IT Risinājumi, 28. June 2022

Viedās pilsētas klastera projekta aktivitātes

Viedās pilsētas klastera projekta ietvaros ir izstrādāts “zaļo” automobiļu reģistrācijas vizuālais pārlūks, izmantojot Ceļu satiksmes drošības direkcijas datus. Risinājums ļauj analizēt datus par “zaļajiem” automobiļiem, balstoties uz tādiem parametriem kā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 22. December 2021

Viedās pilsētas kalsteris veic pētījumu par - Transporta nodokļu politiku, likumdošanu un tās piemērošana Eiropas valstīs

Viena no Viedās pilsētas klastera aktivitātēm ir viedās mobilitātes veicināšana. Lai to sekmētu, tika izstrādāts apjomīgs pētījums par transporta nodokļu politiku un tās piemērošanu Eiropas valstīs. 
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 27. September 2021

Elektromobilitātes portāls Ripo Zaļi

Ceļā uz klimatneitralitāti izmešu samazinājums transportā ir viens no lielākajiem izaicinājumiem, jo tieši vieglās automašīnas ir lielākais izmešu radītājs. Lai to mainītu, nepieciešams mainīt ne tikai transporta infrastruktūru, bet arī[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 11. May 2021

Latvijā saražoti pirmie elektriskie mikroautobusi pasažieru pārvadāšanai

Auto pārbūves uzņēmums SIA “Electrify Ventspils” pasažieru pārvadāšanas vajadzībām ir uzbūvējis pirmos elektriskos mikroautobusus, un to pārbūves darbi tiek pilnībā veikti Latvijā. Kopējās investīcijas projektā ir 4,4 miljoni eiro, no[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 09. February 2021

“Rīgas satiksme” testēs ar ūdeņradi darbināmu autobusu

No  6. februāra līdz 13. februārim “Rīgas satiksme” testēs uzņēmuma “Solaris Bus & Coach” ar ūdeņradi darbināmu autobusu. Autobuss veiks pasažieru pārvadājumus regulārajos reisos un kursēs 55.  autobusa maršrutā “Abrenes[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 03. February 2021

Ar viedajām tehnoloģijām kontrolēs satiksmes plūsmu un autovadītājus

Aprīlī Jelgavā tiks uzsākts pētījums, lai, izmantojot viedās tehnoloģijas, vēl detalizētāk pētītu satiksmes plūsmu pilsētas centrā un fiksētu gadījumus, kad pa Lielo ielu neatļauti pārvietojas kravas transportlīdzekļi vai autostāvvietās mašīnas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 29. December 2020

Trīs Latvijas uzņēmumi Dānijā būvēs elektroauto uzlādes stacijas no līmētā koka

Trīs Latvijas uzņēmumi – “IKTK”, “Rodentia” un “Igate Būve” īstenojuši inovatīvu “zaļo risinājumu”, no līmētā koka ražojot un uzbūvējot modernu elektroauto uzlādes staciju Dānijā, informē uzņēmumu pārstāvji. Stacija būvēta pēc Dānijas elektroauto[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. November 2020

Latvijā straujākais elektroauto skaita pieaugums ES

Šogad trīs ceturkšņos Latvijā reģistrēto elektroauto skaits, salīdzinot ar attiecīgo periodu pērn, palielinājies par 328%, kas ir straujākais elektroauto skaita pieaugums Eiropas Savienībā (ES), liecina Igaunijas uzņēmuma “ Marketplaces” apkopotā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 17. November 2020

Grieķijas valdība nolēmusi veselu salu pārvērst par elektroauto, zaļās enerģētikas un ekoloģiskā tūrisma oāzi. Lielākais ieguvējs būs Vācijas koncerns "Volkswagen".

ecerēts, ka Astipalejas salā Egejas jūras dienvidaustrumos nebūs iekšdedzes auto ar izplūdes gāzēm, visu elektroenerģiju saražos vēja ģeneratori un saules baterijas. Grieķija pirmo “viedās zaļās salas” (“Smart Green Island”) projektu plāno[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 08. October 2020

Rosina zemizmešu automašīnām nepiemērot nodokļus

Auto asociācija, Latvijas Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības kamera (LTRK) un Latvijas Darba devēju konfederācija (LDDK) Saeimas Budžeta un finanšu (nodokļu) komisijas Nodokļu politikas apakškomisijas sēdē aicināja, veicot plānotās Transporta nodokļa likmju[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 08. October 2020

Vadošie nozares dalībnieki vienojas par elektromobilitātes veicināšanu

Ceturtdien, 1. oktobrī, “Latvenergo” un Ceļu satiksmes drošības direkcija (CSDD), kā arī koplietošanas pakalpojumu uzņēmumi “Fiqsy”, “Carguru” un “CityBee” kopīgā memorandā vienojās par elektromobilitātes veicināšanu Latvijā, attīstot datos balstītu infrastruktūru.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 14. September 2020

Ekspertu diskusijā izkristalizējas elektromobilitātes mērķu sasniegšanas balsta punkti

Lai sasniegtu Eiropas Savienības (ES) mērķus elektromobilitātes attīstībā, Latvijā ir strauji jāveicina elektrouzlādes infrastruktūras izveide, un tas nebūs iespējams bez valsts atbalsta, un liela nozīme ir arī Eiropas fondiem, secināja diskusijas “Uzlādes tīkls savieno[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 26. August 2020

Elektrum: līdz būtiskam elektroauto skaita pieaugumam vien daži gadi

Apritējis gads, kopš Rīgā, Uzvaras bulvārī 7, Pulkveža Brieža ielā 12 un Jūrmalā, Jomas ielā 4 darbu sāka Elektrum elektroauto uzlādes stacijas. Tajās tiek nodrošināta gan ierastās ātrās 50kW līdzstrāvas stacijas, gan pilsētai[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 20. August 2020

'Latvenergo' veido lielāko elektroauto uzlādes staciju tīklu valstī

Pirms gada “Latvenergo” ar tirdzniecības zīmolu “Elektrum” atklāja uzņēmumā pirmās komerciālās elektroauto uzlādes stacijas. Turpinot attīstību un līdz 2021. gada nogalei atklājot vismaz 84 pieslēgvietas, “Elektrum” būs lielākais komerciālais elektroauto[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 17. August 2020

Zemgalē kursēs bezpilota autobuss

Pirmo reizi Latvijā – augustā Jelgavā un septembrī Aizkrauklē – divas nedēļas kursēs bezpilota autobuss, kuru Zemgales Plānošanas reģions (ZPR) atvedis, īstenojot projektu “Baltijas jūras reģiona sadarbība pārejai uz videi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. July 2020

Fiqsy startē elektroauto koplietošanas tirgū

Jau šonedēļ Rīgas ielās sāks ripot 100 koplietošanas pakalpojuma sniedzēja “Fiqsy” elektroauto – šis ir nākamais solis kompānijas vīzijā par mobilitātes risinājumu dažādām vajadzībām. Finanšu institūcijas “Altum” Zaļo grantu programmas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. July 2020

VEF apkaimē atklās Latvijā pirmo mobilitātes punktu

Trešdien, 1. jūlijā, plkst.10 pretī VEF kultūras pilij, Ropažu ielā 10 tiks atklāts Rīgā un Latvijā pirmais mobilitātes punkta prototips – VEF mobilitātes punkts. Mobilitātes punktu izveidojusi Rīgas enerģētikas aģentūra[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 01. July 2020

Latvijas uzņēmums izveidojis lielāko koplietošanas elektroauto parku Baltijā

Latvijas uzņēmums “Fiqsy” ar “Altum” finansējumu izveidojis lielāko koplietošanas elektroauto parku Baltijā, informē “Altum”. Attēlā “Renault Zoe” elektromobilis. “Altum” 2018. gadā emitēja zaļās obligācijas, piesaistot 20 miljonus eiro. “Zaļās” programmas mērķis[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 17. June 2020

Eksperts: Latvijā nepieciešams attīstīt elektroauto uzlādes staciju tīklu

Latvijā nepieciešams attīstīt elektroauto uzlādes staciju tīklu, lai veicinātu elektroauto tirgus straujāku attīstību un ērtāku braukšanu elektroauto vadītājiem, vebinārā “Cik gatavi esam elektrotransportam?” sacīja Eiropas Komisijas (EK) pārstāvniecības Latvijā ekonomikas padomnieks Mārtiņš[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 09. March 2020

Cik drīz elektroauto kļūs par iedzīvotāju pirmo izvēli?

