2019


A leader in EV sales, Nissan is ready to take the fight directly to Tesla Encouraged by strong sales of its affordable, all-electric Leaf vehicles, Nissan seems ready to jump into[...]
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Mobilitāte, 23. January 2019

Prius owners are defecting to Tesla

Toyota’s been slacking on developing its own all-electric car. It’s reached the point that its hybrid Prius owners are defecting over to electric car company Tesla. Recent comments from Toyota’s North America[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 23. January 2019

Tesla tooling up to build Model Y at the Gigafactory, Musk says

It’ll be on the same platform as the Model 3 but built 260 miles apart During a conference call Wednesday to discuss Tesla‘s second-straight profitable quarter, CEO Elon Musk said the company has[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 23. January 2019

India Plans 40 Gigawatts Of Solar & Wind Auctions Every Year Till 2028

India has reiterated its medium-term targets for renewable energy installed capacity. The targets, up to 2030, will result in a 40% share of renewable energy capacity in the overall power[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 23. January 2019

Bloomberg NEF: Solar Investment Declined 24% in 2018, but Capacity Reached Record Levels

According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, investments in clean energy once again exceeded $300 billion in 2018. Solar investment fell in 2018, according to new data out from Bloomberg New Energy Finance,[...]
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Enerģētika, 23. January 2019

Solar Power Research Study Investigates Rapidly Declining Costs

MIT researchers studied the steady decrease in solar PV module costs over the last several decades and had their results published in the December 2018 issue of the journal Energy Policy.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 23. January 2019

These designers transform plastic waste into public furniture

The trash gets diverted from landfill, melted down, and 3D-printed into park benches. In the Greek city of Thessaloniki, a park features citizen-designed street furniture made from an unlikely source: local[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 23. January 2019

A coalition of giant brands is about to change how we shop forever, with a new zero-waste platform

Loop will send you name-brand products, like Tide detergent, Crest mouthwash, or Häagen Dazs ice cream. When you’re done, you ship the empty container back, where it gets cleaned and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 23. January 2019

The Real Junk Food Project turns supermarket waste into tasty meals

London cafes bring people together while tackling the UK’s food waste problem Mothers with toddlers at their ankles sit beside elderly men and women out for a welcome bit of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 23. January 2019

The world’s big plastic makers want more recycling so they can keep pumping out plastic

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste says it will spend $1 billion to keep plastic waste out of the environment. But its members–like ExxonMobil, Shell, Dow–are undermining the commitment by[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 23. January 2019

How small US cities are fighting to save recycling

Solutions to preserve access and reduce contamination are emerging from municipalities, partners and citizen-led efforts in states such as Oregon, Virginia and New Hampshire. Hardships caused by China’s global recycling[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 23. January 2019

7 tech trends that will dominate CES 2019

This past year was challenging for the tech world, to say the least, but the new year brings an opportunity to change the conversation. A huge opportunity, actually — CES 2019,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 23. January 2019

TP-Link's Kasa smart home expands with 7 new products at CES 2019

If you’re a fan of Kasa smart plugs and switches, you’re going to love this news. TP-Link’s Kasa line of smart home products is expanding this year, with the addition of multiple[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 23. January 2019

Lenovo made this wild Alexa-equipped Android tablet that docks into a smart speaker

It’s a pretty novel use of a charging station It seems that we haven’t yet hit the limit on weird and novel implementations of Alexa, as Lenovo just announced what[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 23. January 2019

Samsung SmartThings still hasn’t earned my trust in the smart home

The SmartThings platform may have expanded, but Samsung’s smart home company still has a lot of kinks to work out. Samsung’s smart home company, SmartThings, has changed a lot since it was first[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 22. January 2019

Is Samsung getting serious about robotics?

The company showed off a trio of robots and an exoskeleton at CES 2019 A funny thing happened at Samsung’s CES press conference. After the PC news, 8K TVs and Bixby-sporting washing[...]
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Pilsētvide, 22. January 2019

Dutch eco initiative halves energy bills in first UK homes

Nottingham pioneers ‘Energiesprong’ after it wins £5m funding from EU A Dutch approach to transforming old homes through a dramatic green makeover has arrived in the UK and cut tenants’[...]
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Pilsētvide, 22. January 2019

Will Copenhagen’s Eco-Friendly Man-Made Islands Pay Off?

The Danish capital is expanding its land mass and creating climate resiliency. But is it sustainable? In a bid to create new space for green industries and fossil-free energy production,[...]
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Pilsētvide, 22. January 2019

Manufactured Cities: A Case Study of the First Smart City in Brazil

In 2017, ArchDaily Brazil reported that Smart City Laguna would become the first “smart city” in Brazil. With its inauguration scheduled for that same year, the venture opened with 1,800 units in its[...]
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Jaunumi, 21. January 2019

Publisko pakalpojumu sektors būtiski kavē investīcijas digitālajās tehnoloģijās

Eiropas Savienības publisko pakalpojumu sektors ievērojami kavē investīciju veikšanu digitālajās tehnoloģijās, izdevniecības «Dienas Bizness» sadarbībā ar zvērinātu advokātu biroju BDO LAW un AS BDO Latvia rīkotajā konferencē «Nodokļi 2019 –[...]
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Jaunumi, 11. January 2019

Jelgavas uzņēmumā top elektriskais mikroautobuss pašmāju un eksporta tirgiem

Uzņēmuma šā gada mērķi ir gana ambiciozi. «Saistībā ar to, ka visā Eiropā pieaug pieprasījums pēc elektriskajiem autobusiem, īpaši Skandināvijas valstīs un Francijā, arī Latvijā radās nepieciešamība piedāvāt klientiem elektrificētus[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 31. December 2018

Hyundai’s Kona EV has great range and costs as much as the average car

The electric SUV will take you 258 miles, but will it be affordable enough? Hyundai announced late last week that the Kona Electric, the company’s second fully electric vehicle, will start at[...]
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Mobilitāte, 31. December 2018

Will Norway’s Electric-Vehicle Boom Outlast Its Incentives?

Norway is the world’s biggest per-capita market for electric vehicles, but incentives are being clawed back as Oslo aims to go car-free. No other country on Earth has bet as[...]
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Mobilitāte, 31. December 2018

BMW and Porsche's 450-kW EV fast charger can add 62 miles in 3 minutes

At its maximum charge rate, the prototype charger would be more than twice as fast as Tesla’s current Supercharger design. The proliferation of DC fast charging for electric cars has made owning one a[...]
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Enerģētika, 31. December 2018

IHS Predicts Global Solar Installations To Reach 123 Gigawatts In 2019

Leading clean energy analysts IHS Markit released a new solar PV installation forecast before Christmas which expects to see 2019 deliver the highest level of new solar capacity installed in[...]
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Enerģētika, 31. December 2018

Australian Clean Energy Project Investment In 2018 To Top $20 Billion

Australia’s renewable energy and storage project pipeline has surpassed $20 billion worth of investment in 2018, with currently 14.6 gigawatts (GW) of projects under construction which will deliver 13,000 direct[...]
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Enerģētika, 31. December 2018

Video games consume more electricity than 25 power plants can produce

A few years ago, Evan Mills’ 14-year-old son Nathaniel wanted to get into gaming. To juice up the experience, he wanted to build his own computer like more and more[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 31. December 2018

To save agriculture from climate change, we need better weather forecasting

Tiny monitoring stations that alert farmers to every change in conditions on their farms could help them better understand the extreme weather shifts that are becoming more common due to[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 31. December 2018

Why your pizza may never be delivered by drone

For years tech companies such as Amazon, Alphabet and Uber have promised us delivery drones bringing goods to our doorsteps in a matter of minutes. So why are they taking[...]
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Pilsētvide, 31. December 2018

Life On High: the Renaissance of Rooftop Spaces is Here to Stay

Though seemingly opposite environments, cities are a lot like rainforests. At ground level, the world is dank, dark, and full of predators. Inhabitants seeking fresh air, sunshine, and privacy have[...]
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Pilsētvide, 31. December 2018

Is ‘Climate-Positive’ Design Possible?

Advocates say we could design city buildings and neighborhoods that cancel out more carbon than they emit, with the right policies and mindset. Cities are crucial to fighting climate change.[...]
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Pilsētvide, 31. December 2018

Dutch Designers Create a New Vertical Village for the Netherlands

A team of Dutch design studios have won the competition for a new high-rise development next to the Leidsche Rijn station in Utrecht. Architekten Cie, Karres en Brands, KCAP and Geurst & Schulze joined together to create[...]
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Jaunumi, 17. December 2018

CityBee Solutions pērk 5000 automobiļus; sāks darbu arī Latvijā un Igaunijā

Starptautiskajai uzņēmumu grupai ar lietuviešu kapitālu Modus group gatavojoties ienākt Latvijas un Igaunijas tirgū ar automašīnu koplietošanas pakalpojumu CityBee un tālāk attīstīt šo darbību Polijā, tai piederošā kompānija CityBee Solutions[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. December 2018

Milan will counter climate change with help from 3 million new trees

The most attention-grabbing 21st-century addition to Milan’s skyline is arguably Bosco Verticale. This is quite the accomplishment, as it takes a lot for heads to swivel in Italy’s second-largest city. A hotbed[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. December 2018

Here’s a better way to argue about climate change

I recently got an email from a friend, asking me to take a look at an alternative way of thinking about greenhouse gases. He forwarded a link to a long[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. December 2018

Climate change activists vow to step up protests around world

This story was originally published by the Guardian and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Civil society groups have pledged growing international protests to drive rapid action on global warming after the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. December 2018

Nearly 2 Million People Sign Petition to Sue France Over Climate Inaction

If France isn’t willing to take action on climate change on its own, well, the courts are always an option to force the government’s hand. More than 1.8 million people[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. December 2018


Thinking Positive A plan to clean up the Pacific Ocean is off to a slow start. Literally. It seems a device designed to corral ocean plastic for removal is traveling too slowly to get[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. December 2018

Why eating less meat is the best thing you can do for the planet in 2019

Eating meat has a hefty impact on the environment from fueling climate change to polluting landscapes and waterways Recycling or taking the bus rather than driving to work has its[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 12. December 2018

Remembering the startups we lost in 2018

From Theranos to Telltale, here are some of the companies that didn’t make it There are few things in this world more difficult than launching a successful startup. It takes talent,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 12. December 2018

Bloomberg: To Catch Up To Tesla, Big Auto Needs “Tricky Financial Stunt”

As Tesla’s Model 3 continues to gain market share, legacy automakers face some daunting decisions. Bloomberg warns, “The future of the auto industry is going to look like the history of the cell phone[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 12. December 2018

Why IoT Has Consistently Fallen Short of Predictions

The term “internet of things” (IoT) was first mentioned in 1999, but it really started gaining traction in the early 2010s. Since then, big tech companies, futurists, and industry analysts[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. December 2018

2018 brought the electric car to everyone

The Model 3 might still be pricey but there are alternatives. It’s easy to look at a luxury automaker like Jaguar and declare 2018 the year the automotive industry caught[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. December 2018

Elon Musk promises 100-percent Tesla Supercharger coverage for Europe in 2019

Tesla boss Elon Musk is eyeing 2019 for a major expansion of the Supercharger network in Europe and beyond. Musk tweeted the news on Thursday, December 27 in response to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. December 2018

2018 Was A Giant, Awesome Year For Tesla — Because Elon Musk

Tesla set record after record in 2018. It passed up automaker after automaker in terms of sales as well as market cap. And it actually started turning a profit. Let’s[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 12. December 2018

California Will Require Solar Panels on All New Homes

California is officially the first state to require newly built homes to come with enough solar panels to offset their electricity use. The state Building Standards Commission voted unanimously to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 12. December 2018

Using molten salt to store electricity isn’t just for solar thermal plants

Startup follows on a number of innovative ideas to make renewable energy more flexible. An energy storage startup that found its footing at Alphabet’s X “moonshot” division announced last week that it[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 12. December 2018

Trump administration’s climate report raises new questions about nuclear energy’s future

This story was originally published by the HuffPost and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Call it the nuclear power industry’s thirst trap. The United States’ aging fleet of nuclear reactors ―[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 12. December 2018

Remember that $20 million ocean cleanup project? It isn’t working.

The $20 million effort to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch has hit a bit of a snafu. Organizers for The Ocean Cleanup, which launched the project in September,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 12. December 2018

First Solar Breaks Down Its Plans For Solar Module Recycling #SPI2018

CleanTechnica sat down with Andreas Wade, Global Sustainability Director at First Solar, to talk about the what the future holds for solar module recycling. Mandatory Recycling Andreas said that recycling is something[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 12. December 2018

The best and worst gadgets of 2018

TL;DR: Don’t buy the PlayStation Classic There were countless gadgets released in 2018. It’s the end of the year, so Brian and I rounded up the best of the best and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 12. December 2018

Australia to set up drone-identifying systems

Drone “hot spots” in Australia are getting sensors to automatically identify the aircraft and their pilots. Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority (Casa) said it would install the equipment at the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 12. December 2018

Cannabis Growers Embrace IOT for Energy Efficiency

Greenhouses are being wired up to the internet of things in order to save cash. More U.S. cannabis cultivators are deploying internet-of-things (IOT) technologies in greenhouses to optimize the use[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. December 2018

Siemens to use Expo 2020 Dubai as a Test Bed for Smart Cities

Tech giant Siemens is to partner with World Expo 2020 Dubai in rolling out a major smart building project, encompassing 130 structures in a digital platform to control energy efficiency, comfort, safety, and security. As reported[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. December 2018

Moscow Launches New Smart City District as a Living Lab

The government of Moscow has begun developing an existing district in the city to test nearly 30 new ‘smart’ technologies for urban development. Home to over 8,000 people, the district is testing[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. December 2018

Norway’s Energy-Positive Building Spree Is Here

Oslo’s Powerhouse collective wants buildings that make better cities in the face of climate change. The European Union has a target of making all new buildings zero-energy by 2020, but[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. December 2018

The world's largest maker of cryptocurrency mining chips will likely lay off more than 50% of its staff, according to reports

Bitmain may start a massive round of layoffs this week that could impact more than 50% of its employees, according to a report by CoinDesk on Tuesday. Bitmain is the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. December 2018

Building cyber resilience is imperative for surviving attacks

How confident are you that your business will continue to operate in the event of a cyberattack? How would you recover from a cyberattack? Do you have a cyber incident[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. December 2018

Someone is trying to take entire countries offline and cybersecurity experts say 'it's a matter of time because it's really easy'

The West’s biggest security weakness is in the old electronics and sensors that control processes in infrastructure and industry. It’s not that hard to take an entire country’s internet offline[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. December 2018

Hey Tim Cook, there's a simple solution to your iPhone sales problem

Apple is having trouble selling its latest iPhones, according to numerous reports. There’s an easy way for the company to solve the problem — cut its sky-high prices. Apple can[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. December 2018

Tesla has achieved something that nobody in the auto industry thought was possible

Tesla has developed a mini-monopoly in the auto industry. Tesla is the first new auto brand to appear in decades, and as it has survived it’s come to dominate the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. December 2018

Tesla reports fourth-quarter and full-year vehicle delivery numbers.

The company expects the Model 3 to add substantially to its 2018 delivery totals. 2017 saw 100,000 vehicles delivered, and 2018 could more than double that total.
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 07. December 2018

Recycle your old greeting cards for a good cause.

What do you do with all of those sentimental birthday and holiday cards you receive every year? It feels wrong to put them in the trash, but at the same[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 07. December 2018

Tesla wants its factory workers to wear futuristic augmented reality glasses on the assembly line

Tesla patent filings reveal plans for augmented reality glasses to assist with manufacturing. Factory employees has previously used Google Glass in its factory as recently as 2016. Tesla‘s Model 3[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 04. December 2018


The keyword “gamification” has been gaining increasing popularity in recent years, having practical and useful application, and support for a huge number of areas of life. Impementing game mechanisms such[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 04. December 2018

Satiksmes organizēšanā ienāk viedums

Uz Via Baltica izvieto inteliģentās transporta sistēmas (ITS). Tas bija spilgts piemērs dažādu ražotāju produkcijas integrācijai vienā risinājumā, par projektu Smart E67 sarunā ar Dienas Biznesu norāda SIA Fima komercdirektors[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 04. December 2018

Elektrotransportā - pa visu Latviju ar stabilu un ātru internetu kabatā

Droša un tīra vide, iespēja izmantot mūsdienu tehnoloģiju dotās iespējas, tie ir galvenie priekšnosacījumi, lai, liekot lietā savas zināšanas, cilvēks, kurš to vēlas, vairotu savu labklājību, būtu ilgtspējīgs un konkurētspējīgs.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 04. December 2018

Vācijas-Latvijas Uzņēmējdarbības balvu iegūst Alina

Vācijas-Latvijas Uzņēmējdarbības balvu kā gada labākais jaunuzņēmums saņēma zaļo tehnoloģiju uzņēmums Alina, kas attīsta un ražo antimikrobiālās piedevas krāsām un apdares materiāliem pēc bezatkritumu un resursus taupošas tehnoloģijas, informē Vācijas-Baltijas Tirdzniecības[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. November 2018

Tesco and VW plan free electric car charging points

Free charging for electric cars will be available for customers at some Tesco stores from next year. Tesco, in partnership with Volkswagen, plans to install almost 2,500 charging bays at[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. November 2018

Volkswagen reportedly has $23,000 Tesla competitor in the works

Elon Musk will need to release that Model Y soon. Volkswagen, the German automaker that cheated diesel emissions tests, is aiming to release an all-electric car for $23,000 — undercutting the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 30. November 2018

E.ON To Build One Of Europe’s Biggest Onshore Wind Farms In Sweden

German energy company E.ON announced last week that it is set to build one of the largest onshore wind farms in Europe, following the company’s decision to invest in the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 30. November 2018

Renewables May Prove Cheaper Than 96% of Coal Plants Worldwide by 2030

“Over time, these coal-fired power plants will just become more and more unviable.” The uphill battle confronting coal seems to be getting steeper. A new global analysis of 6,685 coal plants finds[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 30. November 2018

Gloomy Prospects in IEA’s Latest World Energy Outlook

All International Energy Agency scenarios show renewables growth won’t deliver a climate cure. None of the scenarios in the latest International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook show renewables growing fast enough to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 30. November 2018

Forget about slide-out cameras, this phone has a slide-out crypto wallet

There’s a new cryptocurrency-oriented phone in town, and it’s very different from anything currently available for purchase. Coming from the crypto startup Sirin, the Finney is a  powerful smartphone with[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 30. November 2018


Drones have arrived in US airspace, and now they are multiplying. By 2022, 700,000 of the little unmanned aircraft could be exploring American skies, according to the FAA, delivering packages, monitoring[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 14. November 2018


8. decembrī Iecavas kultūras namā notiks konkursa «Iecavas novada uzņēmēju gada balva» uzvarētāju sumināšana. Par titula »Gada uzņēmējs» īpašnieku šogad kļūst LED gaismekļu ražotājs SIA «Vizulo». Pilnu rakstu skatīt ŠEIT
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. November 2018

UNEP: Limiting warming to 1.5C requires ‘fivefold’ increase in climate commitments

The world is far from being on track to meet its climate targets unless emission-reduction commitments are dramatically expanded, according to the latest UN Environment Programme (UNEP) emissions gap report. The[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. November 2018

Climate change’s highest cost: Overheated employees too miserable to work

The US economy could lose $221 billion annually by 2090 as people stop working as much or as hard. The costs of lower labor productivity under soaring temperatures could reach[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. November 2018

It’s time for industry to step up and embrace fixing climate change

The technology is there, why not the will? Confirmation of a rapid rise in renewable energy and a decline in coal use should be cause for celebration. Instead, the upbeat[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. November 2018

Voters hate gas taxes. Here’s how California beat the odds.

When Californians voted to keep their state’s gas tax this Election Day, they bucked a disturbing international trend. Many experts think that carbon taxes — or their cousins, gas taxes[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. November 2018

Melting Antarctic ice could slow global temperature rise, study says

Cold meltwater running off Antarctica’s ice sheets and into the ocean could dampen the pace of global temperature rise, a new study suggests. The research, published in Nature, finds that the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 12. November 2018

Blockchain smart contracts are finally good for something in the real world

A startup says it has tackled a long-standing problem that has kept smart contracts from responding to actual events. You have probably heard that blockchain technology and “smart contracts” are[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 12. November 2018

A solution to bitcoin’s energy waste: Use it to warm buildings

As mining machines harvest bitcoin, they generate excess heat. Instead of letting it go to waste, a Canadian company is capturing it and using it to warm people’s homes. Bitcoin[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 12. November 2018

The world’s largest network of electric vehicle chargers just raised another $240 million

Electric cars still only make up a fraction of a percent of passenger vehicles. But that’s quickly changing. Here’s more evidence of the coming transition: ChargePoint, the world’s largest network of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 12. November 2018

5 reasons why GM is cutting jobs, closing plants in a healthy economy

Workers and politicians ask: Why now? DETROIT — Even though unemployment is low, the economy is growing and U.S. auto sales are near historic highs, General Motors is cutting thousands of jobs[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 12. November 2018


Inside the massive factory where Tesla will soon make 60 percent of the world’s lithium-ion batteries Right now, in the desert just east of Reno, Nevada, Tesla is drilling into[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. November 2018

Volkswagen Claims It Will Build 50 Million Electric Cars Using Its MEB Chassis

Tesla shares dropped about 5% in value on Monday. Could recent statements by Volkswagen head Herbert Diess have anything to do with that decline? Diess is boasting this week that[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. November 2018

Tesla, GM, Yamaha, & Ducati All On The Electric Bike Bandwagon

Electric bicycles are having a moment. Major global companies which make cars and motorcycles are suddenly delivering or talking about delivering electric bicycles. What’s going on? This red beast of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. November 2018

Rivian debuts an electric pickup and SUV designed to look good while getting dirty

Rivian has kept a relatively low profile since the automotive startup with Midwestern roots launched in 2009. Those days are over. CEO and founder RJ Scaringe unveiled two all-electric vehicles this[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 12. November 2018

Buildings Are Becoming Energy Hubs: How Utilities Can Adapt

As utility customers invest more in advanced energy technologies, buildings are becoming dynamic energy hubs. Anywhere, anytime, a building could be a consumer, storage point, or generator of energy. And[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 12. November 2018

European Battery Manufacturing to Grow 20-Fold by 2025

Europe is looking to compete with Asia in battery manufacturing for stationary storage and EVs. Europe is on track to increase its battery-making capacity by 20 times in the next[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 12. November 2018

Tesla Slashes Its Residential Solar Pricing by $3,000 to $5,000

Sales and marketing costs have been reduced by 50%, according to the company. Tesla just slashed prices on its residential solar systems by 10 to 20 percent — or $3,000 to $5,000 for[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 12. November 2018

Ikea to combat air pollution in India by turning farming waste into home goods

Goodbye burnable agricultural residue, hello new furniture. This past August, Ikea opened its first Indian store in the southern city of Hyderabad. The reaction from consumers was, well, enthusiastic —[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 12. November 2018

Waste To Energy: The Next Step After Banning Single-Use Plastics

In October of this year, the European Parliament voted in favor of a ban of the ten most notorious single-use plastics that harm our planet and marine life, including straws,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 12. November 2018

Starbucks recycled 25 million old paper coffee cups into new cups

Many cities don’t accept coffee cups in their recycling. Now there’s proof it works. Earlier this year, Starbucks sent 18 truckloads of old paper cups to a paper mill in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 12. November 2018

Autonomous drones perform search and rescue without the need for GPS

A new drone developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) could be the key to finding hikers lost in the woods. A challenge with search and rescue operationsfor people lost in forests[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 12. November 2018

Window washing drone takes flight

A huge drone that can wash buildings and put out fires is being developed in Latvia. The Aerones drone weighs about 55kg (121lbs) and is tethered to the ground with[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 12. November 2018

Echo vs. Echo Dot: What's the difference?

