Enerģētika, 07. July 2022

Viedās pilsētas klasteris piedalīsies Rīgas energoefektivitātes fonda koncepta izstrādē

Viedās pilsētas klasteris sadarbībā ar biedrību “Passive House Latvija” piedalīsies kopīgā darba grupā, kuras uzdevums ir veikt “Rīgas energoefektivitātes fonda” (REEF) koncepta un biznesa modeļa izstrādi. Darba grupa nodarbosies ar[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 27. September 2021

Elektromobilitātes portāls Ripo Zaļi

Ceļā uz klimatneitralitāti izmešu samazinājums transportā ir viens no lielākajiem izaicinājumiem, jo tieši vieglās automašīnas ir lielākais izmešu radītājs. Lai to mainītu, nepieciešams mainīt ne tikai transporta infrastruktūru, bet arī[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 11. May 2021

Rīgā veidos trīs viedpilsētas tehnoloģiju pilotteritorijas

Rīgas domes Pilsētas attīstības komiteja trešdien, 5. maijā, atbalstīja lēmumprojektu par trīs viedpilsētas tehnoloģiju testēšanas jeb pilotteritoriju izveidošanu galvaspilsētā. Tādas plānots attīstīt VEF apkaimē, Latvijas Universitātes ēku kompleksa teritorijā Torņakalnā,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 11. February 2021

Privātmāju īpašniekiem būs pieejams atbalsts māju atjaunošanai un energoefektivitātes uzlabošanai

Apstiprinātie noteikumi nosaka atbalsta programmas īstenošanas kārtību, atbalsta piešķiršanas nosacījumus, finansējumu un atbalsta nosacījumus viena dzīvokļa dzīvojamo māju atjaunošanai un energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanai. “Pirmo reizi atbalsts energoefektivitātes pasākumu īstenošanai būs pieejams[...]
Lasīt vairāk
IT Risinājumi, 03. February 2021

Ar viedajām tehnoloģijām kontrolēs satiksmes plūsmu un autovadītājus

Aprīlī Jelgavā tiks uzsākts pētījums, lai, izmantojot viedās tehnoloģijas, vēl detalizētāk pētītu satiksmes plūsmu pilsētas centrā un fiksētu gadījumus, kad pa Lielo ielu neatļauti pārvietojas kravas transportlīdzekļi vai autostāvvietās mašīnas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 29. December 2020

Trīs Latvijas uzņēmumi Dānijā būvēs elektroauto uzlādes stacijas no līmētā koka

Trīs Latvijas uzņēmumi – “IKTK”, “Rodentia” un “Igate Būve” īstenojuši inovatīvu “zaļo risinājumu”, no līmētā koka ražojot un uzbūvējot modernu elektroauto uzlādes staciju Dānijā, informē uzņēmumu pārstāvji. Stacija būvēta pēc Dānijas elektroauto[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 17. November 2020

Grieķijas valdība nolēmusi veselu salu pārvērst par elektroauto, zaļās enerģētikas un ekoloģiskā tūrisma oāzi. Lielākais ieguvējs būs Vācijas koncerns "Volkswagen".

ecerēts, ka Astipalejas salā Egejas jūras dienvidaustrumos nebūs iekšdedzes auto ar izplūdes gāzēm, visu elektroenerģiju saražos vēja ģeneratori un saules baterijas. Grieķija pirmo “viedās zaļās salas” (“Smart Green Island”) projektu plāno[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 26. August 2020

Igaunijā gatavo pilotprojektu rūpnieciskai daudzdzīvokļu ēku renovācijai

Igaunijas Ekonomikas un infrastruktūras ministrija un valsts kredītu un eksporta garantiju aģentūra “KredEx” gatavo pilotprojektu, kas radītu nosacījumus rūpnieciskai daudzdzīvokļu ēku renovācijai un šā procesa izmaksu samazināšanai. Ar valsts atbalstu[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 17. August 2020

Ogrē uzstāda Latvijā pirmo viedo solu

Pie Ogres Mūzikas skolas uzstādīts jauns infrastruktūras objekts – viedais sols, kas pilnībā darbojas uz saules paneļiem un ir pirmais šāda veida objekts, kas uzstādīts kādā no pašvaldībām Latvijā. Viedais[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Mobilitāte, 24. January 2020

Pie Tartu gājēju pārejām izmēģina viedās ceļa zīmes

Pagaidām viedās brīdināšanas sistēmas strādā izmēģinājuma režīmā, bet, ja izrādīsies, ka jaunievedums attaisnojas, ar to aprīkos vēl astoņas pārejas dažādās Igaunijas otrās lielākās pilsētas vietās. Viedās pārejas darbojas vienkārši –[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. November 2019