Cik drīz elektroauto kļūs par iedzīvotāju pirmo izvēli? Arvien vairāk iedzīvotāju izvēlas elektroauto kā savu ikdienas pārvietošanās līdzekli, un ir skaidrs, ka šādu automašīnu skaits tikai pieaugs. Jautājām ekspertam –[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. March 2020

Luksemburga no sestdienas visā valstī ievieš bezmaksas sabiedrisko transportu

Valdībai cīnoties pret hroniskajiem ceļu satiksmes sastrēgumiem, Luksemburgā no sestdienas sabiedriskais transports būs bez maksas. Vairākas pilsētas jau ir ieviesušas bezmaksas sabiedrisko transportu, bet šī ir pirmā reize, kad tas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 21. February 2020

Pēc siltumnīcefekta mazināšanas plāna 2030.gadā Latvijā būtu jābūt 18 000 elektroauto

Viens no plānotajiem siltumnīcefekta gāzu (SEG) emisijas samazināšanas pasākumiem transporta nozarē ir videi draudzīga transporta izmantošanas veicināšana un šī pasākuma mērķis tiks sasniegts, ja 2030.gadā Latvijā būs 18 000 elektroauto,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 04. February 2020

Virši-A atver CNG uzpildes staciju Rīgā

Veicinot alternatīvās degvielas izmantošanu un attīstot saspiestās dabasgāzes (CNG) pieejamību, pašmāju degvielas tirgotājs “Virši-A” atver otro CNG spēka uzpildes staciju Latvijā – Rīgā, Lubānas ielā. Patlaban Latvijā ir pieejamas jau[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 04. February 2020


Transporta nozare ir Latvijas tautsaimniecības asinsrite, un meklēt efektīvākos un tīrākos enerģijas veidus šobrīd ir gan viens no valsts uzdevumiem, gan pašu uzņēmēju interese un iniciatīva.Kas ir jādara, lai veicinātu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 04. February 2020

'Latvenergo' paplašina elektroauto uzlādes iespējas mājsaimniecībām

Turpinot elektromobilitātes pakalpojumu ieviešanu, AS “Latvenergo” ar tirdzniecības zīmolu “Elektrum” ir uzsācis elektromobiļu uzlādes iekārtu mājsaimniecībām tirdzniecību. Tās ļauj veikt uzlādi vismaz divas reizes ātrāk, nekā izmantojot rozeti. Līdz šim[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 24. January 2020

Pie Tartu gājēju pārejām izmēģina viedās ceļa zīmes

Pagaidām viedās brīdināšanas sistēmas strādā izmēģinājuma režīmā, bet, ja izrādīsies, ka jaunievedums attaisnojas, ar to aprīkos vēl astoņas pārejas dažādās Igaunijas otrās lielākās pilsētas vietās. Viedās pārejas darbojas vienkārši –[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 17. January 2020

'Toyota' iegulda 400 miljonus dolāru lidojoša taksometra izstrādē

Autoražotājs “Toyota” veicis kārtējās investīcijas kompānijā “Joby Aviation”, kas nodarbojas ar lidojoša taksometra izstrādi. Japāņu autoražotājs piešķīris tai 394 miljonu ASV dolāru (353 miljoni eiro) finansējumu. Kad jau gatavs lidojošais[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 03. January 2020

Carguru šogad pāriet nākamajā līmenī

Auto koplietošanas platformas “Carguru” šā gada lielākais sasniegums un izaicinājums bija parēja uz jaunu IT platformu. “Tas nebija viegli – faktiski vajadzēja strādājošo mehānismu pārcelt no vecā “ķermeņa” uz jauno[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. November 2019

The 12 coolest features of Tesla's new $39,900 Cybertruck pickup

Tesla on Thursday unveiled its first pickup truck: the six-seat Cybertruck. The automaker says the truck’s body — made of “ultra-hard” stainless steel and “armor glass” — is almost impenetrable, though the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. November 2019

Is Volkswagen Pushing The EV Revolution To The Tipping Point?

Okay, let’s be frank: Tesla pushed the EV revolution up to today. Volkswagen Group execs, to their credit and honor, have basically said the same. Good on them. Also, before[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. November 2019

Electric cars may be the future, but they're still critically flawed in a key area

Electric vehicles are lauded as an environmentally friendly alternative to gas-powered cars, thanks in part to producing no emissions on the road. Yet building electric cars creates more greenhouse-gas emissions[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. November 2019

You can care about climate change and still drive an SUV. I do.

When I pull into a parking lot in my Toyota 4Runner, I hope I won’t see any of my friends who are environmental activists. I hope I’ll fit into the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 21. October 2019

Tallinā uzbūvē gājēju ceļu, izmantojot pārstrādātus plastmasas atkritumus

Ceļa asfalta segumā izmantoti pārstrādāti plastmasas atkritumi, un šis ir pirmais šāda veida ceļš ne vien Baltijā, bet visā Ziemeļu un Austrumeiropā. Būvuzņēmuma «Verston Ehitus» izpilddirektors Veiko Veskimē (Veiko Veskimäe)[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. October 2019

Can Green License Plates Help Plug Electric Cars?

The U.K. government wants to boost sales for ultra-low-emission vehicles by offering special number plates—and perks—for EV drivers. It could soon be much easier in Britain to recognize the cleanest[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. October 2019


Space-age sails, bionic hulls, clean fuels drawn from the oceans themselves — the shipping industry is poised for transformation … if the stars align. An evening drizzle falls on the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. October 2019

Why We Need to Dream Bigger Than Bike Lanes

In the 1930s big auto dreamed up freeways and demanded massive car infrastructure. Micromobility needs its own Futurama—one where cars are marginalized. There’s a quote that’s stuck with me for[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 08. October 2019

Tartu padomju laika nami pārtop energoefektīvos mākslas darbos

Tartu pabeigta desmit padomju laika daudzdzīvokļu namu, kas pievienojās SmartEnCity projektam, renovācija. ārējās septiņas ēkas plānots pabeigt līdz šā gada beigām. Eiropas Savienības finansētajā projektā SmartEnCity laikmetīgā māksla satiekas ar viedās pilsētas projektēšanu. Tā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 03. October 2019

Konkurēs ar Carguru

Līdzīgi kā Carguru, arī CityBee kopš oktobra sākuma Rīgā piedāvā vieglo auto koplietošanas pakalpojumu. Sākumā galvaspilsētā būs pieejamas 200 CityBee koplietošanas automašīnas, un ar laiku to skaits tiks palielināts. «Braucieni ar CityBee būs aptuveni par[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. September 2019

Amazon orders 100,000 electric trucks to fight climate change

Amazon aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2040. Amazon has ordered 100,000 electric trucks from startup Rivian, the e-commerce giant announced Thursday. The order is part of Amazon’s larger pledge—also[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. September 2019

The 14 coolest features in the Porsche Taycan, the company's new $150,000 electric Tesla rival

Porsche has unveiled its flagship electric sports car, the Taycan, equipped with features designed to rival Tesla. Many of the car’s features have never before been used in either a Porsche[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. September 2019

A Decade of Investments Into EV Infrastructure: Where’d the Money Go?

Electric vehicle sales have grown rapidly, but investments into charging companies have been much lumpier. Electric vehicle infrastructure companies have come a long way in the last decade, but they’re[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. September 2019

The Problem With Switching to Electric Cars

Switching to EVs en masse could help bring down planet-killing carbon emissions. But Americans also need to drive less, right now. Earlier this month, in their seven-hour climate town hall, CNN had[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 09. August 2019

The Tesla Buying Experience Is 10× Nicer Than The Auto Dealer Buying Experience

When I was buying a Tesla Model 3, a few article topics came to mind immediately. It wasn’t till the end of the process that I realized I really should[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 09. August 2019

UK Proposes ‘World First’ EV Charger Mandate for New Homes and Offices

Every new home with a parking space would be required to install an EV charger with a universal socket. New homes and offices in England would be required to install[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 09. August 2019

Segway-Ninebot’s new scooter drives to its docking station for a recharge

At an event in Beijing last week, Chinese scooter company Segway-Ninebot  Group unveiled a trio of new products. The most compelling of the bunch was no doubt the KickScooter T60, which harnesses[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. July 2019

Japanese Automakers Honda & Toyota Ready To Join EV Revolution. Maybe. Sort Of.