The smart home concept is increasingly becoming the norm. Over the past few years, we’ve seen an increase in voice recognition assistants and connected devices to make our busy lives more seamless.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. November 2018

4 Projects That Show Mass Timber is the Future of American Cities

As architects face up to the need for ethical, sustainable design in the age of climate change awareness, timber architecture is making a comeback in a new, technologically impressive way. Largely overlooked in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. November 2018

The Tallest Timber Tower in Australia Opens in Brisbane

Australia’s largest engineered timber commercial building has opened in Brisbane, designed by Bates Smart. At 10 stories, and 45 meters in height, the “25 King” open plan office complex is the tallest timber structure in Australia, and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. November 2018

Could Future Cities be Crypto Cities? A Nevada Desert Experiment May Give an Answer

In a world increasingly obsessed with the potential of Blockchain (the decentralized technology behind Bitcoin), lawyer and cryptocurrency millionaire Jeffrey Berns has purchased an enormous 67,000-acre plot of the Nevada desert near Reno envisioned[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. November 2018

Apple charges a ton of money for built-in storage — here's how to get around it

Apple charges a lot of money to add more built-in storage to devices like iPads and Mac computers. A new iPad Pro with 64 GB of storage costs $799, but[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. November 2018

Amazon is building a dozen satellite transmission facilities that it hopes will extend its lucrative cloud model into space

Amazon announced AWS Ground Station, a new product that will let businesses rent access to data from satellites. The company plans to build 12 ground stations throughout the world, with[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. November 2018

The Internet of Things is changing healthcare — here's where it could go next

Reliable patient data has been notoriously difficult to come by in healthcare. Connected IoT medical devices aim to bridge the gap by allowing remote monitoring of patients and faster emergency[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. November 2018

Here’s how the Internet of Things is creating a better airport experience

An efficient airport experience depends on the smooth running of a complex logistics network. IoT solutions are helping airlines and airports better monitor and track assets. The availability of 5G[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. November 2018

Audi just revealed a new electric concept car and its stunning design rivals Tesla's Model S

Audi unveiled its E-Tron GT electric sedan concept on Wednesday at the Los Angeles Auto Show. The automaker said it would begin delivering the production version of the vehicle in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 07. November 2018

We tried the $300 smart security camera that was cool enough to get on Apple's radar. Here’s what it was like to use.

The Lighthouse security camera was a $300 internet-connected device that could identify you and your family members. But Lighthouse shut down its operations last December and sold its patents to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. November 2018

The world's best new building is a remote school in the Brazilian rainforest made out of wood and mud-brick

A remote school complex in Brazil has just been awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) International Prize for the world’s best new building. The building was designed by[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. November 2018

The Internet of Things is changing how commercial buildings operate — here's where the technology is going

The Internet of Things is helping to make commercial buildings more energy efficient. One solution is doing so by monitoring usage carefully —where, when, and how much. 5G will make[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. November 2018

Iecavas 'Vizulo' – ražotne, kur top gaismekļi Brīvības piemineklim un Kurševelas kūrortam

Iecavas SIA “Vizulo” ražo iekštelpu un ārtelpu gaismekļus, uzņēmuma inženieri izstrādā jaunus gaismekļus, veic dažādus pētījumus. Ar tā gaismekļiem ir izgaismota “Porsche” ēka Nīderlandē, Māstrihtā, Brīvības piemineklis Rīgā, tie ir izmantoti Francijā, Kurševelas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 31. October 2018

Could carbon-capture technology be a silver bullet to stop climate change?

Few companies specialize in carbon removal and the tools they produce are currently still expensive Peter Fiekowsky, a physicist and entrepreneur, hates silver bullets. But at a climate summit in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 31. October 2018

The unseen driver behind the migrant caravan: climate change

While violence and poverty have been cited as the reasons for the exodus, experts say the big picture is that changing climate is forcing farmers off their land – and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 31. October 2018

This incredible animation shows what 80,000 tons of garbage in the ocean looks like

Plastic has become a major threat not only to the Earth’s ecosystem, but also to humans — many sea animals ingest microplastics, which ultimately can end up in our food.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 31. October 2018

Two designers just won $1.5 million for creating a device that can pull clean drinking water out of thin air

About 2.1 billion people around the world do not have immediate access to clean drinking water. The Water Abundance XPrize competition rewards innovators who come up with new ways to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 26. October 2018

‘Delfi’ no Strasbūras: Pāreja uz elektromobiļiem Eiropā buksē

Jau pirms četriem gadiem Eiropas Savienības (ES) varas gaiteņos tika pieņemta direktīva par alternatīvo degvielu infrastruktūras ieviešanu, taču ar tās izpildi dalībvalstīm veicies visai švaki – direktīvā nospraustos mērķus līdz šim pilnībā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 26. October 2018

Viedās pilsētas klasteris piedalās starptautiskajā izstādē "Vide un Enerģija 2018"

Viedās pilsētas klasteris un tā biedri piedalījās izstādē ar elektromobilitātes stendu „Elektriskie transportlīdzekļi izstādē „Vide un Enerģija 2018”” Šā gada 19.–21.oktobrī Starptautiskajā izstāžu centrā Rīgā tika organizēts e-mobilitātes stends „Viedais[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bez kategorijas, 19. October 2018

Viedās pilsētas klasteris piedalās starptautiskā diskusijā Mobilitāte un Aprites ekonomika

Ziemeļvalstu Ministru padomes birojs Latvijā sadarbībā ar izstādi “Vide un enerģija” rīkoja starptautisku konferenci “Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas valstu enerģētikas un klimata izaicinājumi”, kas 2018.gada 18.oktobrī notika “Altum” konferenču zālē Rīgā. Konferencei[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 19. October 2018

Stambulas transportā par braucienu var norēķināties ar plastmasas pudelēm un skārdenēm

Vienā no Stambulas metro stacijām sācis darboties automāts, ar kura palīdzību par braucienu pilsētas sabiedriskajā transportā var norēķināties, nododot tukšas plastmasas pudeles un skārdenes. Automātā jāievieto pilsētas sabiedriskā transporta viedkarte[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 15. October 2018

Viedās pilsētas klastera biedri tiekas ikgadējā sanāksmē

Viedās pilsētas klasteris šā gada 11. oktobrī organizēja ikgadējo biedru sanāksmi Birojnīcas telpās Rīgā, lai informētu biedrus par projekta progresu un šajā laikā paveikto. Kopīgi pārskatītu turpmākās plānotās aktivitātes, apspriestu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 13. October 2018

Daimler starts building electric car batteries in Alabama

Part of a $1 billion investment to upgrade its factory in Tuscaloosa FRANKFURT (Reuters) – Daimler on Friday said it will start building a battery plant as part of its[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 13. October 2018

VW starts work on its first large-scale EV factory

The Shanghai-area plant could give Tesla some company. VW’s grandiose electric car plans just became more tangible. The automaker has started building its first group-wide, large-scale EV production factory in Anting, about[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 13. October 2018

Electric cars still face a big hurdle: the charging system

Automakers have a choice: build their own charging networks or rely on third-party networks Electric cars hit a new global sales record in 2017 — 1 million cars sold, with[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 13. October 2018

The future of electric car design has yet to be written

At its heart, the car industry remains a deeply conservative one Carmakers are a weird bunch. On one hand, they’re willing to give their designers free rein and millions of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 13. October 2018

VW could share its electric car platform with Ford

That could save both companies a huge chunk of cash. Building new cars from scratch is expensive, which is why so many automakers pursue partnerships with one another. A Toyota-Subaru[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 13. October 2018

New material could up efficiency of concentrated solar power

Could allow us to generate electricity using supercritical carbon dioxide. With the price of photovoltaics having plunged dramatically, solar is likely to become a major contributor to the electrical generating[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 13. October 2018

Researchers propose a cheap nickel-hydrogen battery for grid storage

Substitute out some of the platinum catalyst, and the battery gets much cheaper. Battery technology is extremely important for a world that uses more and more renewable energy. Renewable energy[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 13. October 2018

These are the largest solar farms in the world

These are the largest solar farms on the face of the planet Photovoltaic solar energy is the fastest-growing energy source in the world. Currently China, India, and the US produce the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 13. October 2018

5G: 'A cyber-attack could stop the country'

Superfast 5G mobile broadband could power smart cities and the internet of things, (IoT) but as more devices get connected, telecoms and security experts are warning that cyber-attacks could increase[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 13. October 2018

7 Drones that can stay airborne for hours — and the tech that makes it possible

We love drones. You know what we don’t love? Drone flight times. Today, your average consumer drone has an average flight time of between 10 and 20 minutes — with[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 13. October 2018

Reimagining Cities in the Face of Climate Change and Migration

Migration as a result of changing climate has already begun. And while this poses enormous challenges for governments – particularly at a global moment that seems indisposed towards immigration and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 13. October 2018

3 Mass Timber Structures That Take Wood To New Heights

One of architecture’s most exciting contemporary frontiers. Architects: Find the perfect materials for your next project through Architizer. Manufacturers: Sign up now to learn how you can get seen by the world’s top[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. October 2018

What is climate-ready infrastructure? Some cities are starting to adapt

The most recent international report on climate change paints a picture of disruption to society unless there are drastic and rapid cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. Although it’s early days, some cities[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. October 2018

How to tackle climate change, even without the help of the White House

The administration’s pullout from the Paris Climate Agreement and skeptical stance on climate change has caused a great deal of anxiety, but some environmentalists are pursuing solutions on their own:[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 12. October 2018

Carbon prices could save us … if we actually start using them

Ahh, carbon prices. Those pesky, politically fraught penalties governments slap on pollution and the polluters who emit it. Carbon taxes and pricing schemes could be our golden ticket out of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 12. October 2018


PEOPLE USUALLY HAVE three questions about Tesla and Elon Musk’s promises: When can I get a $35,000 Model 3? Can Teslas drive themselves? And can Tesla actually make money selling electric cars? The[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 12. October 2018

Bill Gates is investing in European companies that solve the less obvious parts of climate change

His Breakthrough Energy Ventures fund is teaming up with the European council to invest in companies focused on agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation. Bill Gates has coined a new way to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 12. October 2018

Google is searching for a way to be zero emissions all the time

Buying enough clean energy to make up for your dirty energy is one thing; using all clean energy 24/7 is another, and it could signal a new approach. Our time[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 12. October 2018

Bitcoin at 10: Still waiting for the revolution

Commentary: The O.G. of the cryptocurrency and blockchain world was born a decade ago. Today it’s bigger than ever but still not what it set out to be. Ten years[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 12. October 2018

EA embraces game streaming with its new 'Project Atlas' engine

It’s calling on devs to create AAA and indie titles on the upcoming platform. EA has announced a new cloud gaming development platform called ‘Project Atlas’ as it eyes a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 12. October 2018

GE Wants to Build Virtual Power Plants Using Blockchain

Distributed ledger technology could be integrated into GE’s Predix platform. GE is investigatingblockchainto potentially incorporate the technology into a virtual power plant offering, likely delivered via the company’s Predix platform. Steven[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. October 2018

People want self-driving cars to prioritize young lives over the elderly

A study on the ethical decisions of autonomous vehicles had interesting results. Today, MIT released the results of a global survey on the moral and ethical decisions that autonomous vehicles should be[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. October 2018

The Grim State of Electric Vehicle Adoption in the U.S.

Plugging in cars and trucks will be critical to averting climate catastrophe, according to the IPCC. How far has the U.S. come? According to a new report from the United Nations’ scientific[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. October 2018

Embracing multimodality, Uber pioneers ride recommendations

Contextual, personalized vehicle suggestions spotlight bikes For the first time, Uber will make contextual, personalized suggestions about the best way to get from point A to point B. The startup offers[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 12. October 2018

Is Australia on the verge of having too much solar energy?

Solar will represent a very substantial part of our power supply, but we’re hardly at risk of generating too much. Here’s why Over the last few weeks there have been[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 12. October 2018

Are super-cheap solar fields in the Middle East just loss-leaders?

Recent solar projects have offered solar energy for less than 3 cents/kWh. Is that right? In recent years, massive solar projects proposed for the Middle East have grabbed headlines with[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 12. October 2018

Clean energy is cheap, surging – and headed for a fall

Solar and wind projects are transforming Australia’s power grid, but unclear policies will slow new investments The relentlessly corrosive nature of political debate about climate change can sometimes mask that[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 12. October 2018

250 organizations are joining forces to end plastic waste

Through a new pledge organized by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, PepsiCo, Unilever, H&M, and more will team up with governments to boost recycling and end the flow of plastic into[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 12. October 2018

In Istanbul, You Can Pay Your Subway Fare with Recyclables

Istanbul is the latest city to install “reverse vending machines” to allow commuters to top up their transit cards by recycling plastic and aluminum, the New York Times reports. It’s part[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 12. October 2018

This fleet of underwater robots will help citizen scientists make the case for ocean conservation

OpenROV’s cheap robots help people explore their local waterways, and National Geographic is helping get them to more people so they can map their discoveries. Since David Lang cofounded OpenROV, a low-cost[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 12. October 2018

Google Home Hub review

Shortly after announcing the Home Hub, a Google exec told me the timing was simply about “getting the product right.” Still, it’s curious launching your own entry in the space more than[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 12. October 2018

Facebook confirms it’s building augmented reality glasses

“Yeah! Well of course we’re working on it,” Facebook’s  head of augmented reality Ficus Kirkpatrick told me when I asked him at TechCrunch’s AR/VR event in LA if Facebook was building AR[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 12. October 2018

EP: Līdz 2030. gadam jaunu automobiļu CO2 izmeši jāsamazina par 40%

Līdz 2030. gadam jaunu automobiļu CO2 izmeši jāsamazina par 40%, vienlaikus veicinot elektrisko un zemu emisiju auto nonākšanu tirgū, uzskata Eiropas Parlamenta deputāti. Trešdien atbalstītā likumprojektā EP deputāti aicina ES[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. October 2018

Can Future Cities be Timber Cities? Google’s Sidewalk Labs Asks the Experts

Steel and concrete facades have dominated contemporary cityscapes for generations, but as pressures from climate change pose new challenges for design and construction industries, some firms are turning to mass[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. October 2018

How to Turn a Car Town into a Cycling City

Lessons from the Dutch, where the number of bikes exceeds the number of people. DITOR’S NOTE: The following is excerpted from “Building the Cycling City,” by Melissa and Chris Brunlett,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. October 2018

At the Smart Columbus Experience Center, a glimpse into a city's future

The center enables visitors to try out electric vehicles and learn more about upcoming innovations such as autonomous vehicles and kiosks. COLUMBUS, OH — “A city that stays the same[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 28. September 2018

No Tallinas uz Rīgu automašīnā bez vadītāja. Vai Latvija kļūs par 5G lielvalsti?

Tuvākās desmitgades laikā ievērojami pieaugs datu apjoms, kuru radīs dažādas ikdienā izmantotās ierīces un jaunie pakalpojumi. Nepārtrauktai to darbībai būs nepieciešams daudz ātrāks internets, nekā tas ir pieejams pašlaik. Sagaidāms, ka[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 25. September 2018

Kā top? Cewood plātnes

Biznesa portāls viesojas pie ēveļskaidu produktu ražotājas SIA Cewood. Investējot 5 miljonus eiro, SIA Cewood Jaunlaicenē izveidojusi Baltijā vienīgo cementēto koka ēveļskaidu plātņu ražotni. Plātnes sastāv no 100% dabīgiem[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 19. September 2018

Satiksmes plūsmas mērīšanai Rīgas centrā projektēs 16 uzraudzības punktus

Rīgas domes Satiksmes departaments (RDSD) izsludinājis konkursu par satiksmes infrastruktūras uzraudzības punktu ierīkošanu 16 Rīgas centra vietās, lai veiktu satiksmes situācijas novērtēšanu, informē RDSD pārstāve Una Ahuna – Ozola. Iepirkuma[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 17. September 2018


Ziemeļvalstu Ministru padomes birojas Latvijā sadarbībā ar izstādi “Vide un enerģija” rīko starptautisku konferenci “Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas valstu enerģētikas un klimata izaicinājumi”, kas 2018.gada 18.oktobrī notiks “Altum” konferenču zālē Rīgā. Konferences[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 17. September 2018

Latvijas uzņēmums uzvar konkursā par ielu apgaismošanu Nīderlandē

Nīderlandes pilsētā Zvollē, kas ir Overeiselas provinces galvaspilsēta, uzstādīs 5000 Latvijas uzņēmuma “Vizulo” izstrādātos “VIZULO Mini Martin” gaismekļus, portālu “” informēja “Vizulo” pārstāvji. Jau šobrīd pilsētu izgaismo 2500 gaismekļu, bet[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 17. September 2018

Preiļos par teju pusmiljonu eiro plāno atjaunot apgaismojumu

Preiļu novada pašvaldība startēs Emisijas kvotu izsolīšanas instrumenta (EKII) finansēto projektu iesniegumu konkursā “Siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisiju samazināšana ar viedajām pilsētvides tehnoloģijām” ar ieceri atjaunot pilsētā apgaismojumu, kas varētu izmaksāt 451 947[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. September 2018

Tesla isn't facing a wave of competition because there isn't any competition in the electric-car market

Tesla critics and short-sellers have offered dire warnings about impending electric-car competition coming for the automaker. But globally, EV sales amount to only about 1% of sales — there’s no[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. September 2018

These 3 factors could threaten the future of the ride-sharing economy

Chances are, you or someone you know has two or three or more ride-share, car-share, or bike-share services apps on their smartphone. The app-driven shared mobility services we regularly use[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. September 2018

The Audi e-tron all-electric SUV is here, and it may have just eaten Tesla's lunch

Audi e-tron, the first electric SUV from the German automaker, debuted in San Francisco on Monday night. Two electric motors power the all-wheel-drive e-tron. A 95 kWh battery gives it[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. September 2018

BMW's new electric SUV concept is loaded with impressive tech — here's a look at its best features

BMW recently unveiled an electric concept SUV, the Vision iNEXT, with plans for the vehicle to enter the market in 2021. The vehicle will feature technology that includes autonomous driving,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. September 2018

Limiting warming to 2C would prevent ‘worldwide increases’ in heat-related deaths

Restricting global warming to 2C above pre-industrial levels would prevent large increases in temperature-related deaths across much of the globe, a new study finds. And keeping warming to 1.5C – the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. September 2018

A Million Climate Deniers Flee Hurricane Florence, Never Stop To Ask Why

As Hurricane Florence bears down on the Carolinas and Virginia, a million climate deniers are rushing to escape the brunt of the storm without ever stopping to ask why they[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. September 2018

Talking climate change with voters

Following years of extremely high and low temperatures, catastrophic hurricanes, droughts, floods, forest fires and sea-level rises eating away at valuable shorelines, the American people share a growing awareness of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. September 2018

Taxify is entering the e-scooter game

Estonian ride-hailing company Taxify will compete with Bird and Lime in Europe with its new brand of e-scooters, called Bolt, launching in Paris on Thursday. The company has rolled the scooter sharing[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. September 2018

Fossil fuel divestment funds rise to $6tn

Insurance companies lead the sell-off of coal, oil and gas stocks over climate change and financial fears – oil majors now cite divestment as a risk to them The funds[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. September 2018

Mercedes-Benz’s vision for autonomy is flexible and fugly

Mercedes-Benz shared on Monday its vision for how people and packages will someday move in dense urban environments. It’s called Vision Urbanetic — an all-electric autonomous concept vehicle that can[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 07. September 2018

Europe Breaks Solar Records Amidst Summer Heatwave

As Autumn begins to finally gear up across the Northern Hemisphere, for those in Europe, the massive 2018 heatwave will disappear into forgotten memory for most, except for the region’s[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 07. September 2018

Research Predicts Wind and Solar Could Green the Sahara

A model demonstrates how renewables could increase rainfall. Installing large-scale wind and solar projects in the Sahara could increase rainfall and help the desert bloom, according to research released this[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 07. September 2018

International Energy Agency predicts wind will dominate Europe’s grid by 2027

Massive renewable additions will require more grid-stabilizing technology. This week, the executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) told the Global Wind Summit that wind energy was likely to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 07. September 2018

This battery-filled drone can fly for two hours straight, startup says

Impossible Aerospace took a “battery-first approach” when designing its US-1 drone. One startup is reimagining how drones are designed — and how long they can fly. Impossible Aerospace, which came out of stealth[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. September 2018

As we discuss big solutions to climate change, don’t forget people-friendly streets

By 2050, if even just 7% more trips were made by bike and foot, we could avoid around 5 gigatons of carbon emissions. It’s simple, but effective. The day after[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. September 2018

Scotland needs tougher policies to meet CO2 targets, say experts

Nicola Sturgeon told more vigorous action needed to achieve post-2020 emissions target Nicola Sturgeon’s government needs much tougher policies on cutting emissions from Scotland’s roads and farms to meet its[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. September 2018

Climate change could turn megacities into death traps

From Canada to the United Kingdom to Japan, heat waves exacerbated by climate change have swept across the globe this summer, leaving a trail of death. A lack of action on climate change[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. September 2018

Back from the brink: the global effort to save coral from climate change

Underwater nurseries offer glimmer of hope for endangered ecosystems, encouraging growth of coral fragments on fibreglass structures anchored to the seabed As an ocean early warning system, coral reefs have[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. September 2018

The second blockchain bubble is now complete — what’s next?

The last few months haven’t been easy for crypto investors. Following the dizzying highs of crypto trading late last year, which saw Bitcoin  reach a peak of $19,276 and a market cap[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. September 2018

Walmart is betting on the blockchain to improve food safety

Walmart has been working with IBM on a food safety blockchain solution and today it announced it’s requiring that all suppliers of leafy green vegetable for Sam’s and Walmart upload their data to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. September 2018

Facebook’s next big augmented reality push is multiplayer games

Kitties. Flying kitties all over your face. Even as Facebook faces extreme pressure from Congress on issues like foreign interference and fake news, the company has to remain focused on keeping users[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. September 2018

Amazon Invests in Start-Up Company to Deliver Prefabricated Homes

As the tech giant’s first move into prefab construction, Amazon has invested in home-building start-up Plant PreFab. Known for smart home technology and sustainable construction, Plant PreFab is based in Rialto, California and is set[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. September 2018

Automakers are hiring more people, despite automation robots

Most publicly traded automakers grew workforce since 2013 Even as many automotive assembly lines look like a scene from a dystopian science fiction movie, with robots performing everything from welding[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 06. September 2018

WayRay raises $80M at a $500M valuation led by Porsche for its holographic AR display tech

The large, legacy car industry has pinned a lot of hopes and dreams on innovative startups to build the next generation of automotive technology, and today the latest chapter in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. September 2018

Strong Growth Expected in EV Charging Stations

Companies like ChargePoint and Tritium announce plans to expand and develop more charging infrastructure, which could boost the adoption of electric vehicles. Electric vehicle charging continues to surge, a move[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. September 2018

Electric Flight Will Transform Our Cities for the Better, and It Will Happen Sooner Than You Think

There’s a revolution in the air. Literally, up in the sky. Winged devices and the necessary ecosystem around them are undergoing the biggest transformation since “humanned” flight began over 100[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. September 2018

VW reimagines the microbus as an all-electric cargo hauler

The slow roll towards electrified vehicles isn’t isolated to passenger cars and SUVs. Manufacturers are investing in commercial vehicles as well — everything from school buses and delivery vans to big[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 06. September 2018

Refurbishing Baseload Power Stations To Backup Renewables

A number of stories have popped up in the news recently about turning traditional hydroelectric stations, which generate power by using water captured from a flowing river, into pumped storage[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 06. September 2018

Helsinki Energy Company to Go Entirely Energy Neutral

In the quest for carbon neutrality, the City of Helsinki in Finland announced its action plans to minimize greenhouse gas emissions substantially by 2035. The city’s fully owned energy company, Helen Ltd, a producer of district heating,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 06. September 2018

A Whole New World of PV: Product Launch Roundup From Solar Power International

The scrappy industry has found a new fantastic point of view. Solar Power International has entered a whole new world of smart energy devices. The trade show has been growing its[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 06. September 2018

Sunsetting solar panels: U.S. photovoltaic cell recycling incentives are beginning

When today’s solar panels are tomorrow’s electronic waste, who will finance their recycling? Within a few years, the United States will be facing the sunset of a large number of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 06. September 2018


PAC-MAN STYLE This past weekend, a Dutch nonprofit deployed a giant floating trap into the San Francisco Bay. The organization, called The Ocean Cleanup, says that the trap will scoop up plastic debris in the Pacific[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 06. September 2018

Sonnen aims to unify all aspects of the smart home

Dive Brief: Sonnen on Wednesday announced the launch of a new home energy management system to unify automation, distributed generation and storage with smart load control to optimize residential energy use. Sonnen says its new[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 06. September 2018

Quantum computing is almost ready for business, startup says

In launching its own online service, the Berkeley-based upstart Rigetti aspires to be the Amazon of cloud-based quantum computing. Quantum computing–which harnesses the peculiar physics of subatomic scale–long appeared to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. September 2018

How residential IoT can help shape a smart city

Once homes and living communities are more connected, they can plug in to larger smart city programs — though we still have a long way to go. The internet of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. September 2018

Amazon reportedly planning 3,000 cashier-less Go stores by 2021

An aggressive expansion of one of Amazon’s boldest brick-and-mortar ideas Amazon plans to open as many as 3,000 of its cashier-less Amazon Go convenience stores by the year 2021, according[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. September 2018

Why Did America Give Up on Mass Transit? (Don't Blame Cars.)