Passivhaus Detailing and Design: A Complete Guide for Architects

First in Architecture’s latest guide includes all new CAD drawings and 3D SketchUp models to download. Architects: Showcase your next project through Architizer and sign up for our inspirational newsletter. The world is[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. November 2019

How Three Cities Approach the Rising Tide

An excerpt from “Design with Nature Now,” which revisits landscape architect Ian McHarg’s visionary 1969 work at a time of unprecedented global environmental change. EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is an[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. November 2019

The Future of Architecture: 7 Master Plans That Rethink the Way Cities Work

The urban way of life is en route towards completely new frontiers. Within the past two decades, slews of new cities have appeared out of what seems like thin air.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Bez kategorijas, 06. November 2019

Latviešu ražotāja “i2 Factory” logs iegūst II vietu Pasaulē, kā energoefektīvākais un ekonomiskākais

SIA “i2 Factory” jaunākais logs ar novatorisku iebūves tehnoloģiju ir ieguvis II vietu pasaulē, līdzās “Advantage Architectural Woodworks” (USA), aiz sevis atstājot 20 uzņēmumu no 11 valstīm ar kopumā 31[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 01. November 2019

Viedās pilsētas klasteris organizē PASĪVO ĒKU ATVĒRTO DURVJU DIENAS 2019

Šogad 8., 9. un 10. novembrī jau astoto gadu pēc kārtas norisināsies Viedās pilsētas klastera un Passive House Latvija organizēts pasākums – PASĪVO ĒKU ATVĒRTO DURVJU DIENAS. Šī pasākuma ietvaros[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 21. October 2019

Tallinā uzbūvē gājēju ceļu, izmantojot pārstrādātus plastmasas atkritumus

Ceļa asfalta segumā izmantoti pārstrādāti plastmasas atkritumi, un šis ir pirmais šāda veida ceļš ne vien Baltijā, bet visā Ziemeļu un Austrumeiropā. Būvuzņēmuma «Verston Ehitus» izpilddirektors Veiko Veskimē (Veiko Veskimäe)[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 17. October 2019

Šveicē tapusi pasaulē lielākā koka būve

Pēc piecu gadu ilgas celtniecības, Šveices pilsētā Bīlē ir pabeigta pasaulē lielākā koka ēka – Šveices rokaspulksteņu “Swatch” ražotnes galvenā mītne, vēsta portāls “Designboom”. Neparastās ēkas autors ir japāņu arhitekts Šigeru[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. October 2019

How architects use feng shui to design famous buildings

Feng shui is about creating harmony by finding ways to connect manmade things with nature through design. Architects from around the world have made major design decisions based on feng[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. October 2019

Sustainable Parking Space for an Eco-Responsible Generation

Every year, France uses 66,600 tons of plant protection pesticides for its agriculture and produces 4.5 million tons of plastics, of which only 22% are recycled. Almost 48,000 deaths are attributed to[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. October 2019

First Smart Forest City in Mexico Designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti

Commisionned by Grupo Karim’s, and designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti, the first Smart Forest City in Mexico will focus on innovation and environmental quality. The city balances green and built spaces, and is completely[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 08. October 2019

Tartu padomju laika nami pārtop energoefektīvos mākslas darbos

Tartu pabeigta desmit padomju laika daudzdzīvokļu namu, kas pievienojās SmartEnCity projektam, renovācija. ārējās septiņas ēkas plānots pabeigt līdz šā gada beigām. Eiropas Savienības finansētajā projektā SmartEnCity laikmetīgā māksla satiekas ar viedās pilsētas projektēšanu. Tā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 16. September 2019

Pārdaugavā par 800 000 eiro izbūvēts viedierīcēm aprīkots krustojums

Lai uzlabotu satiksmes plūsmu un drošību, izbūvēts Mūkusalas un Dēļu ielu krustojums, aprīkojot to ar modernām satiksmes detekcijas un vadības iekārtām, informē SIA Mūkusalas Biznesa Centrs valdes priekšsēdētāja Iveta Bahmane.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. September 2019

The Shape of (Housing) Things to Come

How Half a House, WikiHouse and the IKEA effect will change how we design and build our homes. EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is an excerpt from “The Shaping of Us:[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. September 2019

The Cities Where Job Growth Is Outpacing New Homes

Coastal metros are building more multi-family units than in the past, but it’s still not enough. Meanwhile, in some Sun Belt metros, new building outpaces jobs. California is permitting new[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. September 2019

A German City of Industry Gets a Modern Makeover

The German company Siemens is launching an ambitious adaptive reuse project to revitalize its historic corporate campus, with a modern data-collecting twist. BERLIN—Right now, it’s hard to imagine what Siemensstadt[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. September 2019

Could Tall Wood Construction Be the Future of High-Rise Buildings?