Toyota and Honda have signaled they are finally ready to embrace electric vehicles. For reasons that appear to involve national politics, Japanese automakers have been reluctant to embrace the EV[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. July 2019

Electric cars could form battery hubs to store renewable energy

By 2050, National Grid predicts, 35m electric cars will supply energy when needed A fleet of 35m electric vehicles could help the UK reach its net-zero carbon target by forming[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 10. July 2019

Smart scooter company Gogoro launches GoShare, an end-to-end vehicle-sharing platform

Founded in 2011, Gogoro now makes the best-selling electric scooters in Taiwan, where it is headquartered. The startup has always seen itself as an end-to-end platform developer, however, and today it marked[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 14. June 2019

Volvo Cars un Uber rada automobili, kad spēj braukt patstāvīgi

Uber un Volvo Cars 2016. gadā noslēdza inženiertehnoloģiju sadarbības līgumu un kopš tā laika izstrādājuši vairākus prototipus ar mērķi paātrināt uzņēmuma autonomo automobiļu izstrādi. Volvo XC90 SUV ir pirmais ražošanas automobilis, kas apvienojumā ar Uberautonomās braukšanas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 14. June 2019

Volkswagen Eiropā būvēs 36 000 uzlādes staciju elektriskajām automašīnām – daļu no tām arī Latvijā

Volkswagen vēlas panākt strauju e-mobilitātes attīstību, tādēļ arvien vairāk tiek ieguldīts elektromobiļu uzlādes infrastruktūras izveidē. Līdz 2025. gadam Volkswagen grupa visā Eiropā plāno būvēt kopumā 36 000 uzlādes staciju, no kurām[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 21. May 2019

10 neizbēgamas iezīmes nākotnes automobiļos

Autobūves industrija virzās ātri, taču reizēm kļūst grūti izsekot, kādā virzienā tas notiek. Šķita, ka elektroauto pārņems pasauli, un savā ziņā tas arī notiek. Tehnoloģijas automašīnās attīstās, un, virzoties pretim[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 16. May 2019

Sākam biznesu: Iznomāt uz minūtēm

Šajā rudenī DrivE cer sākt piedāvāt elektromobiļu koplietošanas pakalpojumu Rīgā – plānots sākt ar 20 līdz 50 automašīnām. «Esmu ļoti ambiciozs cilvēks un nekad negribu apstāties. Mēģināšu domāt par risinājumiem lielākajām pilsētām[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 25. April 2019

Viedpilsētas centrā - cilvēks un vide

Lai viedpilsētas koncepcijas ieviešanā veidotos veiksmīga sadarbība starp pašvaldībām, iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējiem, vajadzīga vīzija par viedu pilsētu un vēlme to īstenot. Pilsētu un uzņēmumu vadītāji, biznesa vadības eksperti, stratēģiskie vadītāji,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 25. April 2019

Apzināti bezpilota autobusa maršruti Jelgavā un Aizkrauklē

Gatavojoties bezpilota transportlīdzekļu izmēģinājumiem Zemgalē, apzināti iespējamie maršruti, kuros Jelgavā un Aizkrauklē varētu veikt izmēģinājuma braucienus, informē Zemgales Plānošanas reģiona sabiedrisko attiecību speciālists Aigars Ieviņš. Sadarbībā ar Somijas partneriem, kas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 25. April 2019

Kāpēc elektromobiļiem nepieciešamas citādas riepas

Elektromobiļi pamazām maina automašīnu tirgu – emisijas prasībām kļūstot arvien stingrākām, gandrīz katram ražotājam sortimentā ir ar elektrisko enerģiju darbināms transportlīdzeklis. To lieliski apliecina statistika: pirmais elektromobiļu miljons tika pārdots[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 08. April 2019

Rīgā darbu sāk elektrisko skrejriteņu noma Atom

No šā gada aprīļa Rīgā darbu testa režīmā uzsākusi elektrisko skrejriteņu noma Atom. Uzņēmums drīzumā sola arī iespēju nopelnīt, iegādājoties skrejriteņus un piedāvājot tos citiem platformas lietotājiem. Atom ir Latvijas uzņēmums, kas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 05. April 2019

Braucam gudri! Ar CARGURU!

Nepilnu divu gadu laikā, kopš Rīgas ielās parādījies stilīgais “Toyota” hibrīdauto ar sarkani melno zīmējumu uz sāniem un zīmīgo nosaukumu CARGURU, automobiļu koplietošanas pakalpojums (car sharing) kļuvis par mūsdienīga, zaļi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 07. March 2019

Testē pirmo lielā izmēra bezpilota autobusu

FOTO: Testē pirmo lielā izmēra bezpilota autobusu Zviedrijas kompānija Volvo Buses un Singapūras Nanyang Technological University otrdien paziņoja, ka Singapūrā sāks testēt pirmo lielā izmēra bezpilota elektrisko autobusu, raksta Reuters.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 28. February 2019

Daimler un BMW apvienotajos kopbraukšanas pakalpojumos investēs miljardu eiro

Vācijas autobūves uzņēmumi «Daimler» un BMW piektdien paziņoja, ka investēs vienu miljardu eiro, lai apvienotu un paplašinātu to kopbraukšanas pakalpojumus «Car2Go» un «DriveNow», nākotnē piedāvājot plašus mobilitātes pakalpojumus, tostarp elektriskajiem[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. February 2019

Self-driving cars could actually make congestion much worse

Self-driving cars may eventually eliminate the need for personal vehicles, but they may not lessen road congestion New research from the Journal of Transportation Policy suggests traffic could even get[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. February 2019

Porsche just confirmed that the best-selling Macan SUV will soon be all electric

The Porsche Macan is the brand’s best-selling model and accounts for nearly half of its total sales. The German automaker confirmed on Tuesday that the next generation Macan compact luxury[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. February 2019

12 Ways of Looking at a Rivian vs Tesla Matchup

Tesla vs Rivian: 12 point comparison Rivian has been getting a lot of press in North America and in the EV-centric media in the past months. Most recently, the company[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. February 2019

Which 5 Electric Vehicles Will Next Cross 100,000 Sales In A Year?

I reported 11 days ago that the Tesla Model 3 was the best selling electric car in the world in 2018 (special thanks to Jose Pontes and EV Volumes for the data). What the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. February 2019

Zero’s new electric motorcycle justifies the comparisons to Tesla

A much fuller vision of the future of motorcycles California-based Zero Motorcycles pulled the cover off of its newest electric bike, the SR/F, at an event in midtown Manhattan on[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. February 2019

2021 Polestar 2 heads to Geneva Motor Show with 408 hp, vegan interior

Polestar’s first EV will go head-to-head with Tesla’s Model 3 packing a 275-mile range estimate. Polestar, Volvo’s electrified-performance spinoff, will soon launch a beautifully styled, 600-horsepower plug-in hybrid coupe. But as far as[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 06. February 2019

Getvikas lidostā mašīnas stāvvietā drīzumā varētu novietot roboti

Ceļotāji, kas izlidos no Londonas Getvikas lidostas, drīzumā, iespējams, varēs nesatraukties par brīvas autostāvvietas atrašanu, jo viņu vietā to darīs robots, raksta CNN Money. Šā gada otrajā pusē lidostā tiks[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 05. February 2019

EY consultant: Europe is lagging behind in power grid digitalisation

The volume of solar panels and electric cars connected to the grid is still manageable for now. But massive new load expected from electric vehicles in the coming years will[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 05. February 2019

These 3 elements are crucial to the future of electric cars

As urbanization increases – an additional 2.5 billion people will live in cities by 2050 – cities and suburbs will undergo significant transformations to create sustainable living conditions for their residents. Energy[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 31. January 2019

The best electric scooters you can buy

The Insider Picks team writes about stuff we think you’ll like. Business Insider has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase. Electric scooters provide[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 31. January 2019

How An Electric Car Works

There are many reasons why Tesla has taken the automotive world by storm. Of course, one big reason is that Elon Musk decided to make his car company an electric car company.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 31. January 2019

Porsche says its first electric car will charge faster than any of its competitors — and it shows how Tesla's greatest advantage may be fading away

The proposed maximum charging speed for Porsche‘s first fully electric vehicle could represent a breakthrough for charging technology, Edmunds manager of industry analysis Jeremy Acevedo told Business Insider. Porsche said[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 29. January 2019

2021.gadā elektroauto varētu maksāt apmēram tikpat, cik parastās mašīnas

Galvenais iemesls, kādēļ jau šodien katrs otrais auto uz ielas nav elektromobilis, ir apstāklis, ka šīs kategorijas braucamie maksā vairāk nekā mašīnas ar iekšdedzes dzinēju. Auditorfirmas Deloitte jaunākais pētījums tikmēr[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 23. January 2019


A leader in EV sales, Nissan is ready to take the fight directly to Tesla Encouraged by strong sales of its affordable, all-electric Leaf vehicles, Nissan seems ready to jump into[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 23. January 2019

Prius owners are defecting to Tesla

Toyota’s been slacking on developing its own all-electric car. It’s reached the point that its hybrid Prius owners are defecting over to electric car company Tesla. Recent comments from Toyota’s North America[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 23. January 2019

Tesla tooling up to build Model Y at the Gigafactory, Musk says

It’ll be on the same platform as the Model 3 but built 260 miles apart During a conference call Wednesday to discuss Tesla‘s second-straight profitable quarter, CEO Elon Musk said the company has[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 31. December 2018

Hyundai’s Kona EV has great range and costs as much as the average car

The electric SUV will take you 258 miles, but will it be affordable enough? Hyundai announced late last week that the Kona Electric, the company’s second fully electric vehicle, will start at[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 31. December 2018

Will Norway’s Electric-Vehicle Boom Outlast Its Incentives?