Streetcar, bus, and metro systems have been ignoring one lesson for 100 years: Service drives demand. One hundred years ago, the United States had a public transportation system that was[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 29. August 2018

"Volkswagen" nākamgad Berlīnē sāks piedāvāt elektroauto koplietošanas pakalpojumu

Vācijas autobūves koncerns “Volkswagen” ceturtdien paziņoja, ka nākamgad Berlīnē ieviesīs pilnībā elektrisku automobiļu koplietošanas pakalpojumu, tādējādi cerot sabiedrību iepazīstināt ar jauniem automašīnu modeļiem un ielauzties šajā strauju izaugsmi piedzīvojošajā tirgū.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 29. August 2018

Latvijā arvien lielāka interese par elektriskajiem un hibrīdauto

Līdz ar iedzīvotāju pirktspējas palielināšanos, auto cienītāji vairāk interesējas par elektriskajiem un hibrīdauto un iespējām tos iegādāties līzingā, TVNET pavēstīja AS “PrivatBank” Preses centrā. PrivatBank pēdējā gada laikā ir palīdzējusi piepildīt daudzu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 22. August 2018

Viesi no Ukrainas iepazīstas ar salaspiliešu pieredzi ēku atjaunošanā

Piektdien Salaspilī viesojās viesi no Ukrainas, lai iepazītos ar mūsu pieredzi daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamo ēku atjaunošanā. Daļa delegācijas pārstāvju savā valstī strādā ANO Attīstības programmā, kas vairāk fokusējas uz ēku, īpaši[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 22. August 2018

'Vizulo' iegūst lielu eksporta pasūtījumu un izgaismos Budapeštas ielas

LED gaismekļu ražotājs “Vizulo” ierindojies starp uzvarētājiem Ungārijas pašvaldības izsludinātā iepirkumā, kā rezultātā Budapeštā līdz 2019. gada maijam plānots nomainīt un uzstādīt 2500 jaunus uzņēmuma ražotus gaismekļus, portālu “Delfi” informēja[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 20. August 2018

Lietuvā ienāk Eiropas elektromobiļu uzlādes tīkls 'Ionity'

Lietuvā šonedēļ reģistrēts uzņēmums “Ionity GmbH Lietuvos filialas”, kas būs Eiropas elektroautomobiļu uzlādes tīkla “Ionity” vietējā struktūrvienība, raksta Lietuvas biznesa ziņu avīze “Verslo žinios”. Uzņēmumu vadīs visa “Ionity” tīkla izpilddirektors Markuss Grolls.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 15. August 2018

32 electric cars you'll see on the road by 2025

While electric vehicles aren’t posting big sales numbers yet, auto companies are making significant investments in them. Both new and traditional car manufacturers plan to release electric vehicles in the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 15. August 2018

Audi just gave us a look at its 764 horsepower electric sports car of the future and it's absolutely dazzling

The Audi PB18 e-tron electric concept sports car made its world debut on Thursday at Pebble Beach in Monterey, California. The electric concept is powered by three electric motors that[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 15. August 2018

Europe’s Electric Car Sales Up 30% In July — #CleanTechnica Report

Nissan Leaf Pushes Forward in Holiday Season The European passenger plug-in market slowed down a bit to enjoy the holiday season, registering some 27,000 registrations in July. That’s an increase of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 15. August 2018

Mercedes just revealed a futuristic 738 horsepower electric concept inspired by one of its greatest race cars

Mercedes-Benz unveiled its new EQ Silver Arrow concept on Friday at Pebble Beach in Monterey, California. The striking electric concept pays homage to the company’s record-breaking W125 Grand Prix racer[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 15. August 2018

Workhorse brings an electric pickup truck, helicopter to Manhattan

Workhorse, with its 120 employees, hopes to beat larger players to market. I wasn’t sure entirely what I expected an electric helicopter to look like, but what I found waiting[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 14. August 2018

The modern automobile must die

Germany was supposed to be a model for solving global warming. In 2007, the country’s government announced that it would reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 14. August 2018

Low-cost, printable solar panels offer ray of hope amid energy gridlock

Australian physicist says technology could make signing up for energy accounts as easy as a mobile phone subscription An Australian physicist is leading a push to pioneer a new type[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 14. August 2018

BNEF Heralds 1 Terawatt Of Wind & Solar Generation Capacity Worldwide

Bloomberg New Energy Finance has this week announced that, according to its figures, the world surpassed a total of 1 terawatt (TW) worth of wind and solar capacity some time before[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 14. August 2018

European Wind Operators Face Wind Drought While Solar Power Production Rises

The current heatwave in Western Europe is also contributing to a ‘wind drought,’ negatively impacting wind farm operators across the region, which includes the U.K., France, Spain, Germany and much[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 14. August 2018

A Battery Of Choices: Embracing R&D & Investment In Storage

Imagine a world where we depend on sunlight and the wind for most of our energy needs. Then imagine nighttime and our main source of electricity literally falls asleep. Unless[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 14. August 2018

BMW’s Plan to Optimize EV Charging With Renewables on the Grid

The second phase of BMW’s ChargeForward pilot makes an even stronger case for electric vehicles as a grid resource. Electric vehicles are cleaner than their gasoline-powered counterparts on a life-cycle[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 14. August 2018

The classic Heinz ketchup packet could disappear as we know it

Heinz may be phasing out its classic ketchup packets. It’s part of a larger sustainability push that Kraft Heinz is spearheading. By 2025, the company aims to make 100% of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 14. August 2018

Can Self-Destructing Plastics Make Us More Aware of Recycling?

Evian says it will produce all its plastic bottles from 100% recycled plastic by 2025. Starbucks made headlines this summer with its pledge to eliminate plastic straws by 2020. British supermarket Morrisons said it would[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 14. August 2018

How to better secure your smart home

Pro tips on the best way to lock down your collection of smart home tech. With the advent of gadgets like doorbell cameras, smart kitchen appliancesand data-logging sensors that track your sleep,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 14. August 2018

3 Ways Technology is Changing the American Home

Over the past decade or so, the notion of the “smart home” has transitioned from a futuristic concept to reality. While it’s been a slow curve, we’ve finally reached a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 14. August 2018

Lenovo launched a bunch of smart home products

Lenovo’s got its hands in basically everything else at this point, so why not extend that reach into smart home devices? Today at IFA, the company announced the upcoming release[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 14. August 2018

$2.3 billion later, Magic Leap's futuristic headset has the same problem as Microsoft's HoloLens

Magic Leap is a secretive Florida-based startup that makes augmented-reality headsets. On Wednesday morning, it launched its first device: Magic Leap One. It’s a product that’s over six years and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 14. August 2018

These 18 incredible products didn't exist 10 years ago

The world was a very different place 10 years ago. A decade ago, you couldn’t order an Uber on your phone. You couldn’t surf the web on Google Chrome. You[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 14. August 2018

Cities are Avoiding Hosting the Olympics. They Shouldn’t.

The apple of every athlete’s eye, the Olympic Games direct the gaze of the world onto one host city every two years, showcasing the best that sport has to offer across both[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 14. August 2018

How to Bring Construction into the Future

When it comes to building a bridge, what prevents it from having the most enduring and sustainable life span? What is its worst enemy? The answer is, simply, the bridge[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 14. August 2018


AT THIS POINT, it seems like every so-called consumer smart device—from routers and baby monitors to connected thermostats and garage door openers—has been shown to have vulnerabilities. But that same security crisis has also played out on a macro[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. August 2018

Apple's Photos app got a makeover in iOS 12.

The new “For You” tab lets you see photos you took that day in past years, and shows you previews of how Apple-made special effects could be applied to your[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. August 2018

How this woman went from a Pizza Hut employee to a founder of a $4 billion startup

When Nichole Mustard found herself adrift after college, she made a simple promise to herself: Be happy. Time and again, that choice led her to revamp her life and start[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. August 2018

Extreme temperatures 'especially likely for next four years'

Cyclical natural phenomena that affect planet’s climate will amplify effect of manmade global warming, scientists warn The world is likely to see more extreme temperatures in the coming four years[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. August 2018

Coastal flooding in Europe ‘could cost up to €1 trillion per year’ by 2100

The economic damage from coastal flooding in Europe could reach almost €1 trillion per year by 2100 without new investment in adaptation to climate change, a new study finds. The[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. August 2018

Climate change will make hundreds of millions more people nutrient deficient

Crops grown in a high CO2 atmosphere are less nutritious, containing less protein, zinc and iron Rising levels of carbon dioxide could make crops less nutritious and damage the health[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. August 2018

Earth is the warmest it's been in 120,000 years

The last three Julys on Earth have been the three warmest ever recorded. But, they may also be the warmest months to occur on our planet in about 120,000 years.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. August 2018

Fortnite Didn’t Do Anything New. That’s Why It Will Shape The Future Of Gaming.

They put the best parts of other games in a big, cartoony blender, and now we can’t get enough. If you are even remotely tuned into the world of video[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. August 2018

Your city can't become 'smart' without proper payment infrastructure

Payment infrastructure is evolving at a rapid pace, yet few global metropolises have truly embraced the speed of innovation — and there needs to be a change in strategy. How[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. August 2018

Move over, Bitcoin bros: A green cryptocurrency is here

To say that the cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin eats a lot of energy is an understatement. If Bitcoin were a country (praise be to the libertarian god that it’s not),[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 07. August 2018

How to pick the cloud storage service that’s right for you

Some are far better than others Storing your most sensitive files locally on a hard drive is still (and probably always will be) the logical thing to do. But it’s[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. August 2018

What Could Tesla Be Worth In 10 Years?

The cleantech, tech, stock, and business news of this past week was more obvious than an elephant sitting in a Fiat 500e — Elon Musk may take Tesla private. It[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. August 2018

Dyson Doubles Down On Plan To Build An Electric Car (That Doesn’t Suck)

Thank heaven for the old RAF airfields that dot the British countryside, for they provide the local population with lots of fond memories and empty buildings that can be repurposed[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 07. August 2018

Forget the Tesla Model 3, an Apple Car might drive you around in 2023

Just when you thought Apple’s top secret car project was dead, the rumor mill has once again started back up.  This time, TF International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo (aka the guy who’s[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. August 2018

See the Climatorium, Denmark’s big bet on tackling climate change

Denmark is turning climate change solutions into a business opportunity. While Trump insists on building walls, reviving dead industries like coal mining, and just doing everything possible to ignore and worsen climate change[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 06. August 2018

Samsung launches an LTE-enabled Tile competitor

Samsung, naturally, would never be content to launch a regular old Tile competitor. The company just doesn’t roll like that. While the basic foundation of the SmartThings Tracker is similar[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 18. July 2018

LMT iestājas starptautiskajā 5G Automotive asociācijā

2018. gada jūlijā LMT ir uzņemts starptautiskajā 5G Automotive asociācijā (5GAA). Iestāšanās asociācijā ir stratēģisks Latvijas Mobilā Telefona (LMT) solis, jo 5G balstītas savienoto auto tehnoloģiju inovācijas ir viena no[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 17. July 2018

Kopbraukšanas fenomens strauji pieņemas spēkā

Kopbraukšana kā fenomens pēdējā dekādē ir pieņēmies spēkā ļoti strauji un daudzos tirgos kļūst par alternatīvu privātajam auto, otrdien vēsta laikraksts Dienas Bizness. «Baltijas valstis ir starp līderiem Eiropā ar savu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 17. July 2018

Gerhards aicina lielās pilsētas klimata pārmaiņu ierobežošanu izvirzīt par prioritāti

Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrs Kaspars Gerhards (NA) aicina Latvijas Lielo pilsētu asociāciju (LLPA) klimata pārmaiņu ierobežošanu izvirzīt par prioritāti, aģentūru LETA informēja Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrijā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 17. July 2018

Sākam biznesu: Palīdz gudri plānot pilsētas satiksmi

SIA 4SmartStreets izstrādājis vairākus produktus, kas palīdz analizēt satiksmi pilsētā, lai noskaidrotu, kādi uzlabojumi ir nepieciešami. Uzņēmums izaudzis KleinTech services paspārnē, kura viens no zināmākajiem produktiem ir VAS Latvijas dzelzceļa uzskaites[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 03. July 2018

ALTUM «zaļo» obligāciju pirmais miljons tiek RCG Lighthouse

Attīstības finanšu institūcija «ALTUM» un energoservisa kompānija «RCG Lighthouse» noslēgušas sadarbības līgumu par «apgaismojuma kā ārpakalpojuma» energoefektivitātes projektu finansēšanu 1 miljona eiro apmērā. Finansējums uzņēmumam «RCG Lighthouse» piešķirts valsts atbalsta[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 01. July 2018

In-depth: UK can go low-carbon ‘at no extra cost’, say infrastructure advisors

The UK can have low-carbon electricity, heat and transport in 2050 at the same cost as today’s high-carbon energy system. That’s according to the UK’s first National Infrastructure Assessment, published today[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 01. July 2018

Permafrost and wetland emissions could cut 1.5C carbon budget ‘by five years’

Emissions of CO2 and methane from wetlands and thawing permafrost as the climate warms could cut the “carbon budget” for the Paris Agreement temperature limits by around five years, a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 01. July 2018

Analysis: ‘Global’ warming varies greatly depending where you live

As part of the Paris Agreement on climate change, the international community committed in 2015 to limit rising global temperatures to “well below” 2C by the end of the 21st century and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 01. July 2018

The big heatwave: from Algeria to the Arctic. But what’s the cause?

The northern hemisphere is having a baking summer – and it’s not just down to climate change Last week, authorities in Sweden took an unusual step. They issued an appeal[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 01. July 2018

Climate change made 2018 European heatwave up to ‘five times’ more likely

A rapid assessment by scientists of the ongoing heatwave across northern Europe this summer has found that human-caused climate change made it as much as five times more likely to have occurred.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 01. July 2018

Global carbon tax in isolation could ‘exacerbate food insecurity by 2050’

The implementation of a global tax on greenhouse gas emissions could – without other complementary policies – “have a greater negative impact on global hunger…than the direct impacts of climate[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 01. July 2018

As California burns, many fear the future of extreme fire has arrived

Experts say the state’s increasingly ferocious wildfires are not an aberration – they are the new reality Roger Gray has lived in his suburban subdivision in a quiet California city for 30[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 01. July 2018

Unsurvivable heatwaves could strike heart of China by end of century

The most populous region of the biggest polluter on Earth – China’s northern plain – will become uninhabitable in places if climate change is not curbed The deadliest place on[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 01. July 2018

Google has been stealthily working on a successor to Android, and engineers reportedly want to start rolling it out within three years

Google has been quietly working for years on a replacement for Android, the operating system that powers three quarters of the world’s smartphones. Engineers who work on the new software,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 01. July 2018

Fritz wants to help developers bring machine learning to their mobile apps

It’s one thing to run machine learning models in the cloud, where you have plenty of resources. On mobile devices, you’re dealing with very finite compute resources, so if you[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 01. July 2018

Facebook is bringing augmented reality ads to the News Feed

The new feature will let you “try on” items as you browse the site. Facebook is now testing augmented reality ads in its News Feed, the company announced today at an[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 01. July 2018

This New Startup Is Making Chatbots Dumber So You Can Actually Talk to Them

Chatbots don’t need to be smart. They just need to work. Tech giants have been trying to one-up each other to make the most intelligent chatbot out there. They can help[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 01. July 2018

Lyft Just Became America’s Biggest Bikeshare Company

By acquiring Motivate, Uber’s chief rival will take over the docked systems in New York, D.C., San Francisco, and more. Most people know Lyft as a peppy upstart nipping at[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 01. July 2018

The Rise of ‘Urban Tech’

From food-delivery startups to mapping and co-living companies, technology focused on urban systems is drawing billions of dollars in venture capital. The terms high-tech and venture capital conjure images of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 01. July 2018

Comprehensive study: carbon taxes won't hamper the economy

But global warming will. Eleven teams participated in a recent Stanford Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) project, examining the economic and environmental impacts of a carbon tax. The studies included “revenue recycling,”[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 01. July 2018

Fossil Fuels Are Likely To Go Bust Regardless Of Climate Action

Ten years ago Blockbuster CEO Jim Keyes said he wasn’t worried about digital streaming. “I’ve been frankly confused by this fascination that everybody has with Netflix,” he said. Blockbuster’s head of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 01. July 2018

SolarEdge Is Chasing Several New Markets. Utility-Scale Solar Is the Latest

The inverter company has expanded simultaneously into smart homes, uninterruptible power and virtual power plants. SolarEdge has moved into the utility-scale inverter market as a new growth opportunity. The Israeli[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 01. July 2018

The president of $85 billion Qualcomm explains his master plan for growth, 4 months after Trump blocked its takeover by Broadcom

Qualcomm makes the chips that power nearly every smartphone, but lately its name has been associated with a series of scandals — including a hostile take over attempt by its[...]
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Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

Tesla’s Norway Popularity Can’t Keep Up With Repairs

Tesla Norway has become a victim of its own popularity. Norway is by far the world leader in electric cars, and Business Insider has reported that Tesla became the overall most popular automaker in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

A Chinese electric car startup is trying to take on Tesla by making its cars more like an iPhone

The Chinese electric vehicle startup Byton is developing three vehicles, the first of which will hit the market in 2019. The company has prioritized interior features, like touchscreens and adjustable[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

BMW Electric Car Sales % Is Impressive. So What Is The Company Doing About It?

BMW stunned the world in 2009 with its Vision Efficient Dynamics. We couldn’t get enough of the shapes, the lines, the numbers, the possibilities. What resulted, the i3 and i8,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

Larry Page is quietly amassing a ‘flying car’ empire

Google co-founder revealed to be owner of Opener, a Canadian startup that just came out of stealth One flying car seems absurd; Larry Page has three. He started with Cora, a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

UK electric car drivers face paying more to charge at peak times

Ofgem outlines measures to ensure more drivers can use the electricity network British electric car drivers face having to pay more to power their car if they refuse to shift[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

Will Electric Motorcycles Jump Start A Dying Industry?

The market for new motorcycles in the US is down by 50% since the Great Depression of 2008. The biggest decline has been among people age 40 and younger. For[...]
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Enerģētika, 01. July 2018


IF YOU’RE OLD enough to remember landlines, maybe you remember the feedback loop that turned them from must-haves to luxury items. As customers started switching to mobile, the phone companies had[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 01. July 2018

India To Auction 40 Gigawatts Of Renewables Every Year Until 2028

Months after the Chinese government downgraded its solar capacity target for 2020, and weeks after implementation of sweeping changes to the feed-in tariff policy in China, India has announced its own[...]
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Enerģētika, 01. July 2018

The $2.5 trillion reason we can’t rely on batteries to clean up the grid

Fluctuating solar and wind power require lots of energy storage, and lithium-ion batteries seem like the obvious choice—but they are far too expensive to play a major role. pair of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 01. July 2018

Europe Added 4.5 Gigawatts Of New Wind Capacity In First Half Of 2018

Europe added a total of 4.5 gigawatts (GW) of new wind energy throughout the first half of 2018, according to new data from WindEurope, down by 26% on the same[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 01. July 2018

Variable Speed Is Key To World’s Biggest Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project, China’s Fengning Plant

File this one under “I” for I’m not dead yet. The iconic US company GE has been weathering stormy seas of late, but its Power Conversion business is still alive[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 01. July 2018

The $3 Billion Plan to Turn Hoover Dam Into a Giant Battery

Hoover Dam was a public works project likened to the pyramids. Now, after channeling a river, what if it could tap the power of the sun and wind? Hoover Dam[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 01. July 2018

Here’s Where 3 Million EV Batteries Will Go When They Retire

The first batches of batteries from electric and hybrid vehicles are hitting retirement age, yet they aren’t bound for landfills. Instead, they’ll spend their golden years chilling beer at 7-Elevens in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 01. July 2018

Rethinking recycling: could a circular economy solve the problem?