Across the globe, tall wood structures have begun transforming the world of skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, ushering in an important shift to an architectural practice that has traditionally been dominated[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 09. August 2019

Is Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) the Concrete of the Future?

Concrete, an essential building material, has for decades offered us the possibility of shaping our cities quickly and effectively, allowing them to rapidly expand into urban peripheries and reach heights[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 09. August 2019

World's Tallest Passive House Skyscraper Designed for Vancouver

Canadian company Henson Developments has released plans to build the world’s tallest passive house in Vancouver’s West End neighborhood. The 60-story project and rezoning application is being reviewed by the City of Vancouver before[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 09. August 2019

Sidewalk Labs is building a smart city entirely of mass timber. What could go wrong?

North America is on the cusp of a mass timber revolution, and Sidewalk Labs’ Waterfront Toronto project is leading the way. But the smart material faces major obstacles. A building[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. July 2019

Amazon's new headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, could include a bike-friendly office with employee showers — take a look at the plans

Amazon submitted development plans for its new second headquarters, known as HQ2, in May. Plans for the Arlington, Virginia-based Metropolitan Park site call for two 22-story LEED Gold-certified sustainable office buildings, 50,000[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. July 2019

Cities must plan ahead for innovation without leaving people behind

Transparency, data privacy and collaboration are critical to urban innovation From Toronto to Tokyo, the challenges faced by cities today are often remarkably similar: climate change, rising housing costs, traffic,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 10. July 2019

A new wave of smart cities is here, and they look nothing like what you’d expect

You may already live in a smart city, and you don’t even know it. An abandoned mine shaft beneath the town of Mansfield, England, is an unlikely place to shape[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 01. July 2019

Siguldā tiks uzstādīti pirmie viedie atkritumu konteineri Latvijā

Jūnija beigās Siguldā daudzdzīvokļu namu kvartālā Leona Paegles ielā tiks uzsākti darbi, lai ar jaunāko pilsētvides tehnoloģiju atbalstu ierīkotu pirmo dalītās atkritumu savākšanas viedpunktu Latvijā. Papildus šķirotiem stikla un vieglā[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 25. April 2019

Viedpilsētas centrā - cilvēks un vide

Lai viedpilsētas koncepcijas ieviešanā veidotos veiksmīga sadarbība starp pašvaldībām, iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējiem, vajadzīga vīzija par viedu pilsētu un vēlme to īstenot. Pilsētu un uzņēmumu vadītāji, biznesa vadības eksperti, stratēģiskie vadītāji,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 28. February 2019

Rīga gatavojas viedā apgaismojuma projektiem

Pašvaldības SIA “Rīgas satiksme” un aģentūra “Rīgas gaisma” konkursā “Siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisiju samazināšana ar viedajām pilsētvides tehnoloģijām” ieguvušas tiesības noslēgt līgumus gandrīz piecu miljonu eiro vērtībā viedā apgaismojuma ieviešanai galvaspilsētā.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. February 2019

A $6 million floating home that can withstand Category 4 hurricanes is now a reality. Take a look inside.

After years of development, the housing startup Arkup has debuted a floating home that can withstand rising sea levels and Category 4 hurricanes. The home contains a hydraulic system that[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. February 2019

AOC’s Green New Deal is a wake-up call for the building industry

The newly unveiled plan would see every existing building in the U.S. retrofitted for energy efficiency. But it doesn’t stop there. Today, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey introduced[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. February 2019

Is the Revolution of 3D-Printed Building Getting Closer?

3D printing was expected to transform architecture and construction, but uptake has been slow. Could that be changing? There’s a soft buzzing sound coming from a tent that stands next[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. February 2019

Can Inflated Concrete “Dome Homes” Help Solve Our Global Housing Crises?