Norway is the world’s biggest per-capita market for electric vehicles, but incentives are being clawed back as Oslo aims to go car-free. No other country on Earth has bet as[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 31. December 2018

BMW and Porsche's 450-kW EV fast charger can add 62 miles in 3 minutes

At its maximum charge rate, the prototype charger would be more than twice as fast as Tesla’s current Supercharger design. The proliferation of DC fast charging for electric cars has made owning one a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 17. December 2018

CityBee Solutions pērk 5000 automobiļus; sāks darbu arī Latvijā un Igaunijā

Starptautiskajai uzņēmumu grupai ar lietuviešu kapitālu Modus group gatavojoties ienākt Latvijas un Igaunijas tirgū ar automašīnu koplietošanas pakalpojumu CityBee un tālāk attīstīt šo darbību Polijā, tai piederošā kompānija CityBee Solutions[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. December 2018

2018 brought the electric car to everyone

The Model 3 might still be pricey but there are alternatives. It’s easy to look at a luxury automaker like Jaguar and declare 2018 the year the automotive industry caught[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. December 2018

Elon Musk promises 100-percent Tesla Supercharger coverage for Europe in 2019

Tesla boss Elon Musk is eyeing 2019 for a major expansion of the Supercharger network in Europe and beyond. Musk tweeted the news on Thursday, December 27 in response to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. December 2018

2018 Was A Giant, Awesome Year For Tesla — Because Elon Musk

Tesla set record after record in 2018. It passed up automaker after automaker in terms of sales as well as market cap. And it actually started turning a profit. Let’s[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. November 2018

Tesco and VW plan free electric car charging points

Free charging for electric cars will be available for customers at some Tesco stores from next year. Tesco, in partnership with Volkswagen, plans to install almost 2,500 charging bays at[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. November 2018

Volkswagen reportedly has $23,000 Tesla competitor in the works

Elon Musk will need to release that Model Y soon. Volkswagen, the German automaker that cheated diesel emissions tests, is aiming to release an all-electric car for $23,000 — undercutting the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. November 2018

Volkswagen Claims It Will Build 50 Million Electric Cars Using Its MEB Chassis

Tesla shares dropped about 5% in value on Monday. Could recent statements by Volkswagen head Herbert Diess have anything to do with that decline? Diess is boasting this week that[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. November 2018

Tesla, GM, Yamaha, & Ducati All On The Electric Bike Bandwagon

Electric bicycles are having a moment. Major global companies which make cars and motorcycles are suddenly delivering or talking about delivering electric bicycles. What’s going on? This red beast of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. November 2018

Rivian debuts an electric pickup and SUV designed to look good while getting dirty

Rivian has kept a relatively low profile since the automotive startup with Midwestern roots launched in 2009. Those days are over. CEO and founder RJ Scaringe unveiled two all-electric vehicles this[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. November 2018

Audi just revealed a new electric concept car and its stunning design rivals Tesla's Model S

Audi unveiled its E-Tron GT electric sedan concept on Wednesday at the Los Angeles Auto Show. The automaker said it would begin delivering the production version of the vehicle in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 26. October 2018

‘Delfi’ no Strasbūras: Pāreja uz elektromobiļiem Eiropā buksē

Jau pirms četriem gadiem Eiropas Savienības (ES) varas gaiteņos tika pieņemta direktīva par alternatīvo degvielu infrastruktūras ieviešanu, taču ar tās izpildi dalībvalstīm veicies visai švaki – direktīvā nospraustos mērķus līdz šim pilnībā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 13. October 2018

Electric cars still face a big hurdle: the charging system

Automakers have a choice: build their own charging networks or rely on third-party networks Electric cars hit a new global sales record in 2017 — 1 million cars sold, with[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 13. October 2018

The future of electric car design has yet to be written

At its heart, the car industry remains a deeply conservative one Carmakers are a weird bunch. On one hand, they’re willing to give their designers free rein and millions of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 13. October 2018

VW could share its electric car platform with Ford

That could save both companies a huge chunk of cash. Building new cars from scratch is expensive, which is why so many automakers pursue partnerships with one another. A Toyota-Subaru[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. October 2018

People want self-driving cars to prioritize young lives over the elderly

A study on the ethical decisions of autonomous vehicles had interesting results. Today, MIT released the results of a global survey on the moral and ethical decisions that autonomous vehicles should be[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. October 2018

The Grim State of Electric Vehicle Adoption in the U.S.

Plugging in cars and trucks will be critical to averting climate catastrophe, according to the IPCC. How far has the U.S. come? According to a new report from the United Nations’ scientific[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 12. October 2018

Embracing multimodality, Uber pioneers ride recommendations

Contextual, personalized vehicle suggestions spotlight bikes For the first time, Uber will make contextual, personalized suggestions about the best way to get from point A to point B. The startup offers[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. September 2018

The Audi e-tron all-electric SUV is here, and it may have just eaten Tesla's lunch

Audi e-tron, the first electric SUV from the German automaker, debuted in San Francisco on Monday night. Two electric motors power the all-wheel-drive e-tron. A 95 kWh battery gives it[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. September 2018

BMW's new electric SUV concept is loaded with impressive tech — here's a look at its best features

BMW recently unveiled an electric concept SUV, the Vision iNEXT, with plans for the vehicle to enter the market in 2021. The vehicle will feature technology that includes autonomous driving,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. September 2018

Mercedes-Benz’s vision for autonomy is flexible and fugly

Mercedes-Benz shared on Monday its vision for how people and packages will someday move in dense urban environments. It’s called Vision Urbanetic — an all-electric autonomous concept vehicle that can[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. September 2018

Strong Growth Expected in EV Charging Stations

Companies like ChargePoint and Tritium announce plans to expand and develop more charging infrastructure, which could boost the adoption of electric vehicles. Electric vehicle charging continues to surge, a move[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. September 2018

Electric Flight Will Transform Our Cities for the Better, and It Will Happen Sooner Than You Think

There’s a revolution in the air. Literally, up in the sky. Winged devices and the necessary ecosystem around them are undergoing the biggest transformation since “humanned” flight began over 100[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 06. September 2018

VW reimagines the microbus as an all-electric cargo hauler

The slow roll towards electrified vehicles isn’t isolated to passenger cars and SUVs. Manufacturers are investing in commercial vehicles as well — everything from school buses and delivery vans to big[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 29. August 2018

"Volkswagen" nākamgad Berlīnē sāks piedāvāt elektroauto koplietošanas pakalpojumu

Vācijas autobūves koncerns “Volkswagen” ceturtdien paziņoja, ka nākamgad Berlīnē ieviesīs pilnībā elektrisku automobiļu koplietošanas pakalpojumu, tādējādi cerot sabiedrību iepazīstināt ar jauniem automašīnu modeļiem un ielauzties šajā strauju izaugsmi piedzīvojošajā tirgū.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 29. August 2018

Latvijā arvien lielāka interese par elektriskajiem un hibrīdauto

Līdz ar iedzīvotāju pirktspējas palielināšanos, auto cienītāji vairāk interesējas par elektriskajiem un hibrīdauto un iespējām tos iegādāties līzingā, TVNET pavēstīja AS “PrivatBank” Preses centrā. PrivatBank pēdējā gada laikā ir palīdzējusi piepildīt daudzu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 20. August 2018

Lietuvā ienāk Eiropas elektromobiļu uzlādes tīkls 'Ionity'

Lietuvā šonedēļ reģistrēts uzņēmums “Ionity GmbH Lietuvos filialas”, kas būs Eiropas elektroautomobiļu uzlādes tīkla “Ionity” vietējā struktūrvienība, raksta Lietuvas biznesa ziņu avīze “Verslo žinios”. Uzņēmumu vadīs visa “Ionity” tīkla izpilddirektors Markuss Grolls.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 15. August 2018

32 electric cars you'll see on the road by 2025

While electric vehicles aren’t posting big sales numbers yet, auto companies are making significant investments in them. Both new and traditional car manufacturers plan to release electric vehicles in the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 15. August 2018

Audi just gave us a look at its 764 horsepower electric sports car of the future and it's absolutely dazzling