With more funding and product stewardship, the recycling crisis could turn into an opportunity There’s nothing like a crisis to spur on the search for a solution. Since January, when[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 01. July 2018

Why the world should look to Norway when it comes to plastic bottle recycling

The deposit-based Norwegian approach is an attractive, effective one. In 2013, Norway made headlines as it grappled with a unique and enviable predicament: a nationwide garbage deficit. Much like neighboring Swedes, Norwegians[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 01. July 2018

The real reason why so many cities and businesses are banning plastic straws has nothing to do with straws at all

Plastic straw bans are going into effect around the US. California recently became the first state to nix plastic straws from restaurant tables. Starting in 2019, customers in that state[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 01. July 2018

A look inside the amazing smart-home systems that rich people use

Smart home systems that rich people use are wildly different from the Amazon Alexa you may have just bought for your home. Oprah Winfrey has a radiant heat system that[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 01. July 2018

How to Take Back Control of Your Smart Home Devices From Someone Else

Picture this: Your home is full of “smart” gadgets that you didn’t set up yourself, but you have a decent understanding of how to use them—or, at the very least,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 01. July 2018

Domestic robots that will change the future of how you run your house

Remember back in 2001 when The Simpsons purchased an automated upgrade for their home known as the “Ultrahouse 3000?” Well, this is a bit like that, minus the Pierce Brosnan ‘British Charm[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 01. July 2018

Parrot's Anafi 4K drone is much more than a flying toy

But DJI’s Mavic Air has it beat on important features. Drones come in many shapes and sizes. At their most affordable, drones are fun flying toys. And for industrial uses[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 01. July 2018

China is building one of the world's tallest skyscrapers — take a look

In China, construction has begun on Shimao Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Centre, which could become the world’s second largest skyscraper. At 2,191 feet tall, it will surpass the Shanghai Tower. The[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 01. July 2018

These will be the world's biggest cities in 2030

With over 37 million residents, Greater Tokyo is the most populous metro area in the world today. Urban growth is not unique to Japan. By 2030, the United Nations predicts[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 01. July 2018

New York’s latest millennial co-living space has 'smart mattresses,' housekeeping, and fully-furnished rooms for $1,500 per month

Roomrs rents fully furnished apartments to students and young professionals in New York City. The apartments, which cost an average of $1,500 per month, come with utilities, housekeeping, and WiFi.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 19. June 2018

Jauna uzņēmējdarbības tendence Latvijā - elektrotransporta uzlāde par maksu

Aktīvi strādājot un izvērtējot tirgus pieprasījumu un potenciālu, «e-mobility Network» savu turpmāko biznesu ir nolēmis attīstīt arī Rietumeiropā, Latvijā fokusējoties galvenokārt uz uzņēmumu apkalpošanas (B2B) segmentu. Elektrotransporta uzlāde kā biznesa[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 12. June 2018

Elektrotransportlīdzekļu uzlādes pakalpojuma maksa uzlādes staciju tīklā būs 15 centi minūtē

Elektrotransportlīdzekļu uzlādes pakalpojuma maksa ātrās uzlādes staciju tīklā būs 15 centi minūtē ar pievienotās vērtības nodokli (PVN), otrdien lēma valdība. To paredz Satiksmes ministrijas (SM) sagatavotie grozījumi Ministru kabineta 2013.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 11. June 2018

Nīderlandē top pirmās 3D drukātās dzīvojamās mājas

Nīderlandes pilsēta Eindhovena varētu kļūt par pirmo pilsētu pasaulē, kurā dzīvojamās mājas tiks būvētas ar 3D printera palīdzību. Sadarbībā ar Eindhovenas Tehnoloģiju universitāti tiek īstenots projekts Milestone, kura ietvaros eksperimentālā kārtā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 11. June 2018

LMT un VARAM kopā ar 'Nokia' virza autonomo auto attīstību Latvijā

Vienā no lielākajām mobilo sakaru tehnoloģiju izstādēm pasaulē – “Mobile World Congress” – Barselonā, noritējusi “Nokia” tikšanās ar Latvijas vadošo mobilo sakaru operatoru LMT un Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministriju. Tās laikā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 07. June 2018

Ar tehnoloģijām piesātināto Gudro māju izmēģina dažādās Latvijas vietās

Mobilo sakaru operatora «Tele2» inženieri tā sauktās gudrās tehnoloģijas uzstādījuši mājā uz riteņiem, lai varētu tās izaicināt dabā − gan pilsētās un ciematos, gan mežā un pie jūras. Gudro māju,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 07. June 2018

Uzņēmumi Latvijā kūtri ievieš automatizācijas risinājumus

Lai arī procesu automatizācija un robotizācija, īpaši augošajā darba spēka trūkumā, ir viens no visaktuālākajiem problēmjautājumiem, reti kurš uzņēmums steidz ieviest augsti attīstītus risinājumus procesu automatizēšanai, secināts KPMG Latvijā veiktajā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 05. June 2018

Viedā pilsēta – vīzija, kas pārtop par realitāti

Jau pavisam drīz, 31. maijā un 1. jūnijā, Rīgā norisināsies starptautisks pasākums ar visai avangardiski pretenciozu nosaukumu – Mad City jeb Trakā pilsēta. Šķiet, kārtējais reklāmistu untums, no zila gaisa[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 03. June 2018

Climate change to become ‘greatest pressure on biodiversity’ by 2070

The combined effects of global warming and land-use change could cause the world’s ecosystems to lose more than a third of their animal species by 2070, a new study finds.[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 03. June 2018

Pope Francis Big Oil CEOs needed a climate change reality check. The pope delivered

At a gathering of fossil fuel executives at the Vatican, Pope Francis spoke much-needed common sense about climate change You kind of expect popes to talk about spiritual stuff, kind[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 03. June 2018

Coral reefs provide crucial protection for coastal cities — without them, flood damage could double, a new study finds

Coral reefs provide essential protection for people who live near coasts all over the world, according to a recent study. But reefs are dying because of the consequences of human[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 03. June 2018

Denmark’s Carbon Footprint Is Set to Rise Sharply

Denmark’s reputation as one of the most proactive countries in the world in the fight against climate change took a heavy knock this week. Despite its reputation as a green[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 03. June 2018

Housing and car industries should be ‘ashamed’ of climate record

Failure to build energy-efficient homes and clean cars risks UK missing its carbon targets, says government’s climate adviser The homebuilding and carmaking industries “should be ashamed” of their efforts to[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 03. June 2018

Lego partners with Apple to add augmented component to physical playsets

Lego already gives creative builders the chance to physically make something only limited by their own imagination, but now your playsets are going to look a whole lot cooler with the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 03. June 2018

21 game-changing announcements Apple made at its biggest conference of the year

  Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference, WWDC, officially kicked off on Monday. It began with a two-hour presentation from Apple in which top executives took the stage at the San[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 03. June 2018

Apple's new 'Measure' tool for iOS 12 threatens dozens of existing apps already in the App Store

Apple announced a new app for iOS 12 called “Measure.” It’s an augmented-reality app that works as a virtual ruler to measure length or distance using your iPhone’s camera. However,[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 03. June 2018

The Top Apps for Architects

We all know the common refrain recited by architecture’s more experienced practitioners when it comes to technology: “Times were a lot harder for us,” they’ll tell you. “We used to draw[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 03. June 2018

The Guy Who Created Oculus Has Now Made Surveillance Tech That Acts As A Virtual Border Wall

Defense company Anduril is oriented towards the future of war, even if the company doesn’t know what that is. Right now, on the border between the United States and Mexico,[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 03. June 2018

Niantic is opening its AR platform so others can make games like Pokémon Go

Niantic Labs, the San Francisco-based game developer responsible for creating the massively successful augmented reality game Pokémon Go, plans to open up the underlying AR platform behind its products to third-party[...]
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Bizness, 03. June 2018

Porsche is getting even more serious about electric, buys stake in Rimac

The Croatian company knows a lot about EVs and will become a development partner. By this point you may well have heard of Rimac Automobili, if for no other reason[...]
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Bizness, 03. June 2018

Beleaguered electric vehicle firm Faraday Future gets $2B investment boost

There’s a rare moment of cheer for floundering electric car maker Faraday Future after it landed a new investor and a fresh commitment of capital. Evergrande Health, a division of Hong Kong-listed[...]
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Bizness, 03. June 2018

5G will mean big boom for smart devices, Ericsson says

The number of IoT devices will grow like crazy once the next-generation networks arrive, according to a new report. The number of connected smart devices will quintuple over the next[...]
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Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Is Mercedes Finally Ready To Roll Out Its EQ Electric Cars?

Mercedes has been raising the news alarm to let us know it is still here and has decided to work on getting its tiny two-door electric vehicle, the EQA, out[...]
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Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Kymco’s new electric scooters could be the sign of a coming boom

Like with cars, established companies are following in the footsteps of startups One of the most exciting product announcements to happen at the Consumer Electronics show over the past few[...]
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Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Uber Will Pay Drivers in Pilot Cities to Use Electric Vehicles

Uber is expanding a pilot project to incentivize its drivers to switch to electric cars, Fortune reports. “We see the writing on the wall,” Adam Gromis, Uber’s head of sustainability, told[...]
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Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Just kidding: the superior quality of Loro Piana’s baby cashmere is no joke

My official title at Wallpaper* is quality maniac-at-large, a moniker that I adopted after meeting Pier Luigi Loro Piana in early 2014 to talk about his vicuña, which, he explained,[...]
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Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Silicon Valley scooter wars

Electric scooters have become the hot new area for startups and “innovation.” For those who haven’t been keeping track, there are three main players in the Silicon Valley scooter wars: Bird, Lime[...]
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Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Uber wins appeal and gets a provisional 15-month license to operate in London

After failing to secure a renewal for a license to operate a private hire vehicle service in London last September, Uber — the controversial transportation startup valued at around $62 billion — has finally had[...]
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Enerģētika, 01. June 2018

This natural gas plant could be a big breakthrough

Yesterday, the startup Net Power switched on its 50-megawatt power plant, proving it could burn natural gas without releasing greenhouse gases. If this technology works at scale, it could be the flexible,[...]
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Enerģētika, 01. June 2018

Wind & Solar To Achieve 50% By 2050 As Coal Shrinks To 11%, Predicts BNEF

Bloomberg New Energy Finance released its latest New Energy Outlook report for 2018 and it’s good news for the renewable energy industry, with wind and solar expected to grow to almost 50%[...]
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Enerģētika, 01. June 2018

Tesla is starting to actually become an energy company

The voice of Tesla CEO Elon Musk wavered on Tuesday afternoon onstage during the company’s shareholder’s meeting as he described “the most excruciating, hellish few months I think I’ve ever[...]
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Enerģētika, 01. June 2018

What’s Possible For Used EV Batteries? Daimler Energy Storage Units Provide Second Life Power

Like most consumables in today’s world, batteries from electric and hybrid vehicles have a tipping point beyond which they are no longer viable for use. Instead of stacking these used[...]
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Enerģētika, 01. June 2018

NY’s Energy Storage Roadmap Set to Achieve Nation-Leading Target Of 1500 MW By 2025 To Combat Climate Change

If you can’t count on the federal government to protect its citizens from the ravages of climate change, then you have to count on the states to step up. With[...]
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Vide, 01. June 2018

This is how blockchain could clean up the world's oceans

I met my husband in scuba class. We love the beauty and surprise that we can find beneath the surface of our oceans. But for more than six decades, plastic[...]
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Vide, 01. June 2018


FOR A LONG time, China has been a dumping ground for the world’s problematic plastics. In the 1990s, Chinese markets saw that discarded plastic could be profitably recreated into exportable bits[...]
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Vide, 01. June 2018

This machine picks apart cars with precision

The Powerhand VRS (Vehicle Recycling System) allows junkyards to extract previously irretrievable materials. Watch as the machine picks apart cars effortlessly. The following is a transcript of the video. This[...]
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Vide, 01. June 2018

Waste crisis: where's your recycling going now?

China’s limits on contamination levels have sparked a recycling industry crisis. What are local and state governments doing to solve the problem? “Did you put the recycling out?” It’s a[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 01. June 2018

Parrot Anafi drone review

HIGHS Portable, lightweight design Solid camera with HDR 180-degree gimbal Lossless zoom LOWS No obstacle avoidance n many ways, Parrot is to drones what Nintendo is to video games. Despite playing a[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 01. June 2018

Amazon starts shipping its $249 DeepLens AI camera for developers

Back at its re:Invent conference in November, AWS announced its $249 DeepLens, a camera that’s specifically geared toward developers who want to build and prototype vision-centric machine learning models. The company started taking pre-orders for DeepLens a[...]
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Pilsētvide, 01. June 2018

Can Silicon Valley Disrupt How We Build?

Flush with venture capital, the startup Katerra wants to revolutionize the construction industry. But as history shows, it’s harder than it looks. From the end of the Second World War[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 30. May 2018

Are avocados toast? California farmers bet on what we'll be eating in 2050

For farmers planting crops they hope will bear fruit in 25 years – including avocado trees – climate change must be reckoned with now Chris Sayer pushed his way through[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 30. May 2018

Failure To Mitigate Climate Change Could Cost Trillions, Finds Stanford Study

A team of researchers from Stanford University have determined that failure to meet climate mitigation goals set out in the Paris Climate Agreement could cost the planet trillions over the[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 30. May 2018

Study: Oil Companies Are Avoiding Taking Responsibility for Climate Change

When they talk about how exactly they’ll combat climate change, oil companies stay *real* light on specifics. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it: Oil companies have played a[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 30. May 2018

Air conditioner use will triple worldwide by 2050, new report suggests

During sweltering New York City summers, the local power utility warns that for every degree you lower the thermostat, your energy bill goes up by 6 percent. Air conditioners in every form[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 30. May 2018

This $4 billion company is betting big on Google Cloud as it makes its algorithms smarter and its employees more productive

Credit Karma CTO Ryan Graciano tells us the personal-finance company is betting big on Google Cloud to do all its data processing. He says that the bet on Google isn’t[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 30. May 2018

Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon chip will take VR, AR to the next level

Qualcomm today introduced the world’s first platform dedicated to extended reality (XR) with the launch of its Snapdragon XR1 chip and headset design. As previously reported, XR is an umbrella term used[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 30. May 2018

Google’s Android Things IoT platform comes out of beta

Android Things, Google IoT platform for developers who want to build connected devices, is now out of beta, as the company today announced. After eight release candidates, the last of[...]
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Bizness, 30. May 2018

5 Trends Helping Drive Smart Building Adoption

The opportunity for smart buildings is clear. But for many firms, harnessing it requires a better understanding of real estate trends. The opportunity for smart buildings is clear. From The[...]
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Bizness, 30. May 2018

Regulation has helped, not hindered California’s green economy

How else do you grow an economy by 80 percent without increasing carbon emissions? Earlier this year, California raked in $2.7 trillion gross state product, overtaking the UK as the[...]
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Bizness, 30. May 2018

Amazon Is Invading Model Homes to Show Off a Future No One Wants

Amazon announced Wednesday that it will try to pitch the general public on its dystopian future by launching interactive showrooms in model homes across the country to show off its full line[...]
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Bizness, 30. May 2018

Nikola Motors sues Tesla for $2 billion over alleged design-patent infringement

Nikola: Tesla’s cabin design is substantially similar to its Nikola One truck. On Tuesday, zero-emissions truck startup Nikola Motor Company sued Tesla for allegedly infringing on its design patents. Nikola[...]
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Bizness, 30. May 2018

Volvo unveils electric garbage truck that won't wake up sleeping babies

Garbage trucks may soon be much quieter. Volvo introduced a new electric garbage truck design this week called the Volvo FE Electric. The truck is built to optimize efficiency and[...]
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Bizness, 30. May 2018

Tesla just registered a new electric car firm in China

As China plans to fully open its auto market to foreign ventures, Tesla ignites plans for its first non-US Gigafactory. Tesla is preparing to set foot on Chinese soil as the[...]
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Bizness, 30. May 2018

It’s Been a Pretty Good Year So Far for Solar Stocks

Wall Street seems to be warming up to the long-term potential of solar companies. Wall Street could be forgiven for having doubts about the solar market last year. On the[...]
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Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Volkswagen Doubles EV Battery Order To $48 Billion

Just 6 weeks ago, Volkswagen boss Matthias Müller stunned the automotive world when he revealed the company had placed orders for EV batteries and components worth a total of $25 billion.[...]
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Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

The CEO of the world's largest car company flexes on Tesla, touts best-selling electric cars, and says range anxiety is no longer an issue

Carlos Ghosn, the man who helms the world’s largest car company, the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance, says customers who buy electric vehicles are far less concerned about range anxiety than they used[...]
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Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Aston Martin’s Lagonda Revival — The Exotic, High-End, Electric “Vision Concept”

Hang onto your hats, we may be entering the era of the electric SUV. The Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, Porsche Cayenne S E-Hybrid, BMW X5 xDrive40e, and of course Tesla Model X have been around for[...]
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Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Mercedes-Benz to build Tesla-rivaling electric compact car in France

Car will be first in an onslaught of EVs from MB FRANKFURT — Daimler will invest 500 million euros ($589 million) in Hambach, France, to start producing a small electric[...]
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Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Inside the automotive startup taking EVs off-road

Competing against Tesla is foolish. Why not build an electric truck instead? The Tesla Model X is the “least capable SUV ever made,” according to Rivian CEO RJ Scaringe. It sits too[...]
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Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Tesla needs to sell more expensive Model 3s so the company doesn’t ‘die,’ Musk says

New dual-motor options become available, but the $35,000 base model is still months away Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced the final details of the dual-motor, all-wheel drive version of the[...]
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Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Apple teams up with Volkswagen to make a fleet of self-driving passenger vans

Apple just teamed up with Volkswagen to turn some of the automaker’s passenger vans into self-driving vehicles. As part of the partnership announced on Wednesday night, Apple will equip a[...]
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Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Tesla Model 3 drives 606 miles on a single charge in hypermiling record

Thirty-two hours of low-speed driving It only took 32 hours of continuous driving in sweltering temperatures, but two Colorado residents have set a new “hypermiling” record by driving their Tesla[...]
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Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

The State Of EV Batteries: LG Chem, SK Innovation, & Tesla–Panasonic Improvements

The state of electric vehicle (EV) batteries can get confusing. Although internal combustion engine (ICE) aficionados talk about engine displacement and horsepower, EV drivers often consider energy storage as the[...]
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Enerģētika, 30. May 2018

One simple chart shows why an energy revolution is coming — and who is likely to come out on top

The cost of producing solar power is rapidly declining: It now costs $50 to produce one megawatt-hour of solar power, according to a new analysis. Coal, on the other hand,[...]
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Enerģētika, 30. May 2018

Siemens Gamesa Pursues Hybrid Wind and Solar Projects With Energy Storage

The company confirms hybrid systems are a growing focus area. Siemens Gamesa, the leading turbine manufacturer, is looking to go beyond wind — into hybrid systems with solar and storage.[...]
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Enerģētika, 30. May 2018

If renewable energy can power entire countries, why isn't everyone doing it?

A country getting all its electricity from a combination of wind, solar and hydro sounds like science fiction. It’s not. This is part one of “Fight The Power,” a series[...]
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Enerģētika, 30. May 2018

Why More Solar and Wind on the Grid Should Be Driving Today’s Investment Decisions

A newly released Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) report has found that when the share of electricity generated from wind and solar reaches 40-50 percent, wholesale power prices will decrease by US[...]
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Enerģētika, 30. May 2018

America, your offshore wind is coming: 1.2GW in contracts awarded

An industry stalled is being revived again. Massachusetts and Rhode Island both awarded major offshore wind contracts on Wednesday, underscoring the increasing economic viability of a kind of renewable energy[...]
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Enerģētika, 30. May 2018

Swiss Equity Firm Commits To 1.3 Gigawatt Australian Renewable Energy Platform

Swiss private equity firm Partners Group has announced that it is investing AUD$700 million in the development of the Grassroots Renewable Energy Platform in Australia, a 1.3 gigawatt (GW) renewable[...]
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Enerģētika, 30. May 2018

California Says New Residential Buildings Must Have Solar

Energy efficiency building standards officially adopted by California yesterday will require new homes in the state to have solar PV systems starting in 2020. “This is massive,” commented Morten Lund,[...]
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Enerģētika, 30. May 2018

Nissan's following Tesla into solar power and home batteries

GIVEN THE WEATHER in the United Kingdom—that cloudy, foggy, drizzly country—it doesn’t seem like the best place to launch a business that revolves around solar power. But this is where the builder[...]
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Vide, 30. May 2018

Scientists Develop Recycling Process That Could Lead To “Zero Waste” Cell Phones

How often do you swap out your old smartphone for a new one? Every two or three years? Every year? Today, phone companies make it easy with deals to trade[...]
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Vide, 30. May 2018

The American recycling system is on the verge of breaking down, and it could mean higher costs for homeowners

Recycling is going to get a lot more expensive for homeowners. Recycling companies used to make money shipping goods to China, but China has halted imports over contamination concerns. Now[...]
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Vide, 30. May 2018

What will happen to solar panels after their useful lives are over?

Solar power is having its hockey stick moment. Since the early 2000s, the amount of solar panels being installed worldwide has been growing exponentially, and it’s expected to continue to do so for decades.[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 30. May 2018

Google is coming after Amazon in the smart home market

Google Assistant is working on closing Alexa’s lead in smart device integration, with new financial and technical support for Assistant-minded startups. Google announced Thursday that Google Assistant can currently be used[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 30. May 2018

An Icelandic inventor has achieved the holy grail of airborne technology with a drone that flies like a bird

Icelandic startup Flygildi thinks it has unlocked the “holy grail” of drone technology: its drone looks and flies like a bird. The AI-powered drone could come in handy for law[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 30. May 2018

Google Assistant hits 5,000 smart home partners, adds Dish, Logitech

Google Assistant now counts 5,000 supported devices, up from 1,500 in January. With Google’s developer conference right around the corner, the search giant wants you to know that its digital assistant is quite[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 30. May 2018

Nokia Sleep review: Smart home controls don’t live up to the hype

The lack of alarm really kills it. When Nokia officially took over the Withings brand in 2017, it inherited many of its products, like the Activité watches, the WiFi Body scales and a wireless blood[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 30. May 2018

Google’s first Smart Displays will launch in July

Smart Displays were the talk of Google’s big push at CES this year — but there’s been nary a peep in the intervening months. As expected, we got a little[...]
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Pilsētvide, 30. May 2018

The War on Cars, Norwegian Edition

Oslo is still planning to go car-free by 2019, thanks to an ambitious network of bike lanes. But old habits do die hard. Øyvind Aas didn’t look like one of[...]
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Pilsētvide, 30. May 2018

How Bad for the Planet Are Your Building Materials?

The infographic highlights the high impact of manufacturing metals like steel and aluminum. Find green building materials for your next project through Architizer’s new community marketplace for building-products. Manufacturers: Check out the[...]
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Pilsētvide, 30. May 2018

Smart Roads Could Soon Call An Ambulance, Connect You to the Internet

Exciting sci-fi vision of the future, or highway to hell? Smart phones, smart fridges, smart cities — everything is increasingly connected to everything else. The internet-of-things revolution has brought new[...]
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Pilsētvide, 30. May 2018

As “Smart Cities” Come Into Focus, California Laws Seek To Limit Surveillance Technology

Oakland is the latest city to give surveillance tech more oversight. Streetlights that can monitor your every move. Crosswalks that shame you if you jaywalk. Artificially intelligent CCTV systems that can catch criminals in the[...]
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Pilsētvide, 30. May 2018

Why Private Access to Public Assets Will Decide the Fate of Smart Cities

Tech experts knew it was a long time coming: The interest in smart homes gave way to a desire for smart cities, and the U.S. is running into smart city[...]
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Jaunumi, 25. May 2018

Pilsēta, jaunākās tehnoloģijas un nauda - kāda būs Rīgas nākotne?

Šā gada 31. maijā – 1. jūnijā Rīgā notiks starptautisks pilsētplānošanas pasākums «Mad City Happening 2018». Pasākums veltīts viedo pilsētu koncepta attīstībai, fokusējoties uz jaunākajām un neparastākajām idejām tehnoloģiju jomā,[...]
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Jaunumi, 17. May 2018

ANO: 2050. gadā pilsētās dzīvos 68% pasaules iedzīvotāju

68% pasaules iedzīvotāju 2050.gadā dzīvos pilsētās, salīdzinot ar 55% šobrīd, trešdien paziņoja ANO. Kā prognozēts ANO ziņojumā, nākamajos 30 gados arvien plašākajās pilsētās iedzīvotāju skaits pieaugs par vēl 2,5 miljardiem[...]
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Jaunumi, 16. May 2018

Nākamnedēļ Rīgā notiks elektrisko transportlīdzekļu saiets

Nākamnedēļ Rīgā notiks elektrisko transportlīdzekļu saiets un elektromobiļu maratona starts, informēja biedrības “Bezizmešu mobilitātes atbalsta biedrība” pārstāvis Arnis Bergs. Lai salidojuma norises laikā autostāvvieta būtu pieejama bez maksas, dalībniekam līdz[...]
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Jaunumi, 01. May 2018

Elektrisko autobusu «uzbrukums» naftas industrijai

Pirms aptuveni septiņiem gadiem, kad Ķīnas autobūves un akumulatoru uzņēmums «BYD Co.» nozares konferencē Beļģijā prezentēja vienu no pirmajiem elektrisko autobusu modeļiem, elektriskie autobusi tika uzskatīti par ko līdzīgu jokam.[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 28. April 2018

One of the scariest effects of climate change might already be happening — and it'd mean our projections are way off

Warm waters are pooling underneath Antarctic glaciers in a way that’s causing glaciers to melt more rapidly and preventing the formation of cool water beneath Antarctica, according to a new[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 28. April 2018

Climate change to drive migration from island homes sooner than thought

Low-lying atolls around the world will be overtaken by sea-level rises within a few decades, according to a new study Hundreds of thousands of people will be forced from their[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 28. April 2018

Limiting warming to 1.5C could ‘substantially’ cut risk of ice-free Arctic summers

Meeting the Paris Agreement’s aspirational target of limiting global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels could “substantially” reduce the risk of sea ice-free summers in the Arctic, research shows. Two new[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 28. April 2018

Guest post: Do satellites hold the answer to reporting greenhouse gases?