These concept houses are created using cave-like domes of concrete. Architects: Showcase your work and find the perfect materials for your next project through Architizer. Manufacturers: To connect with the world’s largest[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. February 2019

Move over, IKEA, this British developer is building flat-pack homes

Manchester might be best known to its cousins across the pond for its famous football teams and its infamous music scenes but due to rapid growth, the world’s first industrialized city is[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 31. January 2019

How to know if you're living in a 'smart city'

As more people live in cities than ever before, improving them takes on added urgency. In becoming “smart,” cities often first tackle projects that affect the largest number of people,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 31. January 2019

These billion-dollar cities are straight out of science fiction, and they will soon become a reality

A few nations are embarking on expensive megaprojects with technologies that must be seen to be believed. Saudi Arabia is developing a $500 billion city with robot workers and drone[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 22. January 2019

Dutch eco initiative halves energy bills in first UK homes

Nottingham pioneers ‘Energiesprong’ after it wins £5m funding from EU A Dutch approach to transforming old homes through a dramatic green makeover has arrived in the UK and cut tenants’[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 22. January 2019

Will Copenhagen’s Eco-Friendly Man-Made Islands Pay Off?

The Danish capital is expanding its land mass and creating climate resiliency. But is it sustainable? In a bid to create new space for green industries and fossil-free energy production,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 22. January 2019

Manufactured Cities: A Case Study of the First Smart City in Brazil

In 2017, ArchDaily Brazil reported that Smart City Laguna would become the first “smart city” in Brazil. With its inauguration scheduled for that same year, the venture opened with 1,800 units in its[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 31. December 2018

Life On High: the Renaissance of Rooftop Spaces is Here to Stay

Though seemingly opposite environments, cities are a lot like rainforests. At ground level, the world is dank, dark, and full of predators. Inhabitants seeking fresh air, sunshine, and privacy have[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 31. December 2018

Is ‘Climate-Positive’ Design Possible?

Advocates say we could design city buildings and neighborhoods that cancel out more carbon than they emit, with the right policies and mindset. Cities are crucial to fighting climate change.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 31. December 2018

Dutch Designers Create a New Vertical Village for the Netherlands

A team of Dutch design studios have won the competition for a new high-rise development next to the Leidsche Rijn station in Utrecht. Architekten Cie, Karres en Brands, KCAP and Geurst & Schulze joined together to create[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. December 2018

Siemens to use Expo 2020 Dubai as a Test Bed for Smart Cities

Tech giant Siemens is to partner with World Expo 2020 Dubai in rolling out a major smart building project, encompassing 130 structures in a digital platform to control energy efficiency, comfort, safety, and security. As reported[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. December 2018

Moscow Launches New Smart City District as a Living Lab

The government of Moscow has begun developing an existing district in the city to test nearly 30 new ‘smart’ technologies for urban development. Home to over 8,000 people, the district is testing[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. December 2018

Norway’s Energy-Positive Building Spree Is Here

Oslo’s Powerhouse collective wants buildings that make better cities in the face of climate change. The European Union has a target of making all new buildings zero-energy by 2020, but[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. November 2018

4 Projects That Show Mass Timber is the Future of American Cities

As architects face up to the need for ethical, sustainable design in the age of climate change awareness, timber architecture is making a comeback in a new, technologically impressive way. Largely overlooked in[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. November 2018

The Tallest Timber Tower in Australia Opens in Brisbane

Australia’s largest engineered timber commercial building has opened in Brisbane, designed by Bates Smart. At 10 stories, and 45 meters in height, the “25 King” open plan office complex is the tallest timber structure in Australia, and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. November 2018

Could Future Cities be Crypto Cities? A Nevada Desert Experiment May Give an Answer

In a world increasingly obsessed with the potential of Blockchain (the decentralized technology behind Bitcoin), lawyer and cryptocurrency millionaire Jeffrey Berns has purchased an enormous 67,000-acre plot of the Nevada desert near Reno envisioned[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. November 2018

The world's best new building is a remote school in the Brazilian rainforest made out of wood and mud-brick

A remote school complex in Brazil has just been awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) International Prize for the world’s best new building. The building was designed by[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. November 2018

The Internet of Things is changing how commercial buildings operate — here's where the technology is going

The Internet of Things is helping to make commercial buildings more energy efficient. One solution is doing so by monitoring usage carefully —where, when, and how much. 5G will make[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Enerģētika, 02. November 2018

Iecavas 'Vizulo' – ražotne, kur top gaismekļi Brīvības piemineklim un Kurševelas kūrortam

Iecavas SIA “Vizulo” ražo iekštelpu un ārtelpu gaismekļus, uzņēmuma inženieri izstrādā jaunus gaismekļus, veic dažādus pētījumus. Ar tā gaismekļiem ir izgaismota “Porsche” ēka Nīderlandē, Māstrihtā, Brīvības piemineklis Rīgā, tie ir izmantoti Francijā, Kurševelas[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 13. October 2018