The Audi PB18 e-tron electric concept sports car made its world debut on Thursday at Pebble Beach in Monterey, California. The electric concept is powered by three electric motors that[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 15. August 2018

Europe’s Electric Car Sales Up 30% In July — #CleanTechnica Report

Nissan Leaf Pushes Forward in Holiday Season The European passenger plug-in market slowed down a bit to enjoy the holiday season, registering some 27,000 registrations in July. That’s an increase of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 15. August 2018

Mercedes just revealed a futuristic 738 horsepower electric concept inspired by one of its greatest race cars

Mercedes-Benz unveiled its new EQ Silver Arrow concept on Friday at Pebble Beach in Monterey, California. The striking electric concept pays homage to the company’s record-breaking W125 Grand Prix racer[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 15. August 2018

Workhorse brings an electric pickup truck, helicopter to Manhattan

Workhorse, with its 120 employees, hopes to beat larger players to market. I wasn’t sure entirely what I expected an electric helicopter to look like, but what I found waiting[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 14. August 2018

The modern automobile must die

Germany was supposed to be a model for solving global warming. In 2007, the country’s government announced that it would reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 17. July 2018

Kopbraukšanas fenomens strauji pieņemas spēkā

Kopbraukšana kā fenomens pēdējā dekādē ir pieņēmies spēkā ļoti strauji un daudzos tirgos kļūst par alternatīvu privātajam auto, otrdien vēsta laikraksts Dienas Bizness. «Baltijas valstis ir starp līderiem Eiropā ar savu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 17. July 2018

Sākam biznesu: Palīdz gudri plānot pilsētas satiksmi

SIA 4SmartStreets izstrādājis vairākus produktus, kas palīdz analizēt satiksmi pilsētā, lai noskaidrotu, kādi uzlabojumi ir nepieciešami. Uzņēmums izaudzis KleinTech services paspārnē, kura viens no zināmākajiem produktiem ir VAS Latvijas dzelzceļa uzskaites[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

Tesla’s Norway Popularity Can’t Keep Up With Repairs

Tesla Norway has become a victim of its own popularity. Norway is by far the world leader in electric cars, and Business Insider has reported that Tesla became the overall most popular automaker in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

A Chinese electric car startup is trying to take on Tesla by making its cars more like an iPhone

The Chinese electric vehicle startup Byton is developing three vehicles, the first of which will hit the market in 2019. The company has prioritized interior features, like touchscreens and adjustable[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

BMW Electric Car Sales % Is Impressive. So What Is The Company Doing About It?

BMW stunned the world in 2009 with its Vision Efficient Dynamics. We couldn’t get enough of the shapes, the lines, the numbers, the possibilities. What resulted, the i3 and i8,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

Larry Page is quietly amassing a ‘flying car’ empire

Google co-founder revealed to be owner of Opener, a Canadian startup that just came out of stealth One flying car seems absurd; Larry Page has three. He started with Cora, a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

UK electric car drivers face paying more to charge at peak times

Ofgem outlines measures to ensure more drivers can use the electricity network British electric car drivers face having to pay more to power their car if they refuse to shift[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 01. July 2018

Will Electric Motorcycles Jump Start A Dying Industry?

The market for new motorcycles in the US is down by 50% since the Great Depression of 2008. The biggest decline has been among people age 40 and younger. For[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 19. June 2018

Jauna uzņēmējdarbības tendence Latvijā - elektrotransporta uzlāde par maksu

Aktīvi strādājot un izvērtējot tirgus pieprasījumu un potenciālu, «e-mobility Network» savu turpmāko biznesu ir nolēmis attīstīt arī Rietumeiropā, Latvijā fokusējoties galvenokārt uz uzņēmumu apkalpošanas (B2B) segmentu. Elektrotransporta uzlāde kā biznesa[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Is Mercedes Finally Ready To Roll Out Its EQ Electric Cars?

Mercedes has been raising the news alarm to let us know it is still here and has decided to work on getting its tiny two-door electric vehicle, the EQA, out[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Kymco’s new electric scooters could be the sign of a coming boom

Like with cars, established companies are following in the footsteps of startups One of the most exciting product announcements to happen at the Consumer Electronics show over the past few[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Uber Will Pay Drivers in Pilot Cities to Use Electric Vehicles

Uber is expanding a pilot project to incentivize its drivers to switch to electric cars, Fortune reports. “We see the writing on the wall,” Adam Gromis, Uber’s head of sustainability, told[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Just kidding: the superior quality of Loro Piana’s baby cashmere is no joke

My official title at Wallpaper* is quality maniac-at-large, a moniker that I adopted after meeting Pier Luigi Loro Piana in early 2014 to talk about his vicuña, which, he explained,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Silicon Valley scooter wars

Electric scooters have become the hot new area for startups and “innovation.” For those who haven’t been keeping track, there are three main players in the Silicon Valley scooter wars: Bird, Lime[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 03. June 2018

Uber wins appeal and gets a provisional 15-month license to operate in London

After failing to secure a renewal for a license to operate a private hire vehicle service in London last September, Uber — the controversial transportation startup valued at around $62 billion — has finally had[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Volkswagen Doubles EV Battery Order To $48 Billion

Just 6 weeks ago, Volkswagen boss Matthias Müller stunned the automotive world when he revealed the company had placed orders for EV batteries and components worth a total of $25 billion.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

The CEO of the world's largest car company flexes on Tesla, touts best-selling electric cars, and says range anxiety is no longer an issue

Carlos Ghosn, the man who helms the world’s largest car company, the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance, says customers who buy electric vehicles are far less concerned about range anxiety than they used[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Aston Martin’s Lagonda Revival — The Exotic, High-End, Electric “Vision Concept”

Hang onto your hats, we may be entering the era of the electric SUV. The Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, Porsche Cayenne S E-Hybrid, BMW X5 xDrive40e, and of course Tesla Model X have been around for[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Mercedes-Benz to build Tesla-rivaling electric compact car in France

Car will be first in an onslaught of EVs from MB FRANKFURT — Daimler will invest 500 million euros ($589 million) in Hambach, France, to start producing a small electric[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Inside the automotive startup taking EVs off-road

Competing against Tesla is foolish. Why not build an electric truck instead? The Tesla Model X is the “least capable SUV ever made,” according to Rivian CEO RJ Scaringe. It sits too[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Tesla needs to sell more expensive Model 3s so the company doesn’t ‘die,’ Musk says

New dual-motor options become available, but the $35,000 base model is still months away Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced the final details of the dual-motor, all-wheel drive version of the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Apple teams up with Volkswagen to make a fleet of self-driving passenger vans

Apple just teamed up with Volkswagen to turn some of the automaker’s passenger vans into self-driving vehicles. As part of the partnership announced on Wednesday night, Apple will equip a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

Tesla Model 3 drives 606 miles on a single charge in hypermiling record

Thirty-two hours of low-speed driving It only took 32 hours of continuous driving in sweltering temperatures, but two Colorado residents have set a new “hypermiling” record by driving their Tesla[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 30. May 2018

The State Of EV Batteries: LG Chem, SK Innovation, & Tesla–Panasonic Improvements

The state of electric vehicle (EV) batteries can get confusing. Although internal combustion engine (ICE) aficionados talk about engine displacement and horsepower, EV drivers often consider energy storage as the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 16. May 2018

Nākamnedēļ Rīgā notiks elektrisko transportlīdzekļu saiets

Nākamnedēļ Rīgā notiks elektrisko transportlīdzekļu saiets un elektromobiļu maratona starts, informēja biedrības “Bezizmešu mobilitātes atbalsta biedrība” pārstāvis Arnis Bergs. Lai salidojuma norises laikā autostāvvieta būtu pieejama bez maksas, dalībniekam līdz[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Largest solar-powered boat ever built

This record-setting boat is epic in more ways than one This zero emission boat is powered completely by solar energy. PlanetSolar’s MS Tûranor has a little over 5,500 square feet[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Tesla batteries will live longer than expected, survey finds

The packs are on track to last over 500,000 miles. Tesla batteries retain over 90 percent of their charging power after 160,000 miles, according to data gathered by a Dutch-Belgium Tesla owners[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Tesla Model S Crushes Large Luxury Car Competition In USA

In July of 2017, I put together a comparison of Tesla Model S sales and other large luxury car sales in the USA. An update has long been due. The story was[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

VW's Electrify America teams up with Walmart and Target to tackle the biggest challenge for electric cars

VW Group’s Electrify America is rolling out an ambitious plan to partner with retail companies and developers to bring fast charging for electric vehicles to more locations. The company is[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