Jane Burston is head of energy and environment at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory. In 2002, the European satellite Envisat gave the world its first operational orbiting sensor for detecting atmospheric greenhouse[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 28. April 2018

Explainer: These six metals are key to a low-carbon future

The deployment of renewables and electric vehicles is expected to skyrocket as the world strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These low-carbon technologies currently rely on a handful of key metals, some[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 28. April 2018

World can limit global warming to 1.5C ‘without BECCS’

It is possible to limit warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures without using negative emissions from bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), new research says. The study, published today in Nature[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 28. April 2018

Qualcomm doubles down on the IoT with new Vision Intelligence platform

Mobile chip giant Qualcomm is doubling down on the IoT with its newly announced Vision Intelligence Platform. The platform is purpose-built for IoT devices based off of two new system-on-chips[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 28. April 2018


YOU KNOW BY now that Internet of Things devices like your router are often vulnerable to attack, the industry-wide lack of investment in security leaving the door open to a host of[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 28. April 2018

Ford, Siemens use blockchain as the fabric for a sustainable city

Blockchain, the underlying technology for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, has emerged as a secure ledger platform that rapidly will accelerate the adoption of smart city digital services. In the areas[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 28. April 2018

It's Time to Regulate 'Smart City' Technology, Too

This isn’t just about Facebook: When Google is building cities and cars are turning into data-harvesting machines, the need for laws that protect users has never been more urgent. There’s[...]
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Bizness, 28. April 2018

Uber and Lyft might be taking over the streets — but the ride-sharing economy still has a long way to go

If you live in a US city, car-sharing services like Lyft and Uber might seem omnipresent. However, the ride-sharing economy still has a ways to go, at least according to[...]
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Bizness, 28. April 2018

Renewable energy wins over big businesses in US

Despite President Trump’s call for a coal power renaissance, companies like GM, Target and Starbucks are following Google and Apple in deals for solar and wind energy. It’s not just Google, Apple and[...]
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Bizness, 28. April 2018

9 Tech Companies Likely to Be Acquired Next

Tech stocks blew expectations out of the water in 2017, outpacing the S&P 500 by 21 percentage points. While 2017 certainly marked an exceptional year for tech stocks, it was also[...]
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Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Largest solar-powered boat ever built

This record-setting boat is epic in more ways than one This zero emission boat is powered completely by solar energy. PlanetSolar’s MS Tûranor has a little over 5,500 square feet[...]
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Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Tesla batteries will live longer than expected, survey finds

The packs are on track to last over 500,000 miles. Tesla batteries retain over 90 percent of their charging power after 160,000 miles, according to data gathered by a Dutch-Belgium Tesla owners[...]
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Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Tesla Model S Crushes Large Luxury Car Competition In USA

In July of 2017, I put together a comparison of Tesla Model S sales and other large luxury car sales in the USA. An update has long been due. The story was[...]
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Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

VW's Electrify America teams up with Walmart and Target to tackle the biggest challenge for electric cars

VW Group’s Electrify America is rolling out an ambitious plan to partner with retail companies and developers to bring fast charging for electric vehicles to more locations. The company is[...]
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Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

BMW just unveiled a sleek electric SUV that will take on Tesla's Model X

BMW unveiled its iX3 electric SUV concept on Wednesday at the Beijing Auto Show. BMW will start producing the vehicle in China in 2020 as part of a joint venture.[...]
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Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Heat Pump Helps Audi E-Tron Trump Tesla Performance

OK. The Tesla P100D is still the quickest production electric car on the planet. But Audi says its E-Tron will be faster. What’s the difference? A car that accelerates rapidly is quick.[...]
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Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

9 Chinese carmakers that want to be Tesla

Electric car maker Tesla has pushed the car market to develop more sedans, SUVs, and even luxury sports cars with batteries. In China, any headway Tesla’s made for electric is[...]
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Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Important But Little Known Details Behind Electrify America Charging Infrastructure & Tesla Supercharging

I read with interest the stories posted by my colleagues Kyle Field and James Ayreabout the plans Electrify America — a division of Volkswagen — has made to create a massive new EV[...]
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Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Tesla Limo Service Passes 1 Million Kilometers, 0 Dead Batteries

In Australia, one company is celebrating an important electric vehicle milestone. “An Australian limousine service has become the first to clock up more than 1 million kilometers with a fleet[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 28. April 2018

Energy storage charges forward

Use it or lose it. Few products in the world have a shorter shelf life than electricity. That’s why pretty much everyone involved in the power sector — from utilities[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 28. April 2018

World’s largest battery on a desert solar farm would triple Tesla’s record

California may soon have a record-sized battery east of Palm Springs. The proposed electrical power storage unit would more than triple the capacity of the current largest battery in the world, the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 28. April 2018

When it comes to renewables, solar investment is surging ahead of the rest

Everybody loves the sunshine. Investment in solar is surging ahead of other renewable sources, fossil fuels and nuclear, according to a new United Nations report which looked at how countries spent money[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 28. April 2018

Siemens Gamesa Overtakes Vestas As Leading Wind Manufacturer

Less than a year after its successful merger, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has been named the leading wind manufacturer by two analyst firms, thereby dethroning Danish manufacturer Vestas. It is[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 27. April 2018

Apple Now Globally Powered by 100 Percent Renewable Energy

Apple announced that all of its operations, including its retail stores, offices, data centers and co-located facilities in 43 countries, are now completely powered by renewable energy. The company also[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 27. April 2018

America Leads Global Energy Storage Development, But China’s Catching Up

A look at how energy storage is expanding across the world. Energy storage has gone global, but in a lumpy and heterogeneous way. That’s the upshot of new report on worldwide storage[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 27. April 2018

The US Wind Sector Toasts Trump’s New Love of Offshore

The Secretary of Interior said offshore wind will play “a big role” in energy policy. The U.S. wind industry is celebrating after the Trump administration last week appeared to lend[...]
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Enerģētika, 27. April 2018

New York Targets New Energy Efficiency Goal To Cut Emissions & Combat Climate Change

The Governor of the State of New York, Andrew Cuomo, announced last week an ambitious new energy efficiency target that will aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 27. April 2018

Global solar capacity grew faster than fossil fuels in 2017, says report

For the first time in 2017, global solar capacity grew faster than all fossil fuels combined, including coal, oil and gas-fired power stations. That’s one finding of the latest annual report on[...]
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Vide, 27. April 2018

Costa Coffee to recycle equivalent of all its takeaway cups each year

UK’s largest coffee shop chain has pledged to recycle up to 500m cups a year by 2020 – a fifth of the total used in the country The UK’s largest[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 27. April 2018

Apple has a new iPhone-destroying robot called Daisy that can disassemble 200 phones in an hour

Apple announced they have a new robot called “Daisy” that takes apart iPhones for the valuable materials within. It can disassemble 200 iPhones per hour, according to Apple. Greenpeace, the[...]
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Vide, 27. April 2018

Why failing to recycle electronics leaves gold mines untapped

E-waste is more than phones and laptops There’s 80 times as much gold in one ton of cellphones as there is in a gold mine, says Federico Magalini, an expert on[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 27. April 2018

Japan's renewable energy puzzle: solar push threatens environment

As the country rushes to cut carbon emissions by 26%, campaigners worry that forests and wildlife are being trampled The tens of thousands of solar panels resting on the surface[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 27. April 2018

Apple is reportedly building an insane ’16K’ VR headset

Apple has long been rumored to be working on a pair of augmented reality glasses, but a report today suggests that they’re looking to compete with Google, Microsoft and Facebook in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 27. April 2018

Amazon can now deliver packages to the trunk of your car

Amazon is taking its relationship with its customers to the next level. On Tuesday, Amazon announced that it is extending its Amazon Key delivery service from homes to personal vehicles. With Amazon Key[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 27. April 2018

iRobot wants its Roombas to be the eyes and roving sensors of your smart home

To get something approaching a responsive home — that’s a smart home that reacts to you instead of you initiating actions — you have a few options. There’s a device[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 27. April 2018

Can digital home assistants top smartphones for control of the smart home?

Just like the magic 8-ball, a new survey says, “Don’t count on it.” A new survey by market research company GfK finds that nearly 90 percent of consumers view their smartphones as a controller for[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 27. April 2018

Want a smart home? Start with these best smart home devices

So, you want to turn your “dumb” house into a smarter one. You’re not alone. Analysts expect the smart home devices industry to reach $107.4 billion by 2023. But the question[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 27. April 2018

New survey shows consumers are wary of smart home devices invading their privacy

US consumer interest in connected home products is on the rise, but privacy concerns persist. Nearly half of US consumers (48%) intend to buy at least one smart home device[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 27. April 2018

You may soon be able to control your home with a smart wall

Forget a smart speaker, soon you may be able to control your smart home with a few taps on your wall. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and Disney Research have developed[...]
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Pilsētvide, 27. April 2018

The Global Housing Crisis

Scarce, unaffordable housing is not a local problem in a few places, but is baked into the 21st-century global city. It’s time for cities, nations, and global leaders to start[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 27. April 2018

These Are The 20 Most Livable Cities in the World in 2018

Despite economic volatility in Europe due to uncertainty around Brexit as well as increased political volatility in the region overall, many of its cities still offer the world’s highest quality[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 27. April 2018

Copenhagen Mastermind Jan Gehl Isn't Sold on 'Smart' Cities

Architect and planner Jan Gehl looks back on how he helped transform Copenhagen into one of the world’s most livable cities and talks about how people can reclaim the streets.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 23. April 2018

Fiskālā padome: Valdībai daudz nopietnāk jādomā par risku izvērtēšanu PPP projektos, lai neradītu zaudējumus valsts budžetam

Pieaugot interesei par publiskās un privātās partnerības (PPP) projektiem, kas efektīvi ļauj attīstīt nozīmīgus infrastruktūras objektus un pakalpojumus, valdībai daudz nopietnāk jādomā par PPP risku izvērtēšanu, lai nākotnē neradītu būtiskus zaudējumus valsts[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 18. April 2018

Plašas autostāvvietas pie ēkām būs jāaprīko ar elektromobiļu uzlādes punktu

Jaunām un renovētām ēkām, kurās ir vismaz desmit autostāvvietas, būs nepieciešams izveidot elektromobiļu uzlādes punktu, paredz jaunie noteikumi, kurus otrdien apstiprināja Eiropas Parlamenta (EP) deputāti. Jaunie noteikumi valstīm liks izstrādāt[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 18. April 2018

Hygen ar ALTUM garantiju un Citadeles kredītlīniju ražos iekārtu dabasgāzes automašīnu uzpildei mājas apstākļos

Latvijas uzņēmums Hygen ar ALTUM garantiju un bankas Citadelekredītlīniju šogad sāks ražot inovatīvu iekārtu dabasgāzes automašīnu uzpildei mājas apstākļos. Hygen, kas darbojas alternatīvās enerģētikas jomā, izstrādājis inovatīvu ierīci, ar kuras palīdzību pieslēgties mājas gāzes vadam[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 13. April 2018

UPB saņem balvu par labāko stikla ēku Zviedrijā

Prestižajā Zviedrijas būvniecības konkursā Glaspriset 2018 biroja ēka Umestan atzīta par labāko stikla ēku. UPB šajā projektā veica fasādes projektēšanu, ražošanu un montāžu. Umestan ir sešus stāvus augsta biroja ēka ar skaistu 3300 kvadrātmetru lielu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 10. April 2018

Miljardu vērtais nulles enerģijas patēriņa projekts Helsinkos

Somijas galvaspilsētas Pasila rajonā top miljardu eiro vērts daudzfunkcionāls projekts; plānots, ka ēkas atbildīs gandrīz nulles enerģijas patēriņam. Nākamā gada rudenī Helsinkos durvis vērs lielākais iepirkšanās centrs Somijā (pēc veikalu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Tesla has transformed the car industry — but its biggest strength could become its greatest liability

Despite being younger than many of its competitors, Tesla has had a significant impact on the auto industry. It has influenced what kinds of cars its competitors make, what they[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Batteries, Not The Model 3, Are The Real Keys To Tesla’s Future Success

Batteries are really what Tesla is all about — not the media-loving, mass market Model 3, not Roadsters, not falcon-wing doors, and certainly not the hyperloop. Batteries are the keys to completing a worldwide[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Do Tesla Vehicles Work In The Snow?

Tesla Fun In The Snow Don’t try this in your Tesla. It’s definitely not advised — but it sure looks like fun. According to AutoEvolution, in Moscow, “one could grab an American electric[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Automakers are betting big on electric cars — but there's a lingering problem with EVs no one is talking about

Even in California, where electric-car sales are far higher than in the rest of the US, consumers are unaware of the vehicles. Overall awareness hasn’t budged since 2014, researchers at[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Sondors' three-wheeled EV is affordable and stylish

Now the company just has to make more than one. Starting a new car company is tough. In fact, it’s nearly impossible. Then Tesla pulled it off. As we transition[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Compression ignition engines are a big breakthrough—we got to try one

It’s called Spark Controlled Compression Ignition, and Mazda made it work. IRVINE, Calif.—Despite rumors to the contrary, the internal combustion engine is far from dead. Recently we’ve seen several technological[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Harley-Davidson says it will launch an electric motorcycle in 2019

Harley-Davidson’s CEO said Tuesday that an electric motorcycle will be arriving in 18 months. The announcement happened after poor Q4 2017 earnings. Harley rolled out an electric concept bike four[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Jaguar’s I-Pace electric SUV gets ready to take on Tesla

Jaguar’s first production electric car is almost here. The Jaguar I-Pace will be revealed online on March 1, followed by a debut in the physical world at the 2018 Geneva[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

German Luxury Carmakers May Be Looking to Reverse Engineer Tesla’s Model 3

IN BRIEF Photos posted to a closed Facebook group show a pair of Tesla Model 3s on their way to Germany. Many speculate that German companies could be looking to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Your new car will have apps instead of options

It may be easier to pick and choose optional services, but at what cost? The idea of being able to update your car’s infotainment system may have sounded like a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

A Tale of Two Teslas

It seems there have always been two general views of Tesla — 1) disruptor ready to take over the world and 2) clueless startup on the verge of a dramatic[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

BMW to challenge Tesla with super long-range electric SUV

BMW plans to produce a futuristic electric vehicle with a whopping 435 miles of range. That’s enough to drive from Los Angeles to Phoenix and still have 60 miles to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

The Biggest Electric Vehicle Company You’ve Never Heard Of

Shenzhen’s BYD, which started as a battery company, is a giant in China—and its ambitions are increasingly global. BYD isn’t well-known outside of its home market, China. But it’s the world’s[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Ferrari will make an electric supercar (and an SUV)

Giving Tesla a run for its money Ferrari will build a battery-electric supercar in a bid to challenge Tesla for a piece of the high-end, eco-conscious luxury market. CEO Sergio[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Tesla, Apple aren't self-driving leaders, study argues

The 2018 Navigant Autonomous Driving Leaderboard shows a major gap between public perception and capability when it comes to autonomous-drive research. The self-driving status quo has been upended, according to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

The Nissan Xmotion SUV is more screen than car

Seven (!) digital touchscreens, and a virtual personal assistant that’s a fish The Nissan Xmotion may look like an SUV on the surface, but to take a step inside is[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Battery That Charges in One Minute Could Beat Tesla in the Race for Tomorrow’s Clean Car

IN BRIEF A former chief designer for Aston Martin is working on a new solid-state battery design that could be vastly superior to the currently available lithium-ion batteries used in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Fisker's luxury electric car hits Tesla where it hurts

Picture the Distracted Boyfriend internet meme, where the boyfriend is a Tesla owner and the girlfriend is the Model S. The other woman? That’s gotta be the Fisker EMotion. The all-new Fisker Inc.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Kia Niro EV is a thinly disguised concept with 238 miles of range

Automaker introduces new infotainment system with 5G, promises all models connected by 2030 The Kia Niro EV Concept is just that: a not-quite-production version of what an all-electric version of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

All-Electric Vehicles For Sale In USA (2017 & 2018 Model Years)

With the intent being to educate those in the USA who are now in the market for an all-electric vehicle, I’m going to provide an overview here of the widely[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Shimano STEPS is the ultimate electric bike system suited to every lifestyle

As cycling gains popularity around the globe, electric bikes are emerging in a corresponding fashion. Shimano is one of the most renowned bike part production companies in the world —[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Does a lower “total cost of ownership” boost electric car sales?

How car buyers respond to economics can help craft policy. In 2015, battery-electric vehicles in Japan, the UK, California, and Texas were slightly cheaper than traditional gas or diesel vehicles—as[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Electric and plug-in hybrid cars whiz past 3m mark worldwide

Rapid growth is due to falling battery costs, government incentives and car makers competing to build new models The number of fully electric and plug-in hybrid cars on the world’s roads has[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Audi will release a high-performance electric car in 2020

Audi Sport will release an electric vehicle in 2020. Outgoing managing director Stephan Winkelmann revealed the news at a launch event for the RS4 Avant. But Winkelmann added that Audi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

This New Tiny Electric Car Comes With Five Years Of Free Solar Charging

The Uniti is a small electric car designed for city driving–and its deal with a solar company makes charging it emissions- and cost-free. Most electric cars look essentially the same[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

It’s not self-driving, but this electric VW six-seater is a smart solution for urban mobility

Autonomy has been heralded as the future of the ridesharing model, but Volkswagenis offering a different (but no less high-tech) solution. While these new VW buses can’t drive themselves, they’re unique[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Electric cars already cheaper to own and run than petrol or diesel – study

Exclusive: Pure electric cars cost less over four years than petrol or diesel cars in the UK, US and Japan, researchers say, but China is set to lead the market[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

We compared 3 self-driving systems in cars — and the winner is clear

We’ve tried Tesla Autopilot, Cadillac Super Cruise, and Mercedes Drive Pilot. Each has its own pros and cons. Super Cruise is, in our view, worth the extra cost. These are[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Volvo is reportedly scaling back its ambitious self-driving car experiment

The automaker had planned to deliver 100 autonomous SUVs to families in Sweden, China, and the UK It’s been awhile since we heard anything about Volvo’s audacious experiment to deliver[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Not all of our self-driving cars will be electrically powered — here’s why

The hybrid-or-electric debate is on Hybrid or electric? That’s the big question in current self-driving car development. Do you build your autonomous vehicles to run purely on battery technology, or[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Honda is working with Chinese AI unicorn SenseTime on self-driving car tech

Honda  is putting the focus on artificial intelligence after it announced a partnership with SenseTime, a Chinese startup valued at over $1 billion, that will power its autonomous cars of the future. SenseTime,  which[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Honda just unveiled a motorcycle that’s sorta powered by wind

Honda is experimenting with wind energy to power motorcycle information amenities. At the recent EICMA in Milan, the Honda CB4 Interceptor concept platform bore a headlight nacelle-mounted wind tunnel. An automotive concept platform[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Germany's plan to downshift auto emissions

Germans like to think of themselves as the most environmentally friendly people on earth. They see their sophisticated recycling programs, their love of forests and, most recently, the country’s drive[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

California Is Working to Ban Gas-Powered Cars by 2040

IN BRIEF All around the world, countries are beginning to phase out fossil fuel-powered cars. Now, a California lawmaker is proposing a bill that would ban gas-powered cars in the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Porsche’s 670-hp Mission E prepares to wrestle Tesla for EV dominance

With the Mission E, Porsche wants to solve problems we haven’t thought of yet Porsche won applause when it confirmed plans to make the all-electric Mission E concept a reality. The Tesla-baiting sedan was[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Jaguar is releasing its stunning Tesla rival in 2018 — here's a closer look at the SUV

Jaguar is releasing its first fully-electric vehicle, the I-Pace, in 2018. The SUV is expected to start at $76,400. Audi and Mercedes are also releasing electric SUVs in the next[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Chinese Nio ES8 electric SUV takes aim at Tesla with optional battery swapping

Chinese startup Nio (formerly known as NextEV) has made a big splash in a short period of time. Founded in 2014, after spending a couple of years under the radar,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

The most impressive things Tesla's cars can do in Autopilot

Tesla’s Autopilot feature came under fire after a Model S crashed into a fire truck while possibly using Autopilot. Tesla‘s Autopilot feature gives its cars semi-autonomous capabilities. While driving with[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Electric Car Range May Soon Triple, Thanks to New Research

IN BRIEF A major difficulty in electric vehicle adoption is their battery capacity and range. One new study could help us potentially triple electric car range, hopefully supporting the global[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

PepsiCo reserves 100 Tesla Semis, likely at $20,000 a pop

Big manufacturers, distributors in the US look to slash emissions profiles. Reuters reported on Tuesday that PepsiCo had recently placed 100 reservations for Tesla Semis. The order is the largest public one[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

‘Silver bullet’ to suck CO2 from air and halt climate change ruled out

Scientists say climate targets cannot be met using the technologies, which either risk huge damage to the environment or are very costly Ways of sucking carbon dioxide from the air[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

In A Race To Beat Climate Change, Scientists Are Speed-Breeding Plants

Some years ago, NASA bred wheat in space with the goal of providing an unending food supply for astronauts. To help the plant along, astronauts shined light on the plant[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

What Cape Town can learn from Australia’s millennium drought

As Day Zero looms and the South African city gets set to run out of water, experts say lessons learned during Melbourne’s brush with a similar fate may help avert[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

The Ozone Layer is Not Recovering and We Don’t Know Why

IN BRIEF Ozone levels in lower altitudes may not be healing as expected. In fact, they’ve actually decreased, according to a new study. What’s more concerning, scientists are not sure[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Climate change is increasing flood risks in Europe

A new study finds strong agreement that flood risks in central and western Europe are rising due to global warming. As humans continue to emit greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide,[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Another Victim of Climate Change: Ubiquitous Canola Oil

IN BRIEF Prolonged heat waves are causing canola seed pods to disintegrate, rendering the plants unusable by farmers. Now, researchers have isolated the gene causing this phenomenon, and they may[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Intel’s ‘Vaunt’ smartglasses could be the iPhone of augmented reality

Google Glass was awful. It never quite took off — and for good reason. It was bulky, unintuitive, and it made you look like a Glasshole. It gave AR glasses[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

It's misleading to ask what Earth's 'ideal temperature' is. Here's what's really important

The most commonly asked questions about climate change, particularly from those who doubt the mainstream findings showing that greenhouse gases are warming the planet, tend to be zombies. They rear[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Microsoft’s HoloLens is now available to rent

Microsoft has spent much of the past couple of years arguing its vision of an augmented reality future with the HoloLens. Now, it’s realizing that for potential buyers of the[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Climate change spells turbulent times ahead for air travel

From rising temperatures preventing take-off to rising seas flooding runways, aviation needs to adapt to changes already grounding flights around the world Phoenix gets hot. But not usually as hot[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Controller? What controller? You fly this drone with your facial expressions

VIDEO Whether it’s first-person controls that place you in the virtual cockpit of your drone or experiments using brain control interfaces, engineers are exploring all kinds of ways of controlling unmanned aerial vehicles.[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

A Tax Incentive Might Finally Make Carbon Capture a Thing

IN BRIEF New U.S. tax credits could increase the nation’s use of carbon capture and storage systems. While carbon capture tech could help in humanity’s fight to stop climate change,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Amazon’s delivery drones could hitch rides on trucks to save power

Amazon’s drone delivery plans have been well documented, and while the company might argue that it now has the technology in place to launch such a system, safety concerns about autonomous[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Met Office warns of global temperature rise exceeding 1.5C limit

In next five years greenhouse gases may push global warming past threshold set by Paris deal Global temperatures could break through the internationally agreed upper 1.5C limit within the next[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Climate change threatens half of US bases worldwide, Pentagon report finds

Defense department says wild weather could endanger 1,700 sites Findings run counter to White House views on climate Nearly half of US military sites are threatened by wild weather linked to climate[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

The DJI Mavic Air Wins

In the past couple years, you could ask a drone to be two things: good or small. But never both. The Mavic Air changes the game. In fact, I’d go[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

The list of cities that can host the Winter Games is getting shorter. (Thanks, climate change)

In the next few weeks, the world will turn its attention to Pyeongchang, South Korea, where athletes from 89 countries will go for the gold in the 15 sports that[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Renewable Energy Is Critical To Stopping Global Warming

Myth: renewable energy isn’t helpful or important for stopping global warming. Short answer: Fast and society-threatening global warming is being caused by several large-scale human activities. Aside from burning fossil fuels for[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

This ‘drone gun’ can down rogue quadcopters with the pull of a trigger

With drone ownership continuing to rise, it’s little wonder you get the occasional oaf flying their bird in places they shouldn’t. Think airports, sports stadiums, government facilities, and the like. Rogue[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

The best Alexa-compatible smart-home devices for Amazon Echo

Everything from doorbells to sprinkler controllers. Imagine walking into your home at night, arms overflowing with groceries. To turn your smart lights on, you’d need to put the bags down,[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

17 of the coolest things your Google Home can do

Since last October, many millions of people have purchased a Google Home device. Google sells three Home devices right now: The $50 Google Home Mini, the $130 Google Home, and[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Doctors Can Now Use Augmented Reality to Peek Under a Patient’s Skin

IN BRIEF A team of researchers at the University of Alberta has created a medical imaging system that projects scans onto a patient’s body, adjusting to their underlying anatomy even[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

DJI Mavic Air is its smallest, smartest foldable drone yet

DJI reminded everyone once again why it’s the best drone maker in the world. On Tuesday, DJI unveiled its newest foldable drone, the Mavic Air, and it might be the company’s most[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Drones Are Diving Under Antarctic Ice to Map Unseen Portions of Our World

IN BRIEF In Antarctica, a fleet of seven drones will embark on a year-long mission under the ice. If they survive, the data they collect could drastically improve predictions of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Reversing Climate Change With Geoengineering Could Leave the Planet Worse Off

IN BRIEF Solar geoengineering could buy us some extra time to address carbon levels in our atmosphere. But it could also have grave consequences for the planet’s regional climates and[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

I spent an hour with Apple's new HomePod smart speaker — here's what it's like

I got a chance to demo Apple’s new HomePod smart speaker. The $350 device went on sale Friday and will begin shipping February 9. In a short demo, HomePod sounds[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Devastating climate change could lead to 1m migrants a year entering EU by 2100

Researchers plotted temperature rises against the number of asylum applications and are predicting that as the southern hemisphere heats up the number of people migrating to the EU each year[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Scientists Are Engineering Carbon-Storing Plants to Fight Climate Change

IN BRIEF One of the biggest environmental challenges we face is the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Now, scientists have established a method of engineering plants to address[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Let it go: The Arctic will never be frozen again

Last week, at a New Orleans conference center that once doubled as a storm shelter for thousands during Hurricane Katrina, a group of polar scientists made a startling declaration: The[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

The best smart locks you can buy

The best smart locks turn your phone into a key The lock on your front door probably isn’t the flashiest aspect of your house. In fact, you probably use it[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Microsoft is Expanding “AI for Earth” Program to Fight Climate Change

IN BRIEF Microsoft is expanding its “AI for Earth” program with a $50 million investment over the next five years. This could yield new artificial intelligence applications to enable scientists,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

TVs want to be the center of your smart home, but does that really make sense?