Reimagining Cities in the Face of Climate Change and Migration

Migration as a result of changing climate has already begun. And while this poses enormous challenges for governments – particularly at a global moment that seems indisposed towards immigration and[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 13. October 2018

3 Mass Timber Structures That Take Wood To New Heights

One of architecture’s most exciting contemporary frontiers. Architects: Find the perfect materials for your next project through Architizer. Manufacturers: Sign up now to learn how you can get seen by the world’s top[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. October 2018

Can Future Cities be Timber Cities? Google’s Sidewalk Labs Asks the Experts

Steel and concrete facades have dominated contemporary cityscapes for generations, but as pressures from climate change pose new challenges for design and construction industries, some firms are turning to mass[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. October 2018

How to Turn a Car Town into a Cycling City

Lessons from the Dutch, where the number of bikes exceeds the number of people. DITOR’S NOTE: The following is excerpted from “Building the Cycling City,” by Melissa and Chris Brunlett,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 12. October 2018

At the Smart Columbus Experience Center, a glimpse into a city's future

The center enables visitors to try out electric vehicles and learn more about upcoming innovations such as autonomous vehicles and kiosks. COLUMBUS, OH — “A city that stays the same[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. September 2018

As we discuss big solutions to climate change, don’t forget people-friendly streets

By 2050, if even just 7% more trips were made by bike and foot, we could avoid around 5 gigatons of carbon emissions. It’s simple, but effective. The day after[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. September 2018

How residential IoT can help shape a smart city

Once homes and living communities are more connected, they can plug in to larger smart city programs — though we still have a long way to go. The internet of[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. September 2018

Amazon reportedly planning 3,000 cashier-less Go stores by 2021

An aggressive expansion of one of Amazon’s boldest brick-and-mortar ideas Amazon plans to open as many as 3,000 of its cashier-less Amazon Go convenience stores by the year 2021, according[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 06. September 2018

Why Did America Give Up on Mass Transit? (Don't Blame Cars.)

Streetcar, bus, and metro systems have been ignoring one lesson for 100 years: Service drives demand. One hundred years ago, the United States had a public transportation system that was[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 22. August 2018

Viesi no Ukrainas iepazīstas ar salaspiliešu pieredzi ēku atjaunošanā

Piektdien Salaspilī viesojās viesi no Ukrainas, lai iepazītos ar mūsu pieredzi daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamo ēku atjaunošanā. Daļa delegācijas pārstāvju savā valstī strādā ANO Attīstības programmā, kas vairāk fokusējas uz ēku, īpaši[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Jaunumi, 22. August 2018

'Vizulo' iegūst lielu eksporta pasūtījumu un izgaismos Budapeštas ielas

LED gaismekļu ražotājs “Vizulo” ierindojies starp uzvarētājiem Ungārijas pašvaldības izsludinātā iepirkumā, kā rezultātā Budapeštā līdz 2019. gada maijam plānots nomainīt un uzstādīt 2500 jaunus uzņēmuma ražotus gaismekļus, portālu “Delfi” informēja[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 14. August 2018

Cities are Avoiding Hosting the Olympics. They Shouldn’t.

The apple of every athlete’s eye, the Olympic Games direct the gaze of the world onto one host city every two years, showcasing the best that sport has to offer across both[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 14. August 2018

How to Bring Construction into the Future

When it comes to building a bridge, what prevents it from having the most enduring and sustainable life span? What is its worst enemy? The answer is, simply, the bridge[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 14. August 2018


AT THIS POINT, it seems like every so-called consumer smart device—from routers and baby monitors to connected thermostats and garage door openers—has been shown to have vulnerabilities. But that same security crisis has also played out on a macro[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. August 2018

See the Climatorium, Denmark’s big bet on tackling climate change

Denmark is turning climate change solutions into a business opportunity. While Trump insists on building walls, reviving dead industries like coal mining, and just doing everything possible to ignore and worsen climate change[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 01. July 2018

China is building one of the world's tallest skyscrapers — take a look

In China, construction has begun on Shimao Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Centre, which could become the world’s second largest skyscraper. At 2,191 feet tall, it will surpass the Shanghai Tower. The[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 01. July 2018

These will be the world's biggest cities in 2030

With over 37 million residents, Greater Tokyo is the most populous metro area in the world today. Urban growth is not unique to Japan. By 2030, the United Nations predicts[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 01. July 2018

New York’s latest millennial co-living space has 'smart mattresses,' housekeeping, and fully-furnished rooms for $1,500 per month

Roomrs rents fully furnished apartments to students and young professionals in New York City. The apartments, which cost an average of $1,500 per month, come with utilities, housekeeping, and WiFi.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 01. June 2018

Can Silicon Valley Disrupt How We Build?