BMW just unveiled a sleek electric SUV that will take on Tesla's Model X

BMW unveiled its iX3 electric SUV concept on Wednesday at the Beijing Auto Show. BMW will start producing the vehicle in China in 2020 as part of a joint venture.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Heat Pump Helps Audi E-Tron Trump Tesla Performance

OK. The Tesla P100D is still the quickest production electric car on the planet. But Audi says its E-Tron will be faster. What’s the difference? A car that accelerates rapidly is quick.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

9 Chinese carmakers that want to be Tesla

Electric car maker Tesla has pushed the car market to develop more sedans, SUVs, and even luxury sports cars with batteries. In China, any headway Tesla’s made for electric is[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Important But Little Known Details Behind Electrify America Charging Infrastructure & Tesla Supercharging

I read with interest the stories posted by my colleagues Kyle Field and James Ayreabout the plans Electrify America — a division of Volkswagen — has made to create a massive new EV[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 28. April 2018

Tesla Limo Service Passes 1 Million Kilometers, 0 Dead Batteries

In Australia, one company is celebrating an important electric vehicle milestone. “An Australian limousine service has become the first to clock up more than 1 million kilometers with a fleet[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Tesla has transformed the car industry — but its biggest strength could become its greatest liability

Despite being younger than many of its competitors, Tesla has had a significant impact on the auto industry. It has influenced what kinds of cars its competitors make, what they[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Batteries, Not The Model 3, Are The Real Keys To Tesla’s Future Success

Batteries are really what Tesla is all about — not the media-loving, mass market Model 3, not Roadsters, not falcon-wing doors, and certainly not the hyperloop. Batteries are the keys to completing a worldwide[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Do Tesla Vehicles Work In The Snow?

Tesla Fun In The Snow Don’t try this in your Tesla. It’s definitely not advised — but it sure looks like fun. According to AutoEvolution, in Moscow, “one could grab an American electric[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Automakers are betting big on electric cars — but there's a lingering problem with EVs no one is talking about

Even in California, where electric-car sales are far higher than in the rest of the US, consumers are unaware of the vehicles. Overall awareness hasn’t budged since 2014, researchers at[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Sondors' three-wheeled EV is affordable and stylish

Now the company just has to make more than one. Starting a new car company is tough. In fact, it’s nearly impossible. Then Tesla pulled it off. As we transition[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Compression ignition engines are a big breakthrough—we got to try one

It’s called Spark Controlled Compression Ignition, and Mazda made it work. IRVINE, Calif.—Despite rumors to the contrary, the internal combustion engine is far from dead. Recently we’ve seen several technological[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Harley-Davidson says it will launch an electric motorcycle in 2019

Harley-Davidson’s CEO said Tuesday that an electric motorcycle will be arriving in 18 months. The announcement happened after poor Q4 2017 earnings. Harley rolled out an electric concept bike four[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Jaguar’s I-Pace electric SUV gets ready to take on Tesla

Jaguar’s first production electric car is almost here. The Jaguar I-Pace will be revealed online on March 1, followed by a debut in the physical world at the 2018 Geneva[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

German Luxury Carmakers May Be Looking to Reverse Engineer Tesla’s Model 3

IN BRIEF Photos posted to a closed Facebook group show a pair of Tesla Model 3s on their way to Germany. Many speculate that German companies could be looking to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Your new car will have apps instead of options

It may be easier to pick and choose optional services, but at what cost? The idea of being able to update your car’s infotainment system may have sounded like a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

A Tale of Two Teslas

It seems there have always been two general views of Tesla — 1) disruptor ready to take over the world and 2) clueless startup on the verge of a dramatic[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

BMW to challenge Tesla with super long-range electric SUV

BMW plans to produce a futuristic electric vehicle with a whopping 435 miles of range. That’s enough to drive from Los Angeles to Phoenix and still have 60 miles to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

The Biggest Electric Vehicle Company You’ve Never Heard Of

Shenzhen’s BYD, which started as a battery company, is a giant in China—and its ambitions are increasingly global. BYD isn’t well-known outside of its home market, China. But it’s the world’s[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Ferrari will make an electric supercar (and an SUV)

Giving Tesla a run for its money Ferrari will build a battery-electric supercar in a bid to challenge Tesla for a piece of the high-end, eco-conscious luxury market. CEO Sergio[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Tesla, Apple aren't self-driving leaders, study argues

The 2018 Navigant Autonomous Driving Leaderboard shows a major gap between public perception and capability when it comes to autonomous-drive research. The self-driving status quo has been upended, according to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

The Nissan Xmotion SUV is more screen than car

Seven (!) digital touchscreens, and a virtual personal assistant that’s a fish The Nissan Xmotion may look like an SUV on the surface, but to take a step inside is[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Battery That Charges in One Minute Could Beat Tesla in the Race for Tomorrow’s Clean Car

IN BRIEF A former chief designer for Aston Martin is working on a new solid-state battery design that could be vastly superior to the currently available lithium-ion batteries used in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Fisker's luxury electric car hits Tesla where it hurts

Picture the Distracted Boyfriend internet meme, where the boyfriend is a Tesla owner and the girlfriend is the Model S. The other woman? That’s gotta be the Fisker EMotion. The all-new Fisker Inc.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Kia Niro EV is a thinly disguised concept with 238 miles of range

Automaker introduces new infotainment system with 5G, promises all models connected by 2030 The Kia Niro EV Concept is just that: a not-quite-production version of what an all-electric version of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

All-Electric Vehicles For Sale In USA (2017 & 2018 Model Years)

With the intent being to educate those in the USA who are now in the market for an all-electric vehicle, I’m going to provide an overview here of the widely[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Shimano STEPS is the ultimate electric bike system suited to every lifestyle

As cycling gains popularity around the globe, electric bikes are emerging in a corresponding fashion. Shimano is one of the most renowned bike part production companies in the world —[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Does a lower “total cost of ownership” boost electric car sales?

How car buyers respond to economics can help craft policy. In 2015, battery-electric vehicles in Japan, the UK, California, and Texas were slightly cheaper than traditional gas or diesel vehicles—as[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Electric and plug-in hybrid cars whiz past 3m mark worldwide

Rapid growth is due to falling battery costs, government incentives and car makers competing to build new models The number of fully electric and plug-in hybrid cars on the world’s roads has[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Audi will release a high-performance electric car in 2020

Audi Sport will release an electric vehicle in 2020. Outgoing managing director Stephan Winkelmann revealed the news at a launch event for the RS4 Avant. But Winkelmann added that Audi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

This New Tiny Electric Car Comes With Five Years Of Free Solar Charging

The Uniti is a small electric car designed for city driving–and its deal with a solar company makes charging it emissions- and cost-free. Most electric cars look essentially the same[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

It’s not self-driving, but this electric VW six-seater is a smart solution for urban mobility

Autonomy has been heralded as the future of the ridesharing model, but Volkswagenis offering a different (but no less high-tech) solution. While these new VW buses can’t drive themselves, they’re unique[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Electric cars already cheaper to own and run than petrol or diesel – study

Exclusive: Pure electric cars cost less over four years than petrol or diesel cars in the UK, US and Japan, researchers say, but China is set to lead the market[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

We compared 3 self-driving systems in cars — and the winner is clear

We’ve tried Tesla Autopilot, Cadillac Super Cruise, and Mercedes Drive Pilot. Each has its own pros and cons. Super Cruise is, in our view, worth the extra cost. These are[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Volvo is reportedly scaling back its ambitious self-driving car experiment

The automaker had planned to deliver 100 autonomous SUVs to families in Sweden, China, and the UK It’s been awhile since we heard anything about Volvo’s audacious experiment to deliver[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Not all of our self-driving cars will be electrically powered — here’s why

The hybrid-or-electric debate is on Hybrid or electric? That’s the big question in current self-driving car development. Do you build your autonomous vehicles to run purely on battery technology, or[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Honda is working with Chinese AI unicorn SenseTime on self-driving car tech

Honda  is putting the focus on artificial intelligence after it announced a partnership with SenseTime, a Chinese startup valued at over $1 billion, that will power its autonomous cars of the future. SenseTime,  which[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Honda just unveiled a motorcycle that’s sorta powered by wind

Honda is experimenting with wind energy to power motorcycle information amenities. At the recent EICMA in Milan, the Honda CB4 Interceptor concept platform bore a headlight nacelle-mounted wind tunnel. An automotive concept platform[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Germany's plan to downshift auto emissions

Germans like to think of themselves as the most environmentally friendly people on earth. They see their sophisticated recycling programs, their love of forests and, most recently, the country’s drive[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

California Is Working to Ban Gas-Powered Cars by 2040

IN BRIEF All around the world, countries are beginning to phase out fossil fuel-powered cars. Now, a California lawmaker is proposing a bill that would ban gas-powered cars in the[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Porsche’s 670-hp Mission E prepares to wrestle Tesla for EV dominance