It’s certainly exciting to wander the CES show floor, eyes peeled for crazy new technologies that you couldn’t possibly have imagined. What’s more exciting, though — at least for us — are the technologies[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Global warming made Hurricane Harvey deadly rains three times more likely, research reveals

The unprecedented downpour and severe flooding was also 15% more intense due to climate change, which is making weather more violent around the world Hurricane Harvey’s unprecedented deluge, which caused[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Honeywell Smart Home Security System combines four devices into just one

It’s 2018, and everything is connected. From your ceiling fan to your cooktop, it feels as though it would be easier to make a list of appliances that don’t have smart capabilities[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

The winners and losers of CES 2018

CES is the best place to get a sense of what’s hot and not in technology. As gadget-packed as this year’s show was — we crowned our favorite tech from CES here —[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Recent Arctic warming and ice melt are 'unprecedented' in human history

Each year for the past 12 years, an international team of scientists have issued a “report card” on the Arctic climate system. The report amounts to a physical exam of[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Germans most worried about climate change, analysis shows

People living in Germany are the most worried about climate change, according to new analysis of 18 countries published this week. The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) examined data collected by the European Social[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Smell of the future: Moodo creator shows off his smart aroma machine

If you love smart home devices and live or work in a place that is in dire need of an aromatic upgrade, your interest it probably heavily piqued by Indiegogo-funded smart smell[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018


BIG OFFSHORE WIND farms power Europe’s drive for a carbon-free society, while rows of spinning turbines across America’s heartland churn enough energy to power 25 million US homes. But a new study predicts[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Kevin is a smart speaker that’s supposed to make it seem like you’re always home

If you’re worried about leaving your house or apartment unattended for long stretches of time, you might set your lights on a timer or leave your TV on. But now[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Bad news: Warmest climate models might also be most accurate

Uncertainty cuts both ways, y’all. Some people who reject the conclusions of climate science claim that the existence of anyremaining uncertainty means few or no actions need be taken to reduce[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Water costs in Australia to double within 20 years, report claims

Infrastructure Australia says governments should privatise state-owned metropolitan water utility businesses Australians can expect to pay double for their water supply within 20 years unless there are big reforms, a[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Climate change is the story you missed in 2017. And the media is to blame

Some of Trump’s tweets generate more national coverage than devastating disasters. As the weather gets worse, we need journalism to get better Which story did you hear more about this year –[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Half of firms are braced for climate change impact

Almost half of firms expect climate change to impact on their value chain within next five years — but only a quarter are preparing for it, according to DNV GL survey. Nearly[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Climate change already costs us all money, and it’s going to get worse

When it comes to floods and wildfires, the damage is shared with the public. Tuesday evening, Columbia University’s Earth Institute hosted a panel that was meant to focus on an[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Lab Report: With 'Chicago Charter,' Dozens of Cities Defy Trump on Climate

”Forget Paris”: Countering President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, at least 36 U.S. cities today are poised to sign on to their own accord for reducing greenhouse gas emissions—“The Chicago[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

China's great green wall grows in climate fight

China is speeding ahead with its massive tree-planting project to combat climate change – but questions still remain over the great green wall’s effectiveness Dubbed “The Great Green Wall,” a[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Nokia’s sleep sensor controls your smart home

It’ll monitor how well you’re resting, and turn on the heating when you’re about to rise. Nokia has announced the Nokia Sleep, a bed sensor that sits under your mattress[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Oceans under greatest threat in history, warns Sir David Attenborough

Blue Planet 2 producers say final episode lays bare shocking damage humanity is wreaking in the seas, from climate change to plastic pollution to noise The world’s oceans are under[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

The west can’t fix the climate crisis. Asia will have to do it

The future is about resources, not technology. The planet really needs developing nations to get it right The climate change talks in Bonn have now wrapped up with little firm action. Next year[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Can McDonald's help solve climate change?

For more than four years, McDonald’s has been traversing a long and arduous path to produce “sustainable beef” in its sprawling global supply chain. Now, it’s looking for solutions right[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

$405 Million To Protect Water Infrastructure Against Extreme Weather Events In Fiji

“Small island states are vulnerable to a changing climate as witnessed by the devastation caused by Cyclone Winston in Fiji last year.” –  Ambroise Fayolle, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Why Al Gore isn't giving up the climate change fight

We’re in the early stages of a global sustainability revolution that has the magnitude of the Industrial Revolution but the speed of the Digital Revolution.’ The Trump Administration doesn’t believe[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 07. April 2018

Cities and states could see their credit ratings crash if they don't start preparing for climate change

A new report from Moody’s outlines how the credit rating agency will evaluate the impact of climate change in its ratings for state and local bond issuers. The report emphasizes[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

The UK Will Soon Be Home to the World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm

IN BRIEF The UK’s London Array may currently be the world’s largest wind farm, but power company Ørsted has recently announced that construction has begun on an even bigger wind[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Want a World Without Blackouts? Power the Future With Renewable Energy.

Renewable and Sustainable Whether at the national or corporate level, an integral part of most plans to combat climate change is making the shift to renewable energy sources. With solar and[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

The Growing Energy Storage Market

The InterSolar North American exhibit kicks off in San Francisco on July 10 this year. InterSolar is the global organization that brings everyone interested in solar power together to network and learn[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Electricity Generated From Renewables Surpassed Coal Power in Europe Last Year

IN BRIEF For the first time, the amount of annual electricity produced from renewable sources surpassed the amount produced from coal in Europe. RENEWABLE EUROPE Europe is making impressive strides[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Record-Low Solar Bid From ACWA Power For 1st Utility-Scale Renewable Energy Project In Saudi Arabia

Leading Saudi developer and operator ACWA Power has announced it has won the right to develop the first utility-scale renewable energy project in Saudi Arabia, the 300 megawatt Skaka IPP PV solar project,[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Why The World Envies This US Wave Energy Test Site — Even Before It’s Built

The US Department of Energy is out with an interesting piece on wave energy that puts a new twist on the “American Energy Dominance” theme. In a recent interview, the[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

100% Renewable Electricity Worldwide Is A New Cost-Effective Reality

By Hans-Josef Fell, Energy Watch Group, and Prof. Dr. Christian Breyer, Lappeenranta University of Technology Last year, Costa Rica beat its own record. The Central American country ran 300 days[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Next-gen smart home gear with Z-Wave 700 Series chips could squeeze 10 years from tiny batteries

Sigma Designs at CES 2018 says the latest Z-Wave connected home gadgets could run a decade off one coin cell. Chipmaker Sigma Designs just announced new hardware for smart home[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

A solar panel on every roof in the US? Here are the numbers

Estimate shows rooftop solar could produce almost 40 percent of our electricity. When you’re scoping out possible futures, it’s useful to ask a lot of “what if?” questions. For example,[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Scotland Has a Plan to Become a World Leader in Renewable Energy

IN BRIEF A new paper outlines objectives Scotland should strive to meet if it wants to emerge a world leader in renewable energy. The nation is already making progress toward[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Ikea joins Big Clean Switch to offer 100% renewable energy tariff

Joint venture claims cheaper green power could save UK households £300 a year Ikea is calling for households to join its latest joint venture – a collective energy switch that promises[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Wind and solar could supply 80 percent of U.S. energy needs

If the United States were to focus its energy on renewable sources, it could reliably supply 80 percent of its electricity demand through solar panels and wind turbines. That is the result of[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Energy guarantee protects coal sector from renewable competition – analysis

Report says Neg will also undermine efficiency of renewable investment The Turnbull government’s proposed national energy guarantee will protect coal generators from competition provided by renewables and batteries and undermine[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Trump Expected to Propose Severe Budget Cuts to Renewable Energy

IN BRIEF Following a failed attempt to slash funding for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Trump administration is now renewing its efforts to cut costs. This[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

LG’s new appliances may make your home even smarter than its owner

It’s 2018, and we appear to be marching ever closer to having a smart house that does everything from cook to clean on our behalf. Bringing us one step closer to this dream is[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Analysis: BP significantly upgrades its global outlook for wind and solar – again

BP, the oil and gas major, has significantly increased its global outlook for wind and solar energy. The main scenario in the company’s latest annual “Energy Outlook”, released yesterday, shows[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

New Energy Storage Breakthroughs Sweeten Outlook For EV Market

A new survey of automakers from the leading research group KPMG points to a gloomy future ahead for the electric vehicle market, but the naysayers don’t appear to be taking[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Expect strong growth this year for commercial energy storage

Renewable generation deployments (primarily solar photovoltaic and wind farms) have grown substantially over the last decade and are forecast to continue growing well into the future. That’s thanks to lower[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

EIA Expects Wind Energy To Surpass Hydro In 2019

The US Energy Information Administration has this week predicted that electricity generated from wind energy will surpass that from hydroelectricity, the previously-dominant renewable energy source in the US.
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Samsung’s The Wall TV is a modular 146-inch monster that uses MicroLED

Unlike many wacky CES TV concepts, it may actually hit the market this year. We noted when LG teased its 88-inch 8K OLED TV last week that CES is a haven for[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

China’s latest energy megaproject shows that coal really is on the way out

The Chinese province of Anhui built a massive floating solar farm on top of an abandoned coal mine. An even larger floating solar plant will come online by May 2018.[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Ring is getting into smart home lighting

And introducing new cameras, too Ring started out with video doorbells and lots and lots of security cameras, but now the company is expanding into a related but less obviously[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

When it comes to Alexa, Amazon is treating its rivals in a surprising way: with open arms

Amazon’s Alexa is the early leader in voice-based computing, and if the trends continue, it could dominate the market. With that potential dominance comes a responsibility to treat competitors and[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

The 21 cities with the best quality of life in the world

Every year Mercer, one of the world’s largest HR consultancy firms, releases its Quality of Living Index, which looks at which cities provide the best quality of life. The ranking[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Vestas Secures First Wind Order In Kazakhstan

Vestas Wind Systems announced Monday that it has secured its first wind turbine order in Kazakhstan, from one of the country’s leading renewable energy developers, CAPEC Green Energy, for the 52[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Europe Dramatically Accelerates Plans to Create a Coal-Free Continent

IN BRIEF In December 2017, the European Union approved a target for member states to supply 27 percent of energy via wind, solar, and biomass by 2030. Now, there are[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

7 Emerging Materials That Will Change Architecture

In a time that is so buzzing with technological development, the material prospects for architecture are truly fascinating. Find innovative materials for your next project through Architizer’s new community marketplace for[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Nearly all new US electricity capacity was renewable in 2017

However, that’s partly because fossil fuel plants are dying. Renewable energy played an important role in the US last year… although you might not want to cheer too loudly. Data[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Siemens Invests in LO3 Energy, Making Blockchain a Piece of Its Microgrid Strategy

An industrial giant expands a partnership with a blockchain microgrid startup. Blockchain is having a moment. Seemingly every week, a new partnership or platform is announced in the energy sector.[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Passivhaus 101 — Passive House Definition, Explanation, & Examples

You’ve probably heard the phrase Passivhaus (which is German for “passive house”), and you have perhaps wondered what it meant exactly. So, what does the phrase actually refer to? Passivhaus/Passive[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

12 Gigawatts Of Battery Storage In UK Is Possible By 2022

A new report published last week by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Energy Storage concludes that installing 12 gigawatts of battery storage is achievable in the United Kingdom by the[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

India Plans World’s Largest Solar-Wind Hybrid Power Project

The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy in India plans to add yet another record-breaking project in its portfolio and it has chosen the district of Anantapur in the state[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Sustainable Proposal Envisions Krakow's New Science Center as a Tiered Garden

OVO Grąbczewscy Architekci’s stacked garden-like proposal has been awarded third place in a competition for the new Małopolska Science Center in Krakow, Poland. The competition brief asked for the design of an innovative cultural institution with an iconic architectural[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

India Announces EOI For 10 Gigawatt Floating Solar Power Program

The Indian government has expressed intentions to launch another highly ambitious solar power program. The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy is exploring the appetite for setting up floating solar[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

A New Solar Plant Will Provide Power to 13,000 Homes for an Entire Year

Renewables in Chile Chile is fast establishing itself as a renewable energy leader in Latin America. In fact, it’s establishing itself as a world leader in the cause. Case in point,[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Solar Panels Are Replacing Diesel Fuel in Canada’s Far North

IN BRIEF A pilot project in one of the biggest Indigenous communities in Canada replaces expensive and polluting diesel with solar power. It could be the first of many. The[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Selected in Competition for Redevelopment of Riga Historic Quarter

Danish firm Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects has been selected to design the redevelopment of Kimmel Quarter, a historic district in the heart of the Latvian capital of Riga, after an international competition. The 19th-century Kimmel Brewery complex, now mostly[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Can renewable power offset bitcoin's massive energy demands?

Some miners are going green, but will that be enough? Up in the Austrian Alps, inside two hydropower mills, a start-up called HydroMiner keeps high-power computers, CPUs, and servers running around the[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Futuristic Illustrations Show What Architecture and Construction Will Look Like in 2030

In a world where technology is at the forefront of our lives, it’s hard to imagine that many of the jobs that are available now did not exist 10 years ago; uber[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

The Sharing Economy Needs to Be Better Partners With Cities

Most municipalities have abandoned their efforts to resist the Ubers and Airbnbs of the world. But there’s a lot both sides can do to heal the rift. In the course[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Germany Predicted To Set Renewable Energy Record In 2017

Clean Energy Wire is reporting that renewables will account for 33% of Germany’s total electricity usage once all the numbers for 2017 are in. That’s up from 29% last year. The[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Paris Plans a Suburban Forest Five Times the Size of Central Park

A green lung in the city’s northeastern suburbs. With its car bans, huge transit expansion, and radical pedestrianization plans, Paris has been developing quite a name for itself recently as an aggressive fighter[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Looking past the horizon of renewable energy

Many utilities and investors still view wide deployment of renewable-energy technologies with caution. But conversations at the 2017 Harvard Business School Energy Symposium on Oct. 21 indicated markets have reached an inflection[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and the Changing Role of Building Managers

A follow-up to the question: Will increasing automation destroy jobs in facilities management? Building automation systems have been common for decades, providing comfort and achieving energy efficiency by managing HVAC,[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Toyota’s New Power Plant Will Create Clean Energy from Manure

IN BRIEF Toyota is opening a megawatt-capacity power plant in California that uses cow manure to make electricity and hydrogen fuel. The plant is expected to open sometime around 2020.[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

National governments neglecting development needs of cities: report

Only one quarter of the world’s governments have urban development policies and most are not enough to make cities sustainable National governments around the world are neglecting the needs of[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Siemens Gamesa Starts Construction Of Heat Rock-Fill Storage For Wind Energy

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has been researching and developing the concept of converting energy to heat in rock-fill for energy storage to combine with wind energy, and the company has[...]
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Enerģētika, 07. April 2018

Europe’s Power Suppliers Plan to Go Carbon-Neutral “Well Before” 2050

IN BRIEF A major European power trade group has updated the calls for the continent to be carbon-neutral by 2050, saying this goal is achievable “well before” the middle of[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

Apple is an exception to nearly every rule

The world’s most valuable company isn’t the best example for how you should build your startup. Walking into my first ever meeting with a structural packaging designer, I started rooting around[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

How ExxonMobil Could Drown Coal In A Sea Of Renewable Energy

ExxonMobil has much to answer for when the topic is climate change, environmental destruction, and the creation of the global refugee crisis, but it is finally waking up to the[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

Bosch has made two key moves to boost its mobility services

German auto supplier Bosch made a pair of major moves earlier this week that will help it ramp up efforts to offer its own mobility services: Bosch purchased SPLT, a[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

BP Just Invested $5 Million in a Company That Builds EV Charging Systems

Slow Transition BP, one of the world’s largest oil companies, is slowly inching their way into the clean energy business. The company announced on Monday, January 30, that they are[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

4 Questions About Tesla’s New ‘Gigafactory’

IN BRIEF Tesla is finally building the rooftop solar panel array for Gigafactory 1. The project has us asking: When will the array be completed? How much money has Tesla[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

How oil and gas companies can prepare for a low-carbon world

Europe’s largest oil company, Royal Dutch Shell, surprised the world late last year when it announced an ambition to slash its carbon footprint by 20 percent per unit of energy[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

Rethinking carbon for the new economy

The following is adapted from State of Green Business 2018, published by GreenBiz in partnership with Trucost. As the world moves toward a low-carbon economy, a fourth industrial revolution is taking place where[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

Tesla just made a big change to how it sells its at-home batteries — and it could be great for business

Tesla will set up designated spaces in over 800 Home Depot stores that will highlight its renewable energy products, like its solar panels and at-home batteries. Tesla is also reportedly[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

Nest is rejoining Google to better compete with Amazon and Apple

The smart home appliance maker is being folded back into the search giant’s hardware group after three years as an Alphabet subsidiary Smart home appliance maker Nest, which for three[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

With smart TVs and devices, Enseo wants hotels to feel like a home away from home

If you have your smart home synced to all your preferences — say a thermostat that’s always the right temperature, lights that turn on at dusk, and a playlist you[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

Microsoft and Xiaomi will pair up on AI-powered speakers and hardware

They signed a non-binding memorandum to team up, though new products aren’t guaranteed. In July, Chinese tech giant Xiaomi jumped into the smart speaker race with its answer to Amazon’s Alexa and[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

Tesla's electric trucks may be more cost-effective than expected

DHL thinks it could recoup the money in just a year and a half. When Tesla unveiled its Semi electric truck, it made audacious claims about the big rig’s value — namely, that[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

The $13.7 billion Whole Foods buy has turned the world against Amazon — and we'll see the sparks fly next year

The big theme in tech this year was consolidation — not in terms of mergers and acquisitions but in the big companies extending their reach and trying to conquer new[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

The Great Retail Retrofit

The “retail apocalypse” affords a unique opportunity to turn retail stores and malls into more productive community spaces. In late October of this year, the office-sharing startup WeWork announced that[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

23 startups that became unicorns in 2017, scoring valuations of $1 billion or more

Once upon a time, a startup worth $1 billion or more was considered to be a rare, almost mythical thing — a unicorn. But in the past few years, unicorns[...]
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Bizness, 07. April 2018

The world's largest oil and gas companies are getting greener after fighting with shareholders for months

Exxon, Shell, and BP have announced initiatives to report the risks climate change pose to their business, bowing to shareholder pressure. The oil-and-gas giants have also rolled out investments in[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Boeing unveils prototype refueling tanker drone for aircraft carrier operations

On December 19, Boeing released the first photo of its MQ-25 “Stingray” prototype entrant, an unmanned aircraft for the new century designed to refuel Navy jets flying from carriers. Developed at the secretive “Phantom[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Fat Shark looks to bring drone racing to the masses with its first drone

The top first-person goggle company is getting into drone building If you’re someone who uses a first person view (FPV) headset for drone racing, chances are you’re using a Fat Shark[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Amazon patents self-destructing drone that falls apart in an emergency

You and me both, drone One of the big worries about delivery drones is what happens if something goes wrong mid-delivery? We don’t want people’s parcels (or the drones carrying[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

A Robot Can Print This $64,000 House in as Little as Eight Hours

Building a house by hand can be both time-consuming and expensive. Some homebuilders have chosen to automate part of the construction instead. A new Ukrainian homebuilding startup called PassivDom uses a 3D[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

CES 2018 preview: The smart home gets smarter

We take a look at the smart home and appliance trends that might show up at CES 2018. CES 2018 kicks off in early January and CNET will be there in force,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

LEDVANCE Introduces New HomeKit-Enabled Sylvania Smart+ Filament Light Bulb

In a major step forward for smart home-enabled consumer electronics, LED manufacturer Ledvance is furthering its long-standing Sylvania brand by launching the Sylvania Smart+ Soft White A19 filament bulb, which lands in markets[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Blink announces a 'cheap' video doorbell

Not bad considering the competition Blink now has a video doorbell to go along with its lineup of smart cameras and home security devices. Best of all is the price: $99 for[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Amazon's Echo Spot is the blueprint for all future smart speakers

Amazon’s not declaring it a redo, but the Echo Spot, the company’s latest Alexa-powered smart speaker — smart alarm clock is probably more accurate — might as well be one. The Spot[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

The best smart thermostats you can buy

Our favorite smart thermostats let you stay warm without burning money The Nest Learning Thermostat jump-started the smart thermostat market over a half decade ago. These days however, Nest isn’t the only game in[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 07. April 2018

Roomba to Rule the Smart Home

iRobot CEO Colin Angle says mapping data generated by the company’s robotic cleaners will finally make our homes intelligent. Smart homes are one of those technology ideas that never seem[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

The Future of Housing: Drones, Automation and Co-Habitation

Humphreys and Partners, a Dallas-based architecture firm, presented a vision of future residential living at the 2018 International Builders’ Show earlier this year. Tackling current issues of affordable housing, sustainable design and how technology is changing the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

How to Design Cities for Children

A billion kids are now growing up in urban areas. But not all cities are planned with their needs in mind. There’s a device called the Mosquito that emits an annoying sound[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Urban Farming Is the Future of Agriculture

Surplus and Scarcity The planet is growing more food than ever, and yet millions of people continue to starve worldwide. People are hungry everywhere — in the country, in the suburbs. But increasingly, one[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

How Drones Can Be Used in Architecture (And How To Use Them Without Breaking the Law)

Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly called drones, are gaining in popularity not only among the general public and consumers, but also among professionals working in the AEC industry. We’ve[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Massive Urban Growth Will Challenge Smart City Design

The World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi this week presented with some dizzying facts and figures that highlighted the challenge facing those who plan and build the smart cities of today and the[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