Flush with venture capital, the startup Katerra wants to revolutionize the construction industry. But as history shows, it’s harder than it looks. From the end of the Second World War[...]
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Pilsētvide, 30. May 2018

The War on Cars, Norwegian Edition

Oslo is still planning to go car-free by 2019, thanks to an ambitious network of bike lanes. But old habits do die hard. Øyvind Aas didn’t look like one of[...]
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Pilsētvide, 30. May 2018

How Bad for the Planet Are Your Building Materials?

The infographic highlights the high impact of manufacturing metals like steel and aluminum. Find green building materials for your next project through Architizer’s new community marketplace for building-products. Manufacturers: Check out the[...]
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Pilsētvide, 30. May 2018

Smart Roads Could Soon Call An Ambulance, Connect You to the Internet

Exciting sci-fi vision of the future, or highway to hell? Smart phones, smart fridges, smart cities — everything is increasingly connected to everything else. The internet-of-things revolution has brought new[...]
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Pilsētvide, 30. May 2018

As “Smart Cities” Come Into Focus, California Laws Seek To Limit Surveillance Technology

Oakland is the latest city to give surveillance tech more oversight. Streetlights that can monitor your every move. Crosswalks that shame you if you jaywalk. Artificially intelligent CCTV systems that can catch criminals in the[...]
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Pilsētvide, 30. May 2018

Why Private Access to Public Assets Will Decide the Fate of Smart Cities

Tech experts knew it was a long time coming: The interest in smart homes gave way to a desire for smart cities, and the U.S. is running into smart city[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 27. April 2018

The Global Housing Crisis

Scarce, unaffordable housing is not a local problem in a few places, but is baked into the 21st-century global city. It’s time for cities, nations, and global leaders to start[...]
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Pilsētvide, 27. April 2018

These Are The 20 Most Livable Cities in the World in 2018

Despite economic volatility in Europe due to uncertainty around Brexit as well as increased political volatility in the region overall, many of its cities still offer the world’s highest quality[...]
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Pilsētvide, 27. April 2018

Copenhagen Mastermind Jan Gehl Isn't Sold on 'Smart' Cities

Architect and planner Jan Gehl looks back on how he helped transform Copenhagen into one of the world’s most livable cities and talks about how people can reclaim the streets.[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

The 21 cities with the best quality of life in the world

Every year Mercer, one of the world’s largest HR consultancy firms, releases its Quality of Living Index, which looks at which cities provide the best quality of life. The ranking[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

7 Emerging Materials That Will Change Architecture

In a time that is so buzzing with technological development, the material prospects for architecture are truly fascinating. Find innovative materials for your next project through Architizer’s new community marketplace for[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Passivhaus 101 — Passive House Definition, Explanation, & Examples

You’ve probably heard the phrase Passivhaus (which is German for “passive house”), and you have perhaps wondered what it meant exactly. So, what does the phrase actually refer to? Passivhaus/Passive[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Sustainable Proposal Envisions Krakow's New Science Center as a Tiered Garden

OVO Grąbczewscy Architekci’s stacked garden-like proposal has been awarded third place in a competition for the new Małopolska Science Center in Krakow, Poland. The competition brief asked for the design of an innovative cultural institution with an iconic architectural[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Selected in Competition for Redevelopment of Riga Historic Quarter

Danish firm Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects has been selected to design the redevelopment of Kimmel Quarter, a historic district in the heart of the Latvian capital of Riga, after an international competition. The 19th-century Kimmel Brewery complex, now mostly[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Futuristic Illustrations Show What Architecture and Construction Will Look Like in 2030

In a world where technology is at the forefront of our lives, it’s hard to imagine that many of the jobs that are available now did not exist 10 years ago; uber[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

The Sharing Economy Needs to Be Better Partners With Cities

Most municipalities have abandoned their efforts to resist the Ubers and Airbnbs of the world. But there’s a lot both sides can do to heal the rift. In the course[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Paris Plans a Suburban Forest Five Times the Size of Central Park

A green lung in the city’s northeastern suburbs. With its car bans, huge transit expansion, and radical pedestrianization plans, Paris has been developing quite a name for itself recently as an aggressive fighter[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and the Changing Role of Building Managers