With the Mission E, Porsche wants to solve problems we haven’t thought of yet Porsche won applause when it confirmed plans to make the all-electric Mission E concept a reality. The Tesla-baiting sedan was[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Jaguar is releasing its stunning Tesla rival in 2018 — here's a closer look at the SUV

Jaguar is releasing its first fully-electric vehicle, the I-Pace, in 2018. The SUV is expected to start at $76,400. Audi and Mercedes are also releasing electric SUVs in the next[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Chinese Nio ES8 electric SUV takes aim at Tesla with optional battery swapping

Chinese startup Nio (formerly known as NextEV) has made a big splash in a short period of time. Founded in 2014, after spending a couple of years under the radar,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

The most impressive things Tesla's cars can do in Autopilot

Tesla’s Autopilot feature came under fire after a Model S crashed into a fire truck while possibly using Autopilot. Tesla‘s Autopilot feature gives its cars semi-autonomous capabilities. While driving with[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Electric Car Range May Soon Triple, Thanks to New Research

IN BRIEF A major difficulty in electric vehicle adoption is their battery capacity and range. One new study could help us potentially triple electric car range, hopefully supporting the global[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

PepsiCo reserves 100 Tesla Semis, likely at $20,000 a pop

Big manufacturers, distributors in the US look to slash emissions profiles. Reuters reported on Tuesday that PepsiCo had recently placed 100 reservations for Tesla Semis. The order is the largest public one[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Express delivery: use drones not trucks to cut carbon emissions, experts say

Research shows drones can deliver certain items faster and with less environmental impact than trucks – but there are drawbacks Drones invoke varying perceptions, from fun gadget to fly in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Watch Airbus' drone taxi take to the skies for the first time

It just hovered above the ground for a few seconds, but it was a huge milestone for the company. Back in late January, Airbus’ Vahana team successfully flew their autonomous air taxi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

The coolest thing about the Gain is that it doesn’t look like an ebike

If there is one thing an ebike doesn’t want, it’s to look like an ebike. Needless to say, that is a pretty tough task to complete — after all, the battery[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

I spent several hours testing Tesla's all-electric Model 3 — here's what it's like to drive

We spent several hours taking the Tesla Model 3 on a first drive. Ben Zhang, Business Insider’s senior transportation reporter, and I each took a turn at the wheel and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

VW’s new concept is a fully self-driving car with no steering wheel

The I.D. Vizzion will be unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show   Volkswagen is adding a fourth car to its futuristic I.D. lineup of concepts, and it will show it[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

US-Based Startup Aurora To Provide China-Based Byton With Self-Driving Car Systems

In a fairly interesting bit of news, it seems that the relatively new US-based startup Aurora will be providing the China-based electric vehicle startup Byton with self-driving car systems —[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Energy storage leap could slash electric car charging times

Development of new material for supercapacitors has potential to raise range to that of petrol cars Researchers have claimed a breakthrough in energy storage technology that could enable electric cars[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Lack of models, not charging points, 'holding back electric car market'

Analysis shows just 20 battery models on sale in Europe against more than 400 conventional ones The rise of electric cars in Europe is being hampered by a lack of models for[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

For the first time, Tesla outsells European luxury brands in Europe

The Model S sold better in 2017 than the S-Class or 7-Series.  For the first time in Europe, Tesla’s Model S has outsold traditional high-end models from established European brands. In 2017,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Volkswagen’s I.D. Vizzion concept is a lounge, office, and theater on wheels

Volkswagen stopped selling a flagship sedan in 2016 when it ended production of the Phaeton, the luxurious model famously built in a glass-walled factory in Germany. The brand still has[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

How Tesla Redefines The Auto Business

Tesla’s original mission was to electrify the world’s transportation system. Along the way, that expanded into a reboot of the entire automotive industry. By the time it’s all over, Tesla[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Tesla Model 3 delays, tax credit concerns spur sales of Chevy Bolts

Tesla told some reservation holders not to expect their Model 3 until 2019 SAN FRANCISCO — Some potential buyers of Tesla’s long-delayed Model 3 sedan are concerned that they will[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

Three Problems Tesla Has to Face Down Before Becoming the Company of the Future

IN BRIEF Tesla may seem like the company of the future, but between production delays, worker unrest, and financial problems, the company could fail sooner than you might think. Compared[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 07. April 2018

This is the world's most advanced self-driving car

This is the world’s most advanced self-driving car. The SYMBIOZ is a concept car by Renault. It embodies what they believe cars will be like in 2030. The concept car[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Electric Cars May Be Cheaper Than Gas Guzzlers in 7 Years — If People Actually Buy Them

We may soon be in the era of the electric car. Today, they’re around of course, but they’re not yet ubiquitous. That may soon change, Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicts — by[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Geneva Motor Show will be Europe’s chance to show off its Tesla killers

VW, Audi, and Mercedes are all planning on unveiling electric car concepts This year’s Geneva Auto Show is shaping up to be a blockbuster event, with a whole slate of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Jaguar’s electric SUV is cheaper than a Tesla Model X or S

The I-Pace starts at $69,500 We’ve learned a lot about Jaguar’s first all-electric SUV, the I-Pace, during the company’s slow-drip rollout of information before its full reveal at this week’s Geneva Motor[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Rimac's new supercar is an absolute monster with 1,914 horsepower

Remember Rimac Automobili’s Concept_One, the electric supercar with 1,224 horsepower? The car that regularly leaves Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and the like in the dust? The car that The Grand Tour‘s Richard Hammond crashed,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Polestar Wants to Challenge Tesla to Make the Supreme Electric Luxury Vehicle

IN BRIEF Volvo’s foray into the luxury EV market debuted this week at the Geneva Motor Show. With 600 horsepower, an average 90-mile range on a single charge, and a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Tesla's newest rival has highlighted a big problem that no one is talking about

The new Jaguar I-Pace all-electric crossover is cheaper than the Tesla Model X and slots into a different segment. Tesla can’t compete in new EV segments until it introduces different[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. April 2018

Which Electric Sports Car Is Right for You, Porsche or Tesla?

Electric, Expensive, and Really Fast Electric vehicles (EVs) are no longer a niche interest. Some of the world’s biggest vehicle manufacturers are jumping on the bandwagon, anticipating that gas- and diesel-powered cars, semi[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. March 2018

Driverless Electric Trucks To Enter Sweden’s Roads Later This Year

Swedish tech startup Einride does not have the fame Tesla has, nor the experience in car manufacturing of established automobile brands like Volvo. Yet, if the company succeeds in carrying out its[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. March 2018

Porsche is making a $7.4 billion bet on electric cars — and Tesla should be nervous

Porsche is going to spend €6 billion ($7.4 billion) on electric mobility by 2022. The investment doubles the company’s previously announced €3 billion ($3.7 billion) investment. The money will go[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. March 2018

Electric Vehicles Have Lowest Total Cost Of Ownership, Study Finds

It’s no secret that electric vehicles carry higher sticker prices than comparable legacy vehicles (although, it’s debatable whether any gas-burner is truly “comparable” to an EV, especially a Tesla). Of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. March 2018

Tesla is making a mistake with its Model Y SUV — and it could spell trouble for the company

Tesla has always tried to sell sedans when the market wants SUVs. The Model 3 is a four-door, and we’ll have to wait until at least 2020 for the Model[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. March 2018

How Tesla Semi's first truck charging stations will be built

Companies who reserved the big truck are preparing the infrastructure now SEATTLE — Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, has said little about how he plans to turn his[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

EV Revolution In China — Next Stop: Delivery & Freight Vehicles

China’s King of the electric vehicle world. It has more electric car sales than the rest of the world combined. One city now has over 16,000 electric buses in service — 100% of its[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

Nissan’s Brain-To-Vehicle Interface Could Make Driving Safer by Scanning Your Brain

IN BRIEF Nissan revealed it’s been developing a brain-to-vehicle interface that could predict a driver’s actions and start performing them 0.2 to 0.5 seconds sooner. BRAIN-TO-VEHICLE Self-driving cars are already driving[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

2017 was the best year ever for electric vehicle sales in the US

Electric vehicle sales were up more than 25 percent compared to 2016. The good people over at Inside EVs have done their tabulating, and the numbers are in: in 2017, very nearly[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018


LESS THAN A decade after Google launched the age of the self-driving car, most of the main players have made some long-term commitments—not in the name of love, but to ensure[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

The auto industry saw some big changes in 2017 — but electric cars and autonomous vehicles were just hype

Industry execs agree the car business is undergoing unprecedented change. But some of that change is more meaningful than others. Several much-discussed “disruptions” are more speculative than for-real. Auto industry[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

Norway Reaches Carbon Emissions Goal From Transportation 3 Years Early, Thanks To Tesla Twitter

In 2012, Norway set a goal for transportation-related emissions. It decided that 85 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer would be the official target for the year 2020. The latest[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

220 Mile Tesla Model 3 vs 225 Mile Nissan LEAF — Who Will Win?

Some quietly broken news this past week was that the 2019 Nissan LEAF is expected to have 225 miles of range, potentially trolling the base Tesla Model 3 by 5 miles.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

Volkswagen e-Golf Production Capacity To Double Next Year

Volkswagen will begin increasing the production capacity of the e-Golf at its facilities in Europe starting in March 2018, company spokespersons recently revealed. The plan is reportedly for the daily[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. February 2018

Who Owns Urban Mobility Data?