The state of smart city development in 7 charts

The hype around smart cities is significant and growing. As evidenced by consumer-facing exhibits like those found at CES 2018, terms such as “5G,” “autonomous vehicles” and “blockchain” have garnered[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Störmer Murphy and Partners Will Design Germany’s First Wooden High-Rise

Germany’s first wooden high-rise, the “Wildspitze,” is being designed by Störmer Murphy and Partners. At 18 stories and 64 meters high, this residential tower will be one of Europe’s largest urban development projects. Located in Elbbrücken, a peninsula[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

8 remarkable skyscrapers and mega-projects that will debut in American cities in 2018

Across the United States, cities are in the middle of a construction boom. And several projects are nearly complete — from a skyscraper dubbed the “Jenga Tower” in Austin, Texas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Life At Sea? Six Futuristic Homes That Will Protect You From Climate Change

Flooding, drought, hurricanes, wildfires — extreme weather events, once infrequent, are becoming more common and powerful due to climate change. At the same time, growing numbers of people worldwide are moving[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

How Manufacturers Can Unite With Architects to Create Healthier Buildings

LTL Architects designed a new healthy home for the Helen R. Walton Children’s Enrichment Center. One of the most important ways architects can ensure the longevity and sustainability of a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Express delivery: use drones not trucks to cut carbon emissions, experts say

Research shows drones can deliver certain items faster and with less environmental impact than trucks – but there are drawbacks Drones invoke varying perceptions, from fun gadget to fly in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Watch Airbus' drone taxi take to the skies for the first time

It just hovered above the ground for a few seconds, but it was a huge milestone for the company. Back in late January, Airbus’ Vahana team successfully flew their autonomous air taxi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

The coolest thing about the Gain is that it doesn’t look like an ebike

If there is one thing an ebike doesn’t want, it’s to look like an ebike. Needless to say, that is a pretty tough task to complete — after all, the battery[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

I spent several hours testing Tesla's all-electric Model 3 — here's what it's like to drive

We spent several hours taking the Tesla Model 3 on a first drive. Ben Zhang, Business Insider’s senior transportation reporter, and I each took a turn at the wheel and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

VW’s new concept is a fully self-driving car with no steering wheel

The I.D. Vizzion will be unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show   Volkswagen is adding a fourth car to its futuristic I.D. lineup of concepts, and it will show it[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

US-Based Startup Aurora To Provide China-Based Byton With Self-Driving Car Systems

In a fairly interesting bit of news, it seems that the relatively new US-based startup Aurora will be providing the China-based electric vehicle startup Byton with self-driving car systems —[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Energy storage leap could slash electric car charging times

Development of new material for supercapacitors has potential to raise range to that of petrol cars Researchers have claimed a breakthrough in energy storage technology that could enable electric cars[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Lack of models, not charging points, 'holding back electric car market'

Analysis shows just 20 battery models on sale in Europe against more than 400 conventional ones The rise of electric cars in Europe is being hampered by a lack of models for[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

For the first time, Tesla outsells European luxury brands in Europe

The Model S sold better in 2017 than the S-Class or 7-Series.  For the first time in Europe, Tesla’s Model S has outsold traditional high-end models from established European brands. In 2017,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Volkswagen’s I.D. Vizzion concept is a lounge, office, and theater on wheels

Volkswagen stopped selling a flagship sedan in 2016 when it ended production of the Phaeton, the luxurious model famously built in a glass-walled factory in Germany. The brand still has[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

How Tesla Redefines The Auto Business

Tesla’s original mission was to electrify the world’s transportation system. Along the way, that expanded into a reboot of the entire automotive industry. By the time it’s all over, Tesla[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Tesla Model 3 delays, tax credit concerns spur sales of Chevy Bolts

Tesla told some reservation holders not to expect their Model 3 until 2019 SAN FRANCISCO — Some potential buyers of Tesla’s long-delayed Model 3 sedan are concerned that they will[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Three Problems Tesla Has to Face Down Before Becoming the Company of the Future

IN BRIEF Tesla may seem like the company of the future, but between production delays, worker unrest, and financial problems, the company could fail sooner than you might think. Compared[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

This is the world's most advanced self-driving car

This is the world’s most advanced self-driving car. The SYMBIOZ is a concept car by Renault. It embodies what they believe cars will be like in 2030. The concept car[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. April 2018

Adidas has sold 1 million pairs of sneakers made from ocean trash — and reveals a new normal in footwear

Adidas recently revealed it has sold more than one million pairs of sneakers made ocean plastic with its partnership with Parley. Footwear made from sustainable sources is starting to gain[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. April 2018

Bose is developing augmented reality glasses with a focus on sound

‘The world’s first audio augmented reality platform’ Bose has announced at SXSW that it’s working on its own pair of augmented reality glasses, but not in the way that you’d think.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. April 2018

Philips introduces its first outdoor Hue lights (updated)

The lights will be available in the US this summer. Philips Hue is a popular smart home lighting system, so it was only a matter of time before the company extended[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. April 2018

LightCam is a smart light bulb that is also a security camera

Why install two smart home devices when you can just install one? Here to help you reduce clutter in perhaps a rather surprising way is the new LightCam, a smart light[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. April 2018

The all-hearing Hive Hub 360 hits shelves

Hive’s network of interconnected smart home devices, from Yves Béhar-designed Hive View, to lightbulbs, plugs and smart thermostats, have a new grand master – and it’s got built in WiFi. Like the existing Hive[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. April 2018

Samsung’s 2018 QLED 4K TVs can blend into your wall and control your smart home

And yes, of course they’ve got Bixby built in Samsung just unveiled its 2018 lineup of QLED 4K TVs at an event in New York City. The company remains the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. April 2018

From planning to partnerships: What's driving smart city initiatives around the world

While there is growing global interest in smart city applications, there are also significant challenges in scaling implementation and impact. Building on the success of its annual Energy Efficiency Indicator[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. April 2018

Norway Plans a Sustainable “City of the Future”

IN BRIEF Oslo could soon be home to the most sustainable city in the world. This prospective city next to Oslo Airport will utilize green technologies and produce all of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. April 2018

Can London Become a People-Centric Smart City?

“That’s no easy step—it involves investment in human beings, not just systems,” says the city’s newly-appointed chief digital officer. In his speech at the South By Southwest festival in Austin, London Mayor[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. April 2018

Why building a dynamic smart city requires an equally-dynamic network

Apple CEO, Tim Cook, said it best during a commencement address at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) last year when he proclaimed science and technology are worthless, if they aren’t[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. April 2018

Temperature Rise Over 2° Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit) Possible In 13 Global Cities In 2020s, Study Finds

Over just the next decade or so, 13 large global cities are facing temperature rises that could exceed 2° degrees Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit), according to a new report from the[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. April 2018

It's 50 years since climate change was first seen. Now time is running out

Making up for years of delay and denial will not be easy, nor will it be cheap. Climate polluters must be held accountable Fifty years ago, the Stanford Research Institute[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. April 2018

Climate change soon to cause movement of 140m people, World Bank warns

Tens of millions in three regions of the developing world expected to migrate before 2050 unless environment is improved Climate change will result in a massive movement of people inside countries[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. April 2018

To Save Polar Glaciers, Scientists Recommend Ludicrous Schemes

Some reasons you should be worried about the planet’s glaciers: The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, melting the glaciers and ice abundant there. At the[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. April 2018

Guest post: Why India’s CO2 emissions grew strongly in 2017

India’s CO2 emissions grew by an estimated 4.6% in 2017, despite a turbulent year for its economy. Measured per person, India’s emissions are still very low – at only 1.8[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 02. April 2018

IoT attacks are getting worse -- and no one's listening

If there was one theme at this year’s Kaspersky conference, it was the constant reminder that many connected devices have potentially serious gaps in security. There’s a running joke regarding[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 02. April 2018

Is Business Headed for a Cognitive-First Future?

As the world generates more and more data — at a clip of 2.5 quintillion bytes each day — it simultaneously struggles to manage it. With humans unable to manually process such[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 02. April 2018

The Internet of Things (IoT): Is your future secure?

We’re currently on the verge of the greatest human evolution possible. Where the shift is from Information Age to the Digital Age. Where intelligent devices can feel the presence of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 02. April 2018

Big Data Can Help Solve Big City Problems, but Watch for the Potholes

Panelists at the Smart Cities Connect Conference and Expo discuss the many ways cities are using data. Evaluating how well a parking meter is operating in San Diego may be[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 02. April 2018

Global energy giants forced to adapt to rise of renewables

Companies face world where falling cost of solar and wind power pushes down prices Seven years after an earthquake off Japan’s eastern coast led to three meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 02. April 2018

Google, Apple, and Amazon are in a war that no one will win

Google, Amazon, and Apple are all fighting to dominate your living room, media, and home. But their fight is making the consumer experience a lot worse. Following is a transcript[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 02. April 2018

Smart thermostat Ecobee banks $61M Series C growth capital

Home automation company Ecobee and the maker of Wi-Fi-enabled smart thermostat raised a $61M Series C round led by Energy Impact Partners. Other investors include Amazon Alexa Fund, Relay Ventures,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 02. April 2018

The Tesla story is under pressure — and it should worry investors

Tesla boosters are seeing their story tested by a deluge of negative news about the company. This distracts from what Tesla has actually achieved. The company doesn’t need to take[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Electric Cars May Be Cheaper Than Gas Guzzlers in 7 Years — If People Actually Buy Them

We may soon be in the era of the electric car. Today, they’re around of course, but they’re not yet ubiquitous. That may soon change, Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicts — by[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Geneva Motor Show will be Europe’s chance to show off its Tesla killers

VW, Audi, and Mercedes are all planning on unveiling electric car concepts This year’s Geneva Auto Show is shaping up to be a blockbuster event, with a whole slate of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Jaguar’s electric SUV is cheaper than a Tesla Model X or S

The I-Pace starts at $69,500 We’ve learned a lot about Jaguar’s first all-electric SUV, the I-Pace, during the company’s slow-drip rollout of information before its full reveal at this week’s Geneva Motor[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Rimac's new supercar is an absolute monster with 1,914 horsepower

Remember Rimac Automobili’s Concept_One, the electric supercar with 1,224 horsepower? The car that regularly leaves Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and the like in the dust? The car that The Grand Tour‘s Richard Hammond crashed,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Polestar Wants to Challenge Tesla to Make the Supreme Electric Luxury Vehicle

IN BRIEF Volvo’s foray into the luxury EV market debuted this week at the Geneva Motor Show. With 600 horsepower, an average 90-mile range on a single charge, and a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Tesla's newest rival has highlighted a big problem that no one is talking about

The new Jaguar I-Pace all-electric crossover is cheaper than the Tesla Model X and slots into a different segment. Tesla can’t compete in new EV segments until it introduces different[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Which Electric Sports Car Is Right for You, Porsche or Tesla?

Electric, Expensive, and Really Fast Electric vehicles (EVs) are no longer a niche interest. Some of the world’s biggest vehicle manufacturers are jumping on the bandwagon, anticipating that gas- and diesel-powered cars, semi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. April 2018

India’s Largest Solar Tender Of 3 Gigawatts Launched

Late last month, the Solar Energy Corporation of India launched a Request for Proposal (RfP) document for what will be the single largest solar power auction in the country’s history.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. April 2018

Feed-in tariffs could be cut back due to high take-up of solar power

Experts warn the grid could be over-supplied during low demand periods Governments should change the way feed-in tariffs are paid to homeowners or the high take-up of solar power might[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. April 2018

GE Announces World’s Most Powerful Offshore Wind Turbine, The Haliade-X

GE Renewable Energy has unveiled the world’s largest offshore wind turbine, the 12 megawatt Haliade-X which measures in at 260 meters in height and boasting a 220-meter rotor, and is[...]
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Enerģētika, 02. April 2018

No Huge Energy Storage Breakthrough Needed For Renewable Energy To Flourish

In the last couple of years, there has been a growing a number of news articles and blog posts published about energy storage, particularly in the form of battery systems.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. April 2018

Vestas To Test Solar & Wind Hybrid System In Spain

In a press release today the renewable energy companies Vestas and Energias de Portugal Renováveis (EDPR) describe a hybrid demonstration setup based on wind and solar photovoltaics to be installed at an EDPR wind farm in Cádiz,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. April 2018

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is 16 Times Bigger Than We Thought

Before starting its enormously ambitious mission, an organization devoted to cleaning ocean plastic first had to understand the problem–and it’s bigger than anticipated. The world’s most famous garbage dump is[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. April 2018

Texas sinkholes: oil and gas drilling increases threat, scientists warn

Ground rising and falling in region that has been ‘punctured like a pin cushion’ since the 1940s, new study finds Oil and gas activity is contributing to alarming land movements[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. April 2018

Green power and water recycling: be switched on by switching off

Each Australian uses an average of 100,000 litres of water a year, and our electricity use is extreme. Our series Life Swaps looks at ways to reduce the load Despite living on[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 24. March 2018

Viedās pilsētas klastera Vadošais partneris Auto asociācijas valdes loceklis Ingus Rūtiņš - Eiropas valstu pilsētu tiesības aizliegt dīzeļdzinējus var veicināt to nonākšanu Latvijā

Vācijas un, iespējams, arī citu Eiropas valstu pilsētu tiesības aizliegt automobiļus ar dīzeļdzinējiem var veicināt ar šiem dzinējiem aprīkotu auto nonākšanu Latvijā, atzina Auto asociācijas valdes loceklis Ingus Rūtiņš. Tiesa,[...]
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Jaunumi, 23. March 2018

Veiksmīgi aizvadīta Viedās pilsētas konference - Lattelecom Open city

2018. gada 22. martā Rīgā, RISEBA Arhitektūras un mediju centrā H2O6 projekts Viedās pilsētas klasteris sadarbībā ar izdevniecību Dienas Bizness organizēja konferenci – Lattelecom Open City. Konference pulcēja vairāk kā 280 apmeklētāju un augsta līmeņa[...]
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Jaunumi, 23. March 2018

Digitalizācijas aktivitātes šogad plāno tikai 8% mazo un vidējo uzņēmumu

Tikai 8% Latvijas mazo un vidēja izmēra uzņēmumu plānos 2018. gadam ar digitalizācijas saistītās aktivitātes ieņem nozīmīgu lomu, liecina SEB bankas veiktās uzņēmēju aptaujas rezultāti. Savukārt 44% uzņēmumu atbildējuši, ka[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 20. March 2018

Ārlietu ministrija šogad divpusējās attīstības sadarbības īstenošanai piešķīrusi 463 813 eiro

Valdība otrdien apstiprināja Ārlietu ministrijas (ĀM) sagatavoto Attīstības sadarbības plānu 2018.gadam, kas paredz 463 813 eiro piešķirt divpusējās sadarbības īstenošanai, informēja ĀM. Vairāk nekā puse no šiem līdzekļiem tiks izmantota granta projektu[...]
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Jaunumi, 20. March 2018

7 galvenie pasīvās ēkas parametri

Nebūvēt pasīvu nav jēgas. KOMPAKTAS ĒKAS AR ĻOTI LABU SILTUMIZOLĀCIJU Visām ēkas ārējām norobežojošajām konstrukcijām ir jābūt labi siltinātām. Sadurvietām, stūriem, savienojumiem un konstrukcijām ir jābūt izplānotām ar īpašu rūpību,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 13. March 2018

Viedās pilsētas klasteris ar biedriem piedalās 22.Starptautiskajā pasīvo ēku konferencē Minhenē, Vācijā

Viedās pilsētas klasteris kopā ar biedriem piedalījās 22.Starptautiskajā pasīvo ēku konferencē Minhenē, lai kopā ar speciālistiem no visas pasaules iepazītos ar jaunākajām pasīvo ēku būvniecības tendencēm, tehnoloģijām un būvmateriāliem, kā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 09. March 2018

Konference Lattelecom Open City

2018. gada 22. martā Rīgā, RISEBA Arhitektūras un mediju centrā H2O6 projekts Viedās pilsētas klasteris sadarbībā ar izdevniecību Dienas Bizness organizē konferenci – Lattelecom Open City. Mūsdienu tehnoloģijas un inovācijas palīdz radīt[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 07. March 2018

Lielākās investīcijas Latvijas jaunuzņēmumos - klastera biedrs SIA Alina ieņem 8. vietu

Lielākās invetsīcijas Latvijas jaunuzņēmumos skatī ŠEIT
Lasīt vairāk
Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. March 2018

Climate change: 70% of king penguins could ‘abruptly relocate or disappear’ by 2100

The arduous journey that king penguins must make in order to hunt fish to bring back to their young could become even longer as the climate warms, research suggests. The[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. March 2018

Threat of Climate Change Is Forcing Norway to Drop Millions on Its Doomsday Vault

Today’s addition of 70,000 new seeds to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault brings the total number of crops stored at the Arctic facility to over one million. It’s an important[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. March 2018

Arctic warming: scientists alarmed by 'crazy' temperature rises

Record warmth in the Arctic this month could yet prove to be a freak occurrence, but experts warn the warming event is unprecedented An alarming heatwave in the sunless winter Arctic is[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. March 2018

Climate Change — The Earth Is Screaming For Help. Is Anyone Listening?

At CleanTechnica, our main mission is to bring our readers news about how to decarbonize the economy so average global temperatures don’t rise high enough to roast us and every other[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 02. March 2018

Qualcomm launches its premium 820E embedded platform for IoT developers

When you think of Qualcomm these days, chances are you are either thinking about Broadcom’s hostile attempts to buy the company or its mobile chips, which power most Android-based smartphones. Chances are[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 02. March 2018

Google's Cloud IoT Core is now generally available

Cloud IoT Core, Google’s fully managed service for connecting, managing and ingesting data from IoT devices, is now out of beta and generally available. Google envisions the service, which launched in public[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 02. March 2018

How You Can Build Your Smart Home With The Help of AI and IoT

If we talk about the current world and its housing aspects, the home automation criteria are on a high scale of changing and converging. As of now, most people are aware of[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 02. March 2018

How to Build a Smart Home That's Actually Secure

The number of smart connected devices in our homes is growing at a rapid rate, and that means more opportunities for unwelcome visitors to access your devices and your network. Whether you’ve got[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 02. March 2018

As Drones Become Tools of War, Companies Turn to Hacking Them

IN BRIEF Drones are ending up in places where people might not want them. So companies are developing ways to hijack the drones’ software, forcing them to land. It’s no[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 02. March 2018

What Honda’s Success Can Teach Us About Tesla

“To the more established brands, it is a young upstart company with performance claims that seem unreasonably optimistic. Instead of being rooted in reality, its new sporty two-door appears to[...]
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Bizness, 02. March 2018

Tesla wants to install charging stations at your office

The Workplace Charging program will put chargers in employers’ parking lots for free. Tesla has a pretty good track record when it comes to making its chargers more accessible, but it needs[...]
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Bizness, 02. March 2018

The man who trains Tesla's workforce reveals how his job goes beyond staffing production lines

Andre Rivera is a 20-year veteran of the auto industry who now oversees training for Tesla. He got his start in the business when General Motors and Toyota owned what’s[...]
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Bizness, 02. March 2018

A Tesla exec is leaving to be COO of Lyft

John McNeill is leaving Tesla to join Lyft as COO, Bloomberg reported. He was head of sales and service at Tesla. The news broke as Tesla was conducting a Q4[...]
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Bizness, 02. March 2018

Tesla earnings: Elon Musk wows investors with more promises he may not keep

Tesla delivered $3.28 billion in revenue and losses of $4.01 per share in its fourth-quarter earnings report this afternoon. Analysts, on average, expected a loss of $3.12 per share. The[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. March 2018

Driverless Electric Trucks To Enter Sweden’s Roads Later This Year

Swedish tech startup Einride does not have the fame Tesla has, nor the experience in car manufacturing of established automobile brands like Volvo. Yet, if the company succeeds in carrying out its[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. March 2018

Porsche is making a $7.4 billion bet on electric cars — and Tesla should be nervous

Porsche is going to spend €6 billion ($7.4 billion) on electric mobility by 2022. The investment doubles the company’s previously announced €3 billion ($3.7 billion) investment. The money will go[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. March 2018

Electric Vehicles Have Lowest Total Cost Of Ownership, Study Finds

It’s no secret that electric vehicles carry higher sticker prices than comparable legacy vehicles (although, it’s debatable whether any gas-burner is truly “comparable” to an EV, especially a Tesla). Of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. March 2018

Tesla is making a mistake with its Model Y SUV — and it could spell trouble for the company

Tesla has always tried to sell sedans when the market wants SUVs. The Model 3 is a four-door, and we’ll have to wait until at least 2020 for the Model[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. March 2018

How Tesla Semi's first truck charging stations will be built

Companies who reserved the big truck are preparing the infrastructure now SEATTLE — Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, has said little about how he plans to turn his[...]
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Enerģētika, 02. March 2018

Why Solar Is on a Path to Dominance

Yuri Horwitz details the investment, cost and technology trends driving solar forward in 2018 and beyond. Despite the Trump administration’s recent decision to levy a 30 percent tariff onsolar we see[...]
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Enerģētika, 02. March 2018

Renault's 'smart island' runs on wind power and recycled batteries

The experiment in Portugal aims to prove you can live without fossil fuels. Renault has launched a “smart island” in Portugal that uses its Zoe electric vehicle, home batteries, smart charging[...]
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Enerģētika, 02. March 2018

Residential solar is cheap, but can it get cheaper? Paths to $0.05 per kWh

NREL releases a paper similar to Tesla’s stated solar roof business plan. The price of solar panels has fallen far and fast. But the Energy Department (DOE) wants to bring those[...]
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Enerģētika, 02. March 2018

Tesla To Construct Virtual Solar Power Plant Using 50,000 Homes In South Australia

When Elon Musk offered to build what would be the largest grid storage battery installation in the world in South Australia last year, he set off a chain of events[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. March 2018

This Brewery Is Designed As A Model For The Circular Economy

At Heineken’s new Mexican brewery, every piece of waste is repurposed or recycled. At a massive new Heineken brewery in Northern Mexico–the place where your six-pack of Tecate might come[...]
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Vide, 02. March 2018

Queen Elizabeth has no patience for plastic

Her Majesty officially bannedplastic straws and bottles from all cafés, dining halls, and catered events on royal estates. Like many of us, she was influenced by the soothing voice of David[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. March 2018

China Tells Manufacturers They Are Responsible For EV Battery Recycling

The difference between a managed economy — i.e. China — and a free market economy — i.e. the US — is that a managed economy can eliminate untaxed externalities that[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. March 2018

Dubai Has the World’s Most Ambitious Plan to Turn Waste into Energy

IN BRIEF The world’s largest waste-to-energy plant is going to be fully operational in 2020 in the city of Dubai. While it will generate electricity from solid waste that would[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. March 2018

Acidification could leave oceans ‘uninhabitable’ for cold-water corals

The world’s oceans could become “uninhabitable” for cold-water corals by the end of the century as a result of ocean acidification, research suggests. Ocean acidification, which occurs as seawater takes[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 02. March 2018

These are the best smart light switches you can buy in 2018

The ability to control the lighting in your home can have a big effect on your living space. Just think about it: With smart lighting, you can program lights to[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 02. March 2018

Beyond Nest: The best smart home thermostats to keep you comfy all year

When hunting for the best smart thermostat for your home, it’s probably because you’ve encountered an all too familiar problem. (Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.) You’re either[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 02. March 2018

The best smart speakers for music fans

Choosing between Apple’s HomePod, Google’s Home Max and the Sonos One is no small task. If you’re a music fan, the first wave of smart speakers was probably a disappointment.[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 02. March 2018

Control your whole house with one remote using the Beak by ControlAny

If your home were Middle Earth, the Beak would be the One Ring. Of the many smart home innovations now on the market, this may be one of the more[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. March 2018

The top 10 breakthrough technologies and the key players leading the charge, according to MIT Technology Review

Every fall, MIT Technology Review’s editors get together to begin the months-long process of reviewing their coverage. The goal? To create a list of the top ten technological advances from[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. March 2018

This egg-shaped capsule is actually a smart, self-sustaining home

Slovak studio NICE&WISE just launched the production of Ecocapsule, a portable, wind and solar-powered pod that can be transferred almost anywhere in the world and be used like a pop-up hotel room. Each[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. March 2018

Modular Eco-Housing Pushing Boundaries With Cardboard

Designed and developed by Fiction Factory, a company of creative makers from Amsterdam, Wikkelhouse loosely translates to ‘wrapped house.’ This sustainable modular house is uniquely created with cardboardas its main building material and is customizable[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. March 2018

Density's Next Frontier: The Suburbs

According to a new study, the continuing low density of inner suburbs is a major cause of the housing crisis—and a potential solution. In a recent survey, America’s mayors named housing,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. March 2018

Here’s How Much Money Green Design Could Save Cities

It’s no secret that green design features like living roofs, reflective pavements and urban tree cover are good for public health. But they’re also good for cities’ bottom lines — especially as climate change exacerbates[...]
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Jaunumi, 27. February 2018

Pirmais gads Viedās pilsētas klastera projektā

Ir pagājis gads kopš tika parakstīts līgums starp projekta vadošo partneri – biedrību Auto Asociācija un Centrālo finanšu un līguma aģentūru, uzsākot projekta Viedās pilsētas klasteris ieviešanu. Gada laikā klastera[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 06. February 2018

Jūrmalā testē lietu interneta risinājumu stāvvietās

Telekomunikāciju uzņēmums Lattelecom uzsācis autostāvvietu monitoringa risinājumu testēšanu Jūrmalā, kas nākotnē dotu iespēju viedtālruņa aplikācijā atrast brīvu vietu automašīnas novietošanai, informē uzņēmumā. Pilnu rakstu lašit ŠEIT
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. February 2018

China on track to lead in renewables as US retreats, report says

IEEFA report says China will dominate international investment in renewable technology over the next several decades China is moving towards becoming a global leader in renewable technology as the US pulls[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. February 2018

The Dutch plan to build the world's biggest wind farm, complete with a large floating island

A Dutch company aims to construct the world’s largest wind farm to deliver power to the Netherlands and United Kingdom, and later Belgium, Germany, and Denmark. A 2.3-square-mile artificial island[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. February 2018

France Is Officially Shutting All Coal-Fired Power Plants in Three Years

IN BRIEF The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, has accelerated the timetable for the country to shut down all coal-fired power plants. The move helps to solidify the country’s leadership[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. February 2018

Copenhagen's new $640 million power plant will have a ski slope on its roof — take a look

Power and waste management plants are usually kept outside major cities so that residents don’t have to see the plumes of smoke or smell burning trash. Copenhagen’s new energy plant[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. February 2018

Global warming is real, according to NASA, which actually knows this stuff

Last year was the second hottest since 1880, according to a new reportfrom NASA. That means the planet’s long-term warming trend is continuing, with average global temperatures in 2017 climbing 1.62 degrees[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. February 2018

Extreme Weather Is the Biggest Risk for Humanity in 2018, Say World Leaders

IN BRIEF The World Economic Forum has released The Global Risks Report 2018. According to the experts surveyed, environmental factors ranging from extreme weather to failure to adapt to climate[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. February 2018

Is Audi Giving Competition To The Tesla Powerwall With Its Virtual Power Plant Battery Grid?