A follow-up to the question: Will increasing automation destroy jobs in facilities management? Building automation systems have been common for decades, providing comfort and achieving energy efficiency by managing HVAC,[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

National governments neglecting development needs of cities: report

Only one quarter of the world’s governments have urban development policies and most are not enough to make cities sustainable National governments around the world are neglecting the needs of[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

The Future of Housing: Drones, Automation and Co-Habitation

Humphreys and Partners, a Dallas-based architecture firm, presented a vision of future residential living at the 2018 International Builders’ Show earlier this year. Tackling current issues of affordable housing, sustainable design and how technology is changing the[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

How to Design Cities for Children

A billion kids are now growing up in urban areas. But not all cities are planned with their needs in mind. There’s a device called the Mosquito that emits an annoying sound[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Urban Farming Is the Future of Agriculture

Surplus and Scarcity The planet is growing more food than ever, and yet millions of people continue to starve worldwide. People are hungry everywhere — in the country, in the suburbs. But increasingly, one[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

How Drones Can Be Used in Architecture (And How To Use Them Without Breaking the Law)

Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly called drones, are gaining in popularity not only among the general public and consumers, but also among professionals working in the AEC industry. We’ve[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Massive Urban Growth Will Challenge Smart City Design

The World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi this week presented with some dizzying facts and figures that highlighted the challenge facing those who plan and build the smart cities of today and the[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

The state of smart city development in 7 charts

The hype around smart cities is significant and growing. As evidenced by consumer-facing exhibits like those found at CES 2018, terms such as “5G,” “autonomous vehicles” and “blockchain” have garnered[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Störmer Murphy and Partners Will Design Germany’s First Wooden High-Rise

Germany’s first wooden high-rise, the “Wildspitze,” is being designed by Störmer Murphy and Partners. At 18 stories and 64 meters high, this residential tower will be one of Europe’s largest urban development projects. Located in Elbbrücken, a peninsula[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

8 remarkable skyscrapers and mega-projects that will debut in American cities in 2018

Across the United States, cities are in the middle of a construction boom. And several projects are nearly complete — from a skyscraper dubbed the “Jenga Tower” in Austin, Texas[...]
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Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

Life At Sea? Six Futuristic Homes That Will Protect You From Climate Change

Flooding, drought, hurricanes, wildfires — extreme weather events, once infrequent, are becoming more common and powerful due to climate change. At the same time, growing numbers of people worldwide are moving[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 07. April 2018

How Manufacturers Can Unite With Architects to Create Healthier Buildings

LTL Architects designed a new healthy home for the Helen R. Walton Children’s Enrichment Center. One of the most important ways architects can ensure the longevity and sustainability of a[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. April 2018

From planning to partnerships: What's driving smart city initiatives around the world

While there is growing global interest in smart city applications, there are also significant challenges in scaling implementation and impact. Building on the success of its annual Energy Efficiency Indicator[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. April 2018

Norway Plans a Sustainable “City of the Future”

IN BRIEF Oslo could soon be home to the most sustainable city in the world. This prospective city next to Oslo Airport will utilize green technologies and produce all of[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. April 2018

Can London Become a People-Centric Smart City?

“That’s no easy step—it involves investment in human beings, not just systems,” says the city’s newly-appointed chief digital officer. In his speech at the South By Southwest festival in Austin, London Mayor[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. April 2018

Why building a dynamic smart city requires an equally-dynamic network

Apple CEO, Tim Cook, said it best during a commencement address at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) last year when he proclaimed science and technology are worthless, if they aren’t[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. March 2018

This egg-shaped capsule is actually a smart, self-sustaining home

Slovak studio NICE&WISE just launched the production of Ecocapsule, a portable, wind and solar-powered pod that can be transferred almost anywhere in the world and be used like a pop-up hotel room. Each[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. March 2018

Modular Eco-Housing Pushing Boundaries With Cardboard

Designed and developed by Fiction Factory, a company of creative makers from Amsterdam, Wikkelhouse loosely translates to ‘wrapped house.’ This sustainable modular house is uniquely created with cardboardas its main building material and is customizable[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. March 2018

Density's Next Frontier: The Suburbs

According to a new study, the continuing low density of inner suburbs is a major cause of the housing crisis—and a potential solution. In a recent survey, America’s mayors named housing,[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. March 2018

Here’s How Much Money Green Design Could Save Cities

It’s no secret that green design features like living roofs, reflective pavements and urban tree cover are good for public health. But they’re also good for cities’ bottom lines — especially as climate change exacerbates[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. February 2018