Policymakers need it; private transportation companies have it. Here’s one way to broker a solution. How, exactly, should policymakers respond to the rapid rise of new private mobility services such[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Saudi Aramco execs see Uber as a bigger threat to oil demand than Tesla

Saudi Arabian state oil giant Saudi Aramco said ride-sharing apps like Uber were of greater immediate concern than the rise of electric vehicles. Two senior executives at Saudi Aramco told[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Aston Martin's $255,000 electric car arrives in 2019 and will be better than anything Tesla has to offer, CEO says

Aston Martin’s first electric car, the RapidE, is expected to arrive in 2019. The vehicle will reportedly cost $255,000, and only 155 will be sold. Aston Martin’s CEO says that[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Tesla just received its largest preorder of Semi trucks yet

Anheuser-Busch says it reserved 40 electric big rigs Anheuser-Busch, the maker of Budweiser beer, announced today that it had placed an order for 40 Tesla Semi trucks, even though the truck won’t[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018


JAGUAR HAS WORKED hard over the last decade to build cars that buyers lust over, reinvent itself as a modern auto maker, and finally shake off its “old man sedan” image.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Tesla, Siemens and the race to map the future of fleets

When was the last time people got all fired up about a tractor trailer? I’m referring, of course, to the headline-grabbing rollout in mid-November of Tesla’s semi-autonomous, electric tractor trailer.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Tesla disqualified from German EV subsidy program

Electric carmaker disputes that its Model S is not eligible for the incentive. Tesla’s Model S has been removed from a list of cars eligible for a German subsidy program designed[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

China is preparing for a trillion-dollar autonomous-driving revolution

Chinese internet company LeEco Holdings Ltd unveils its internet electric battery driverless concept car ‘LeSEE’ during a launch event in Beijing. Chinese manufacturers and internet giants are in hot pursuit[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

California Cities to Launch Biggest Electric Bike-Share System in U.S.

Davis, California, has long held a special place among U.S. bicycle cities. In 1967, it was the first to paint official bike lanes. It has since built bike infrastructure on 76[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. January 2018

Legendary car designer Henrik Fisker is working on self-driving bus that looks straight from the future

The designer will join with a Chinese firm to develop a bus for smart cities. It’s the latest effort in a wide-ranging comeback for Fisker. He is also rolling out[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Hydrogen-Powered Trains Are Coming to Germany in 2021

IN BRIEF Germany and French company Alstom have signed an agreement that will see 14 hydrogen-powered trains built and used in the country by 2021. On a single hydrogen tank,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

BMW proposes elevated e-bike cycleways to ease congestion & speed commutes

Instead of banning cars from city centers, this automaker recommends elevated roads for electric bikes & scooters to ease congestion and emissions. In true car company fashion, BMW has come up with[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Pedal to the metal: three electric bikes getting us in a spin

Alongside the automotive industry, the competitive world of cycling is undergoing a similar technological transformation in the form of electrification. Featuring pedals and rechargeable battery-powered electric motors, electric bicycles – also[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Are Electric-Hybrid Trucks the Answer to California Port Pollution Problem?

An eHighway test site in California has electric-hybrid trucks connecting to overhead power lines. The sound — and smell — of thousands of idling trucks at the ports of Los[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Renault Zoe EV Named “Best Used Green Car” At What Car? Used Car Awards 2018

The all-electric Renault Zoe was named the “Best Used Green Car” by judges at the What Car? Used Car Awards 2018, according to a new press release. This award follows[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

The Next Volkswagen Beetle Could Go Electric And Rear-Wheel Drive Again

The case could be made that the original Volkswagen Beetle is the most iconic car ever made. Its modern versions, well… not so much. But as part of its big diesel emissions cheating[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Shared self-driving cars could slash demand for U.S. sedans: study

DETROIT (Reuters) – Ride services using self-driving vehicles could slash by more than half demand for owner-driven sedans in the United States by 2030, according to a study released Monday[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

What lies on the road ahead for Daimler and autonomous driving

The 2017 Tokyo Motor Show was notable for the increasing number of autonomous car concepts emerging from the lab into what manufacturers expect to be an almost completely computer-controlled future. Most of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Self-driving buses will soon make their way to Singapore

Self-driving buses are quickly making their way around the world, and now, they’re landing in Singapore. The Asian island nation announced that it would see self-driving buses and shuttles transporting citizens and tourists alike by[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

An inside look at Jaguar’s goals and directions

Like a Formula One race car tearing through turns, Jaguar Land Rover has been flying. The company has brought out a new vehicle every few months this year. We’ve seen[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Apple Self-Driving Cars Are Back In The News

Remember the days when Apple was designing a self-driving electric vehicle? And remember how we haven’t heard much from Apple in a while about this? Now, the company is back[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Why Uber Just Ordered a Buttload of Volvos

Things seem to be looking up at Uber’s embattled self-driving car unit. The company just made a deal with Volvo for as many as 24,000 XC90 sport utility vehicles to be delivered between 2019[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Waymo Announces 'Fully Self-Driving Cars Are Here,' Taxi Service Coming

We are in the midst of a pretty historic moment. Leaping ahead of the competition, Waymo has announced that its self-driving cars will no longer use a human safety driver[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

We May Not Have Enough Minerals To Even Meet Electric Car Demand

Global demand for cobalt and nickel, two of the essential elements in electric car batteries, has never been higher. But where do all those metals come from? And do we[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Tesla's 'Hell' Threatens Its Future

In August, after Tesla got production underway for the Model 3 and made first deliveries of the new mass-market electric sedan to employees, CEO Elon Musk said there should “absolutely” be “zero concern” about[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017


500 miles of range and more aerodynamic than a supercar The Tesla Semi truck is a hulking and menacing hauler, with the presence of Darth Vader lurking from above when[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Tesla unveils the new Roadster

Tesla has unveiled a new Roadster, the new version of its original sports car. It’s the fastest production car ever made, according to Elon Musk, with speeds of just 1.9 seconds[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Here's What A Battery Researcher Told Us About The Tesla Roadster's Crazy Performance Claims

Skepticism abounds when someone makes a claim as outlandish as Elon Musk’s assertion that the new Tesla Roadster will scoot to 60 mph in 1.9 seconds and manage a range[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Mercedes-Benz Just Unveiled New All Electric Plans

IN BRIEF Mercedes-Benz has announced plans to make all of their commercial vans electric. To facilitate this change, the company is also launching a new electric van called the eVito[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Tesla Semi's price is surprisingly competitive

Starting at $150,000 with a 300-mile range. When Tesla unveiled its Semi electric truck last week, everyone agreed that it looked cool, but some actual truckers weren’t necessarily sold on its functionality. Most observers[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Porsche Cayman e-volution Catching Up With The EV Startup Competition

One thing startups such as Lucid and XING Mobility and more established young companies like Tesla do to traditional carmakers is light some fire under their feet. The Porsche Cayman[...]
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Mobilitāte, 02. December 2017

Honda Claims Its 2022 Electric Vehicles Can Charge in 15 Minutes

IN BRIEF Honda is planning to enter the electric vehicle market with revolutionary technologies that could potentially usher in EV mass adoption. The plan includes a new line of EVs[...]
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Mobilitāte, 18. May 2017

Dyson could become next Tesla with its electric car, says expert

Filed patents show the British engineering firm may use solid-state batteries that could stretch electric car’s range to hundreds of miles and increase safety
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Mobilitāte, 18. May 2017

When cars fly? Uber wants to test on-demand air transport by 2020

Embattled ride-sharing company is partnering with aircraft manufacturers to develop an ‘on-demand’ network of ‘vertical takeoff and landing vehicles’
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Mobilitāte, 18. May 2017

Samsung self-driving cars take fight to Apple, Uber and Google's Waymo

Korean electronics firm granted permission to test autonomous cars on public roads using Hyundai vehicles, following rival Apple’s California testing
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