Oh, we can just hear the heated comments as this is YATK claim from a supposed CTK. Don’t know the new acronyms? Full English: Yet Another Tesla Killer claim from[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. February 2018

Disaster Resilience Saves Six Times as Much as It Costs

A new report finds that federal disaster-mitigation grants produce an average of $6 in societal savings for every dollar spent. In financial terms, 2017 was the worst year for natural disasters in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. February 2018

Nissan Energy Solar plugs into home green-energy business

Japanese car company’s solar and energy storage solution follows Tesla and Mercedes-Benz into the residential market. Nissan is joining the residential green-energy movement. Following on the heels of Tesla and Mercedes-Benz, the Japanese[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. February 2018

Remember solar roof? Tesla’s making tiles in New York, installing them

Tesla employees got first solar roof installations, now reservation holders get theirs. Tesla began manufacturing solar tiles for solar roof installations in December at the Buffalo, New York, factory that[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. February 2018

The Guardian view on recycling: throwaway economy is not cost-free

Use less, re-use, recycle. Three steps to saving the planet Take-out coffee and bottled water symbolise both the luxury and the waste of the early 21st century. They represent the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. February 2018

'Like thunder in the ground': Texans fear link between quakes and fracking waste

Wastewater injection, a byproduct of fracking, is the likely culprit behind a surge of earthquakes in northern Texas – and residents want accountability An earthquake, Cathy Wallace says, feels like[...]
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Vide, 02. February 2018

UK opposes strong EU recycling targets despite plastics pledge

Exclusive: government accused of hypocrisy as documents show opposition to urban waste plan The UK government is opposing strong new recycling targets across the EU despite its recent pledge to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. February 2018

Cape Town Is Set to Run Out of Water in Less Than One Hundred Days

Dwindling Supplies Over the past three years, a lot has changed for the city of Cape Town. Seated in a geologic bowl beneath Table Mountain and historically fed by heavy[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. February 2018

McDonald's is falling short on recycling in one massive way — here's how it's changing that fact

McDonald’s plans to add recycling to its more than 36,000 locations around the world by 2025. Customers today can recycle at only about 10% of the fast-food chain’s locations. McDonald’s[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. February 2018

Alexa is coming to wearable devices, including headphones, smartwatches and fitness trackers

Amazon  wants to bring Alexa to more devices than smart speakers, Fire TV and various other consumer electronics for the home, like alarm clocks. The company yesterday announced developer tools that[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. February 2018


IF ONE IS the loneliest number, two is the most terrifying. Humanity must not pass a rise of 2 degrees Celsius in global temperature from pre-industrial levels, so says the Paris climate[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 02. February 2018

Google is launching a new digital store to sell cloud-based software

Google  is launching a digital store that will offer cloud-based software to companies and other organizations. Bloomberg, which reported the news a bit earlier, notes the move is just the juggernaut’s latest effort[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. February 2018

Sens8 smart security system protects your home without costly subscription fees

Keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe is certainly priceless, but that doesn’t mean that we’re looking for solutions to be pricey. Alas, even if a smart security system doesn’t have a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 02. February 2018

Google Is Bringing Augmented Reality Functionality to Chrome

IN BRIEF Google is poised to introduce Article, an AR interface that will allow AR integration into browsers. The new tech could help to promote new applications for AR. IN-BROWSER[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. February 2018

Never mind the gadgets, here's what to look for at CES

CES is usually full of boring announcements about products that fail to catch on with the public after the show ends. But the giant tech-industry confab will highlight several key[...]
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Tehnoloģijas, 02. February 2018

Roku to power smart speakers, sound bars and whole-home audio

The streaming specialist debuts a licensing program for smart audio devices and expects the first to ship this fall. The first partner will be TCL. Unlike its streaming devices, however, Roku[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. February 2018

GE is making a smart ceiling light and light switch with Alexa and Google Assistant

GE is previewing two new entries to its C by GE line of smart lighting products today that are slated to arrive later this year: a ceiling light and a light switch.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 02. February 2018

Augmented reality windows are here to turn you into a life-sized hologram

Augmented reality doesn’t need to be confined to your phone screen or a pair of glasses — it can be life-sized. That’s what one company is proving with its massive augmented[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. February 2018

Now perfectly tuned, our smart home is a symphony of devices in perfect concert

We made it! After months of re-wiring, thousands of pounds of recycled electronics, and who knows how many pounds of drywall dust, our smart home renovation project is complete. We[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. February 2018

What We’ve Seen So Far at CES 2018

IN BRIEF With CES 2018 now in full swing, it’s time to explore what Intel, Samsung, Toyota, and other companies have in store for the future of consumer electronics. CES[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. February 2018

Panasonic is building a 'smart city' in Colorado with high-tech highways, autonomous vehicles, and free WiFi

The electronics company Panasonic is building “smart city” infrastructure in a remote area near the Denver airport. The project, called CityNow, is laying the groundwork for high-tech highways and autonomous[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. February 2018

CES 2018: Making Smart Cities Responsive

During the Smart Cities: Thriving in the Future track at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show, public- and private-sector officials said municipalities may be shifting their focus in smart city efforts[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. February 2018

Ford and Autonomic are building a smart city cloud platform

Ford  and Silicon Valley-based Autonomic will work together to build a new open platform upon which cities can build out infrastructure communications, including connected traffic lights and parking spots, called the[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. February 2018

Bosch is using cameras, streetlights, and sensors to make cities more livable

Living in a big city comes with a long list of advantages and an equally long catalog of disadvantages. Gridlock, pollution, and the never-ending search for a parking spot are[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 02. February 2018

Nvidia software platform will bring augmented reality to future autonomous cars

A long list of companies including Uber, Volvo, Volkswagen, Toyota, and Roborace will soon be using Nvidia computers in self-driving cars — if they aren’t already. Nvidia is snagging all of those[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 02. February 2018

Amazon has created a computing platform that will future-proof your home

Amazon is in a better position than any other company to dominate ambient computing, the concept that everything in your life is computerized and intelligent. Amazon’s Alexa platform continues to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 02. February 2018

Google is well-positioned to crush its competition in 4 big areas in 2018 (GOOG, GOOGL)

Google had an impressive 2017 and its momentum could push it even higher in 2018, a UBS analyst notes. The company’s plays in mobile computing, AI and its cloud services[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bizness, 02. February 2018

Mercedes just revealed how it plans to conquer electric cars — and Tesla should be nervous

A map of Mercedes-Benz’s production network. The facilities that will be used to make electric vehicles are highlighted in blue. Mercedes-Benz outlined how it plans to challenge Tesla as the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

EV Revolution In China — Next Stop: Delivery & Freight Vehicles

China’s King of the electric vehicle world. It has more electric car sales than the rest of the world combined. One city now has over 16,000 electric buses in service — 100% of its[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

Nissan’s Brain-To-Vehicle Interface Could Make Driving Safer by Scanning Your Brain

IN BRIEF Nissan revealed it’s been developing a brain-to-vehicle interface that could predict a driver’s actions and start performing them 0.2 to 0.5 seconds sooner. BRAIN-TO-VEHICLE Self-driving cars are already driving[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

2017 was the best year ever for electric vehicle sales in the US

Electric vehicle sales were up more than 25 percent compared to 2016. The good people over at Inside EVs have done their tabulating, and the numbers are in: in 2017, very nearly[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018


LESS THAN A decade after Google launched the age of the self-driving car, most of the main players have made some long-term commitments—not in the name of love, but to ensure[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

The auto industry saw some big changes in 2017 — but electric cars and autonomous vehicles were just hype

Industry execs agree the car business is undergoing unprecedented change. But some of that change is more meaningful than others. Several much-discussed “disruptions” are more speculative than for-real. Auto industry[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

Norway Reaches Carbon Emissions Goal From Transportation 3 Years Early, Thanks To Tesla Twitter

In 2012, Norway set a goal for transportation-related emissions. It decided that 85 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer would be the official target for the year 2020. The latest[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

220 Mile Tesla Model 3 vs 225 Mile Nissan LEAF — Who Will Win?

Some quietly broken news this past week was that the 2019 Nissan LEAF is expected to have 225 miles of range, potentially trolling the base Tesla Model 3 by 5 miles.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

Volkswagen e-Golf Production Capacity To Double Next Year

Volkswagen will begin increasing the production capacity of the e-Golf at its facilities in Europe starting in March 2018, company spokespersons recently revealed. The plan is reportedly for the daily[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

Who Owns Urban Mobility Data?

Policymakers need it; private transportation companies have it. Here’s one way to broker a solution. How, exactly, should policymakers respond to the rapid rise of new private mobility services such[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 31. January 2018

Viedās pilsētas klasteris paraksta sadarbības memorandu ar Fizikālās enerģētikas institūtu

Globālā urbanizācija pieprasa arvien jaunas metodes pilsētvides plānošanā un inovatīvu risinājumu īstenošanu infrastruktūras uzlabošanai. Efektīvi un inovatīvi risinājumi būs galvenais priekšnosacījums, lai palielinātu pilsētu konkurētspēju globālajā ekonomikā. Viedās pilsētas koncepts[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. January 2018

The Long, Slow Death Of Carbon Capture & Sequestration (Hello, Carbon Recycling!)

Carbon capture and sequestration always seemed like a dumb idea. Leaving the next generation with yet another massive mess to clean up isn’t the first thing that comes to mind[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. January 2018

Burning wood for power is ‘misguided’ say climate experts

Using biomass instead of fossil fuels may not be the answer to averting global warming Policies aimed at limiting climate change by boosting the burning of biomass contain critical flaws[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. January 2018

Here's what the US actually agreed to in the Paris climate deal

In December 2015, nearly every country, including all of the world’s biggest polluters, came together in Paris and agreed to limit carbon emissions. The Paris Agreement was designed to keep[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. January 2018

How Corporations ‘Bypassed the Politics’ to Lead on Clean Energy in 2017

From mega wind purchases to rooftop solar arrays to electric truck orders, companies of all sizes are stepping up to act on climate. When President Trump announced plans to withdraw from the[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. January 2018

Australia's greenhouse gas emissions highest on record

Exclusive: Renewable energy and proper climate policy are key to dropping emissions, carbon consultancy chief says Australia’s emissions over the past year were the highest on record, when relatively unreliable emissions[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. January 2018

In 2017, climate change vanished from a ridiculous number of government websites

Moments after President Donald Trump took the oath of office last January, nearly all references to climate change disappeared from the White House official website. A page detailing former President Barack Obama’s[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. January 2018

UK wind power potential could fall by 10% by 2100 because of climate change

Climate change could reduce the amount of wind available for power production in both the UK and the US, new research suggests. The arrival of weaker winds in the northern[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. January 2018

Solar, wind and nuclear have ‘amazingly low’ carbon footprints, study finds

Building solar, wind or nuclear plants creates an insignificant carbon footprint compared with savings from avoiding fossil fuels, a new study suggests. The research, published in Nature Energy, measures the full[...]
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Klimata pārmaiņas, 02. January 2018

UK could cut food emissions by 17% by sticking to a healthy diet

The UK could shed close to a fifth of its greenhouse gas emissions from food production if every Briton stuck to a healthy diet based on government guidelines, a new[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 02. January 2018

Cybersecurity in IoT: Achieving Digital Security in an Age of Surveillance

In the 2006 science fiction thriller Déjá Vu, Denzel Washington plays a government agent who uses novel government technology to fold time and space back onto itself so that he can[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 02. January 2018


FOR LAST-MINUTE SHOPPERS, tech toys hold a special appeal. They’re crowdpleasers, and generally available with two-day shipping—or faster—from any number of online retailers. Stapling on internet connectivity also might make these[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 02. January 2018

How IBM Watson is powering every other business with AI

As the growing temptation for automated processes covers the varied industrial spectrum, Machine Learning is emerging into an ocean of possibilities while IBM’s Watson leads the marathon. From acting as a virtual[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 02. January 2018

This was Bitcoin's big year, but where does it go from here?

Sizing up Bitcoin is a tall order. Even as the price of one bitcoin soared above $10,000, a debate raged over what, exactly, Bitcoin is: A digital store of value, a revolutionary[...]
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IT Risinājumi, 02. January 2018

Companies waste $62 billion on the cloud by paying for capacity they don't need, according to a report

Most companies think moving to the cloud will save them money on IT costs, but that’s not the always case, according to researcher Jonathan Koomey. More than 80% of on-premise[...]
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Bizness, 02. January 2018

Missing From Amazon's HQ2 Search: Climate

Amazon made no mention of climate change in its HQ2 request for proposals, and most of the public city bids don’t address it, either. This story was originally published by the Huffington Post and[...]
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Bizness, 02. January 2018

Google Expands Its Commitment To Renewable Energy

Google already purchases more renewable energy than any other corporation, but now it has agreed to 4 new contracts that will add 536 megawatts of wind power to its energy[...]
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Bizness, 02. January 2018

China Reveals Ambitious Plan to Create World’s Largest Carbon Market

IN BRIEF The world’s biggest polluter is rolling out the world’s most ambitious plan to reduce emissions. Starting from the power sector, the Chinese carbon market will progressively cover other[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Saudi Aramco execs see Uber as a bigger threat to oil demand than Tesla

Saudi Arabian state oil giant Saudi Aramco said ride-sharing apps like Uber were of greater immediate concern than the rise of electric vehicles. Two senior executives at Saudi Aramco told[...]
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Bizness, 02. January 2018

Alphabet, Intel and Walmart: Low-carbon products make business sense

Investing in low-carbon technologies can make good business sense, especially if the technology solves multiple problems, say executives at Intel, Walmart and Alphabet. Intel has invested in renewable energy and[...]
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Bizness, 02. January 2018

Amazon’s new headquarters promises 50,000 jobs — but the corporate jobs of the future may not last forever

Cities, states, and regions across North America are vying to become the home of Amazon’s $5 billion second headquarters, a development that the company says will bring 50,000 jobs. At[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Aston Martin's $255,000 electric car arrives in 2019 and will be better than anything Tesla has to offer, CEO says

Aston Martin’s first electric car, the RapidE, is expected to arrive in 2019. The vehicle will reportedly cost $255,000, and only 155 will be sold. Aston Martin’s CEO says that[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Tesla just received its largest preorder of Semi trucks yet

Anheuser-Busch says it reserved 40 electric big rigs Anheuser-Busch, the maker of Budweiser beer, announced today that it had placed an order for 40 Tesla Semi trucks, even though the truck won’t[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018


JAGUAR HAS WORKED hard over the last decade to build cars that buyers lust over, reinvent itself as a modern auto maker, and finally shake off its “old man sedan” image.[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Tesla, Siemens and the race to map the future of fleets

When was the last time people got all fired up about a tractor trailer? I’m referring, of course, to the headline-grabbing rollout in mid-November of Tesla’s semi-autonomous, electric tractor trailer.[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Tesla disqualified from German EV subsidy program

Electric carmaker disputes that its Model S is not eligible for the incentive. Tesla’s Model S has been removed from a list of cars eligible for a German subsidy program designed[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

China is preparing for a trillion-dollar autonomous-driving revolution

Chinese internet company LeEco Holdings Ltd unveils its internet electric battery driverless concept car ‘LeSEE’ during a launch event in Beijing. Chinese manufacturers and internet giants are in hot pursuit[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

California Cities to Launch Biggest Electric Bike-Share System in U.S.

Davis, California, has long held a special place among U.S. bicycle cities. In 1967, it was the first to paint official bike lanes. It has since built bike infrastructure on 76[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Legendary car designer Henrik Fisker is working on self-driving bus that looks straight from the future

The designer will join with a Chinese firm to develop a bus for smart cities. It’s the latest effort in a wide-ranging comeback for Fisker. He is also rolling out[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. January 2018

Macro Grids May Be the Future of Renewable Energy

IN BRIEF An increasing number of countries are employing direct current lines to move energy across continents. This could deliver clean energy where it’s most needed at any time, helping[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. January 2018

We May Be Able to Use Waves to Power Our World

About a mile offshore from Kaneohe Bay on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, a yellow, doughnut-shaped contraption bobs up and down with the motion of the ocean. The hulking device,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. January 2018

Can California Achieve 100% Renewable Electricity by 2040? Jerry Brown Thinks So

But it will take some major breakthroughs in energy storage and grid regionalization. Plus, some crafty resource planning amid the rise of community-choice aggregation. As 2017 comes to an end,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. January 2018

Tesla largely responsible for slide in U.S. home solar sales: report

An analysis of home solar installations by GTM Research has found that the residential solar market is expected to fall 13% this year–its first drops after increasing YOY for years, reports Reuters.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. January 2018

Bitcoin could cost us our clean-energy future

If you’re like me, you’ve probably been ignoring the bitcoin phenomenon for years — because it seemed too complex, far-fetched, or maybe even too libertarian. But if you have any[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. January 2018

Tesla mega-battery in Australia activated

The world’s largest lithium ion battery has begun dispensing power into an electricity grid in South Australia. The 100-megawatt battery, built by Tesla, was officially activated on Friday. It had[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. January 2018

Global E-Waste Increased by Eight Percent since 2014

IN BRIEF The amount of e-waste the world generates has increased to 44.7 million metric tonnes as of 2016. Cameras, microwaves, washing machines, refrigerators, and other similar electronics are among[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. January 2018

China Is Officially Enacting a Plastic Waste Import Ban

IN BRIEF For years, the world has imported plastic waste to China and Hong Kong. In a recent development, China will ban the import of this waste starting in 2018.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. January 2018

Fixing The World’s Sanitation Is A Big Business Opportunity

From building toilets to recycling waste, there are many ways to serve the 2 billion around the world without toilets. In the world of impact capitalism, opportunities don’t come much[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Vide, 02. January 2018

Cremona, Italy, makes the circular economy real for cities

On Saturday mornings, residents of Cremona, a tidy city of 72,000 crowd into a former market for fruit and vegetables in order to donate old clothes and housewares or pick[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. January 2018

Samsung's first smart speaker will reportedly arrive in early 2018

Months ago, DJ Koh, president of Samsung’s mobile division, confirmed that his company was working on a smart speaker. Today, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman reports that the speaker is targeted for release within the first[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. January 2018

Canary’s home cameras can now detect people and send more useful notifications

More AI-powered features are coming soon Both the Canary and Canary Flex home security cameras are being updated with a new, AI-driven feature today: person detection. Now, users will receive notifications[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. January 2018

How to Create the Ultimate Smart Home

Many smart technologies are genuinely making home life easier, safer and more comfortable. These days, if a product has an on and off switch, chances are it also has the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. January 2018

Hilton is adding smart home features to its hotel rooms

With voice commands planned for the future Hilton is planning to roll out a connected room experience to its hotels beginning in 2018. Currently in beta testing in only one[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. January 2018

IKEA and Sonos will collaborate on 'home sound experiences' in 2019

IKEA’s furniture might bring you to the verge of tears and obscenity while you attempt to put it together — but in the future, the retailer could allow you to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. January 2018

Tree Skyscrapers and Underwater Restaurants: See the Most Futuristic Designs of the Year

IN BRIEF Human landscapes are ever-changing. In 2017, the most remarkable building designs hinted at a newfound peaceful relationship with nature and proposed solutions for overcrowded mega cities.
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. January 2018

Visionary Master Plan Wins Smart City Prize At World Architecture Festival

Due to rapid population and economic growth, Indonesia is facing issues such as land subsidence and rising sea levels. To combat these problems and more, SHAU Architects created a master plan for the Jakarta[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. January 2018

Smart City Pioneers: Where Are They Now?

Smart city projects in Atlanta, Chicago and Kansas City, Mo., were early efforts at the Internet of Things, analytics and other connected tech. Here’s what they’re up to today.
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. January 2018

San Diego to Cover Half the City with Intelligent Streetlights

San Diego launches an ambitious $30 million smart city project to outfit 3,200 streetlights with sensors.
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Hydrogen-Powered Trains Are Coming to Germany in 2021

IN BRIEF Germany and French company Alstom have signed an agreement that will see 14 hydrogen-powered trains built and used in the country by 2021. On a single hydrogen tank,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

BMW proposes elevated e-bike cycleways to ease congestion & speed commutes

Instead of banning cars from city centers, this automaker recommends elevated roads for electric bikes & scooters to ease congestion and emissions. In true car company fashion, BMW has come up with[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. December 2017

Apple's Reportedly Shooting to Have its AR Headset Ready For Manufacture By 2019

The iPhone X is selling well, and Apple profits are just fine, but Tim Cook has been explicit in saying that augmented reality is the next big thing. And now we have a load of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Pedal to the metal: three electric bikes getting us in a spin

Alongside the automotive industry, the competitive world of cycling is undergoing a similar technological transformation in the form of electrification. Featuring pedals and rechargeable battery-powered electric motors, electric bicycles – also[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Are Electric-Hybrid Trucks the Answer to California Port Pollution Problem?

An eHighway test site in California has electric-hybrid trucks connecting to overhead power lines. The sound — and smell — of thousands of idling trucks at the ports of Los[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Tehnoloģijas, 02. December 2017

Hundreds of Perfectly-Choreographed Printers Are the Real Stars of This Fun Music Video<