Panasonic is building a 'smart city' in Colorado with high-tech highways, autonomous vehicles, and free WiFi

The electronics company Panasonic is building “smart city” infrastructure in a remote area near the Denver airport. The project, called CityNow, is laying the groundwork for high-tech highways and autonomous[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. February 2018

CES 2018: Making Smart Cities Responsive

During the Smart Cities: Thriving in the Future track at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show, public- and private-sector officials said municipalities may be shifting their focus in smart city efforts[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. February 2018

Ford and Autonomic are building a smart city cloud platform

Ford  and Silicon Valley-based Autonomic will work together to build a new open platform upon which cities can build out infrastructure communications, including connected traffic lights and parking spots, called the[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. February 2018

Bosch is using cameras, streetlights, and sensors to make cities more livable

Living in a big city comes with a long list of advantages and an equally long catalog of disadvantages. Gridlock, pollution, and the never-ending search for a parking spot are[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. January 2018

Tree Skyscrapers and Underwater Restaurants: See the Most Futuristic Designs of the Year

IN BRIEF Human landscapes are ever-changing. In 2017, the most remarkable building designs hinted at a newfound peaceful relationship with nature and proposed solutions for overcrowded mega cities.
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. January 2018

Visionary Master Plan Wins Smart City Prize At World Architecture Festival

Due to rapid population and economic growth, Indonesia is facing issues such as land subsidence and rising sea levels. To combat these problems and more, SHAU Architects created a master plan for the Jakarta[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. January 2018

Smart City Pioneers: Where Are They Now?

Smart city projects in Atlanta, Chicago and Kansas City, Mo., were early efforts at the Internet of Things, analytics and other connected tech. Here’s what they’re up to today.
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Pilsētvide, 02. January 2018

San Diego to Cover Half the City with Intelligent Streetlights

San Diego launches an ambitious $30 million smart city project to outfit 3,200 streetlights with sensors.
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 02. December 2017

Paris Mayor Wants to Build Car-Free Density Over the Seine River

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo is becoming famous for her outside-the-box strategies in battling climate change. Her administration made headlines earlier this month for an initiative installing sparking water fountains throughout the city[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. December 2017

Sea-Green Solar Glass Covers 25,000-Square-Meter School In Denmark — 12,000 Solar Panels

Sea Green is possibly the most soothing calm color of the entire color spectrum. Imagine how wonderful it must be to be encompassed and surrounded by 1,200 sea green solar[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. December 2017

HOK's Mercedes-Benz Stadium Will Be the First LEED Platinum-Certified Pro Sports Stadium in the US

HOK’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium is officially the first LEED Platinum certified professional sports stadium in the United States. The new home to the NFL’s Atlanta Falcons boasts the highest sports venue LEED score at 88 total points. There[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. December 2017

Planned Community On Boston South Shore Will Be Laboratory For Sustainable Cities

Sustainable cities are a hot topic among government leaders and policymakers worldwide. Cities everywhere are struggling with exploding populations as more and more people move to urban settings. The United[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. December 2017

New Bronx passive house rental will debut in 2018

The highly energy-efficient building will hold 10 apartments The Queens-based development firm Propco Holdings has jumped on the passive house bandwagon. The firm just announced plans for a new ground-up passive[...]
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Pilsētvide, 02. December 2017

Amid tech enthusiasm, we may miss an opportunity to humanize smart cities

Watching the enthusiasm around Bill Gates’ plans to invest $80 million to build a smart city on the outskirts of Phoenix, I couldn’t help but wonder: Is the way we’re talking about[...]
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 18. May 2017

Office envy: are these the world's most sustainable workplaces? – in pictures

From treadmill desks and foam flushing toilets to solar powered offices and apps allowing employees to control temperature and light – a selection of the world’s most sustainable workplaces
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Pilsētvide, 18. May 2017

Dutch companies pioneer 'healing office' to cut staff sick days

In the Netherlands, one in 17 people suffers from burnout. A state of the art office in Amsterdam promises to keep staff happy, healthy and productive
Lasīt vairāk
Pilsētvide, 16. May 2017

Buildings that inspire category: award winner and runners up

Nottingham Trent University’s Pavilion building is designed to generate more energy than it consumes – it also provides vital space for collaborative study
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Pilsētvide, 16. May 2017

Newcastle: a 'living lab' to test driverless cars, parking sensors and lockout laws

Twenty years after BHP left town, one of the largest cities in New South Wales has reinvented itself as a smart city and a home for innovation
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